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CC3Node(PODAnimation) Category Reference

#import <CC3PODResource.h>

Instance Methods

(GLuint) - addAnimationFromPODFile:
(void) - addAnimationFromPODFile:asTrack:

Detailed Description

Extension category to provide support for POD animation.

Method Documentation

- (GLuint) addAnimationFromPODFile: (NSString *)  podFilePath

Adds the animation contained in the specified POD file to this node and all its descendants.

The animation is added in a new track, whose ID is returned from this method.

If the specified POD file has already been loaded, it is retrieved from the resource cache. If the POD file has not been loaded, it will be loaded and placed in the resource cache.

Extends class CC3Node.

- (void) addAnimationFromPODFile: (NSString *)  podFilePath
asTrack: (GLuint)  trackID 

Adds the animation contained in the specified POD file to this node and all its descendants.

The animation is added as the specified track.

If the specified POD file has already been loaded, it is retrieved from the resource cache. If the POD file has not been loaded, it will be loaded and placed in the resource cache.

Extends class CC3Node.

The documentation for this category was generated from the following file: