Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345678910]
oCCC3AngularVectorSpecifies a vector using angular coordinate axes
oCCC3AttenuationCoefficientsThe constant, linear, and quadratic coefficients of the attenuation function equation: (a + b*r + c*r*r), where r is the radial distance between a the source (light or camera) and the 3D location at which we want to calculate attenuation
oCCC3BarycentricWeightsDefines the barycentric weights of the three vertices of a triangle, in the same order as the vertices in a CC3Face
oCCC3Billboard(ShadowVolumes)Extension category to support shadow volumes
oCCC3BitmapCharDefBitmap information for a single character
oCCC3BitmapCharDefHashElementDictionary hash of the character definitions
oCCC3BitmapFontPaddingPadding info for a font
oCCC3BoxDefines an axially-aligned-box or bounding-box (AABB), describing a 3D volume by specifying the minimum and maximum 3D corners
oCCC3ColoredVertexDefines a simple vertex, containing location and color
oCCC3FaceDefines a triangular face of the mesh, comprised of three vertices, stored in winding order
oCCC3FaceIndicesDefines a triangular face of the mesh, comprised of three vertex indices, each a GLuint, stored in winding order
oCCC3FaceNeighboursFor each edge in a face, contains an index to the adjacent face, or kCC3FaceNoNeighbour if the face has no neighbour over that edge
oCCC3Identifiable(PVRPOD)Extensions to CC3Identifiable to support PVR POD data
oCCC3IntPointAn integer 2D point
oCCC3IntSizeAn integer 2D size
oCCC3IntVectorAn integer 3D vector
oCCC3IntVector4An integer 4D vector
oCCC3KerningHashElementDictionary hash of the kerning info between two characters
oCCC3LitColoredVertexDefines a simple vertex, containing location, normal and color
oCCC3Material(PFXEffects)Extension to support PFX effects
oCCC3Matrix3x3A structure representing a 3x3 matrix, with data stored in column-major order
oCCC3Matrix4x3A structure representing a 4x3 matrix, with data stored in column-major order
oCCC3Matrix4x4A structure representing a 4x4 matrix, with data stored in column-major order
oCCC3Mesh(BitmapLabel)CC3MeshNode extension to support bitmapped labels
oCCC3Mesh(ParametricShapes)This CC3Mesh extension adds a number of methods for populating the mesh of a mesh programatically to create various parametric shapes and surfaces
oCCC3Mesh(PVRPOD)Extensions to CC3Mesh to support PVR POD data
oCCC3MeshIntersectionRepresents a point of intersection on the mesh
oCCC3MeshNode(BitmapLabel)CC3MeshNode extension to support bitmapped labels
oCCC3MeshNode(ParametricShapes)This CC3MeshNode extension adds a number of methods for populating the mesh of a mesh node programatically to create various parametric shapes and surfaces
oCCC3MeshNode(PVRPOD)Extensions to CC3MeshNode to support PVR POD data
oCCC3MeshNode(Skinning)CC3MeshNode extension to define polymorphic methods to support vertex skinning
oCCC3Node(Animation)Extension category to add animation capabilities
oCCC3Node(CAFAnimation)Extension category to provide support for CAF animation
oCCC3Node(CC3MeshNode)CC3Node category extension to support CC3MeshNodes
oCCC3Node(CC3NodesResource)Extension category to provide support for adding animation in a resource to existing nodes
oCCC3Node(PFXEffects)Extension to support PFX effects
oCCC3Node(PODAnimation)Extension category to provide support for POD animation
oCCC3Node(PVRPOD)Extensions to CC3Node to support PVR POD data
oCCC3Node(PVRPODRez)This category extends CC3Node to add convenience methods for loading POD content directly into the CC3Node instance, adding the extracted and configured nodes as child nodes to the CC3Node
oCCC3Node(Scene)Extension to support scenes
oCCC3Node(ShadowVolumes)Extension category to support shadow volumes
oCCC3Node(Skinning)CC3Node extension to support ancestors and descendants that make use of vertex skinning
oC<CC3ParticleProtocol>The protocol required for particles emitted by this emitter
oC<CC3ParticleProtocol>CC3ParticleProtocol represents a single particle emitted by a CC3ParticleEmitter particle emitter
oCCC3PlaneThe coefficients of the equation for a plane in 3D space (ax + by + cz + d = 0)
oCCC3RayDefines a ray or line in 3D space, by specifying a starting location and direction
oCCC3Shader(PFXEffects)Extension to support PFX effects
oCCC3ShaderSemanticsByVarName(DefaultMappings)This extension to CC3ShaderSemanticsByVarName establishes a Cocos3D default mappings between variable names and semantics
oCCC3SphereDefines a sphere
oCCC3TexturedVertexDefines a simple vertex, containing location, normal, and texture coordinate data
oCCC3VectorA vector in 3D space
oCCC3Vector4A 4D vector, such as a homogeneous vector in 4D graphics matrix space, or a quaternion
oCCC3VertexArray(PVRPOD)Extensions to CC3VertexArray to support PVR POD data
oCCC3VertexAttrGL state tracking for vertex attributes
oCCC3VertexTextureCoordinates(PVRPOD)Extensions to CC3VertexTextureCoordinates to support PVR POD data
oCCC3ViewportA rectangle defining a GL viewport
oCCCAction(CC3)Extension category to support Cocos3D functionality
oCCCActionInterval(CC3)Extension category to support Cocos3D functionality
oCCCDirector(CC3)Extension category to support Cocos3D functionality
oCCCDirector(NonIOS)Extension category to add stubs for iOS functionality in non-iOS environment
oCCCDirectorDisplayLink(CC3)Extension category to support Cocos3D functionality
oCCCFileUtils(CC3)Extension category to support Cocos3D functionality
oCCCGLView(CC3)Extension to support Cocos3D functionality
oCCCLayer(CC3)Extension category to support Cocos3D functionality
oCCCNode(CC3)Extension category to support Cocos3D functionality
oCCCNode(CC3Billboard)CCNode extension to support embedding 2D CCNodes in the 3D scene
oCCCNode(NonIOS)Extension category to add stubs for iOS functionality in non-iOS environment
oCCCTexture(CC3)Extension category to support Cocos3D functionality
oCCCTextureCache(CC3)Extension category to support Cocos3D functionality
oC<ControlledCCNodeProtocol>Deprecated and unused
oCNSBundle(CC3)Extension category to support Cocos3D functionality
oCNSRunLoop(CC3)Extension category to support Cocos3D functionality
oCNSString(CC3)Extension category to support Cocos3D functionality
\CNSThread(CC3)Extension category to support Cocos3D functionality