CC3AngularVector | Specifies a vector using angular coordinate axes |
CC3AttenuationCoefficients | The constant, linear, and quadratic coefficients of the attenuation function equation: (a + b*r + c*r*r), where r is the radial distance between a the source (light or camera) and the 3D location at which we want to calculate attenuation |
CC3BarycentricWeights | Defines the barycentric weights of the three vertices of a triangle, in the same order as the vertices in a CC3Face |
CC3Billboard(ShadowVolumes) | Extension category to support shadow volumes |
CC3BitmapCharDef | Bitmap information for a single character |
CC3BitmapCharDefHashElement | Dictionary hash of the character definitions |
CC3BitmapFontPadding | Padding info for a font |
CC3Box | Defines an axially-aligned-box or bounding-box (AABB), describing a 3D volume by specifying the minimum and maximum 3D corners |
CC3ColoredVertex | Defines a simple vertex, containing location and color |
CC3Face | Defines a triangular face of the mesh, comprised of three vertices, stored in winding order |
CC3FaceIndices | Defines a triangular face of the mesh, comprised of three vertex indices, each a GLuint, stored in winding order |
CC3FaceNeighbours | For each edge in a face, contains an index to the adjacent face, or kCC3FaceNoNeighbour if the face has no neighbour over that edge |
CC3Identifiable(PVRPOD) | Extensions to CC3Identifiable to support PVR POD data |
<CC3IdentifiableCC3Object> | |
<CC3OpenGLDelegate> | This protocol specifies methods that will be invoked by certain asynchronous operations performed by instances of CC3OpenGL |
CC3IntPoint | An integer 2D point |
CC3IntSize | An integer 2D size |
CC3IntVector | An integer 3D vector |
CC3IntVector4 | An integer 4D vector |
CC3KerningHashElement | Dictionary hash of the kerning info between two characters |
CC3LitColoredVertex | Defines a simple vertex, containing location, normal and color |
CC3Material(PFXEffects) | Extension to support PFX effects |
CC3Matrix3x3 | A structure representing a 3x3 matrix, with data stored in column-major order |
CC3Matrix4x3 | A structure representing a 4x3 matrix, with data stored in column-major order |
CC3Matrix4x4 | A structure representing a 4x4 matrix, with data stored in column-major order |
CC3Mesh(BitmapLabel) | CC3MeshNode extension to support bitmapped labels |
CC3Mesh(ParametricShapes) | This CC3Mesh extension adds a number of methods for populating the mesh of a mesh programatically to create various parametric shapes and surfaces |
CC3Mesh(PVRPOD) | Extensions to CC3Mesh to support PVR POD data |
CC3MeshIntersection | Represents a point of intersection on the mesh |
CC3MeshNode(BitmapLabel) | CC3MeshNode extension to support bitmapped labels |
CC3MeshNode(DeprecatedParametricShapes) | |
CC3MeshNode(ParametricShapes) | This CC3MeshNode extension adds a number of methods for populating the mesh of a mesh node programatically to create various parametric shapes and surfaces |
CC3MeshNode(PVRPOD) | Extensions to CC3MeshNode to support PVR POD data |
CC3MeshNode(Skinning) | CC3MeshNode extension to define polymorphic methods to support vertex skinning |
CC3Node(Animation) | Extension category to add animation capabilities |
CC3Node(Billboards) | |
CC3Node(CAFAnimation) | Extension category to provide support for CAF animation |
CC3Node(Camera) | |
CC3Node(CC3Light) | |
CC3Node(CC3MeshNode) | CC3Node category extension to support CC3MeshNodes |
CC3Node(CC3NodesResource) | Extension category to provide support for adding animation in a resource to existing nodes |
CC3Node(CC3TargettingNode) | |
CC3Node(EnvironmentNodes) | |
CC3Node(PFXEffects) | Extension to support PFX effects |
CC3Node(PODAnimation) | Extension category to provide support for POD animation |
CC3Node(PVRPOD) | Extensions to CC3Node to support PVR POD data |
CC3Node(PVRPODRez) | This category extends CC3Node to add convenience methods for loading POD content directly into the CC3Node instance, adding the extracted and configured nodes as child nodes to the CC3Node |
CC3Node(Scene) | Extension to support scenes |
CC3Node(ShadowVolumes) | Extension category to support shadow volumes |
CC3Node(Skinning) | CC3Node extension to support ancestors and descendants that make use of vertex skinning |
<CC3NodeCC3NodeTransformListenerProtocol> | |
<CC3ShadowProtocol> | The behaviour required by objects that represent shadows cast by a light |
CC3ShadowVolumeMeshNode | The mesh node used to build a shadow volume |
CC3StencilledShadowPainterNode | The mesh node used to paint the shadows cast by shadow volumes |
<CC3ParticleNavigatorCC3ParticleProtocol> | |
<CC3UniformlyMovingParticleProtocol> | CC3UniformlyMovingParticleProtocol is a particle that moves in a straight line in a single direction at a steady speed |
<CC3SprayParticleProtocol> | CC3SprayParticleProtocol combines the CC3UniformlyMovingParticleProtocol and CC3MortalParticleProtocol protocols, and represents a particle that moves in a straight line at a steady speed and has a finite life, as if a particle sprayed from a nozzle |
CC3SprayMeshParticle | CC3SprayMeshParticle is a type of CC3MortalMeshParticle that implements the CC3SprayParticleProtocol to configure the particle to move in a straight line at a steady speed |
CC3UniformlyEvolvingMeshParticle | CC3UniformlyEvolvingMeshParticle is a CC3SprayMeshParticle whose rotation and color can also be configured to evolve as defined by the CC3UniformlyRotatingParticleProtocol and CC3UniformlyFadingParticleProtocol protocols |
CC3SprayPointParticle | CC3SprayPointParticle is a type of CC3MortalPointParticle that implements the CC3SprayParticleProtocol to configure the particle to move in a straight line at a steady speed |
CC3UniformlyEvolvingPointParticle | CC3UniformlyEvolvingPointParticle is a type of CC3SprayPointParticle that implements the CC3UniformlyGrowingPointParticleProtocol and CC3UniformlyFadingParticleProtocol protocols to configure steadily changing color and size that vary linearly from an intitial color and size to a final color and size |
CC3UniformEvolutionParticle | Deprecated and renamed to CC3UniformlyEvolvingPointParticle |
CC3VariegatedPointParticle | CC3VariegatedPointParticle is the type of particle emitted by a CC3VariegatedPointParticleHoseEmitter |
CC3UniformMotionParticle | Deprecated and renamed to CC3SprayPointParticle |
<CC3ParticleProtocol> | The protocol required for particles emitted by this emitter |
<CC3ParticleProtocol> | CC3ParticleProtocol represents a single particle emitted by a CC3ParticleEmitter particle emitter |
<CC3CommonVertexArrayParticleProtocol> | CC3CommonVertexArrayParticleProtocol defines the requirements for particles that are emitted and managed by the CC3CommonVertexArrayParticleEmitter class |
<CC3MeshParticleProtocol> | CC3MeshParticleProtocol defines the requirements for mesh particles that are emitted and managed by the CC3MeshParticleEmitter class |
CC3MeshParticle | CC3MeshParticle is a standard base implementation of the CC3MeshParticleProtocol |
CC3ScalableMeshParticle | CC3ScalableMeshParticle is a type of CC3MeshParticle that can be scaled |
CC3MortalMeshParticle | CC3MortalMeshParticle is a mesh particle implementation of the CC3MortalParticleProtocol, as a particle that has a finite life |
CC3SprayMeshParticle | CC3SprayMeshParticle is a type of CC3MortalMeshParticle that implements the CC3SprayParticleProtocol to configure the particle to move in a straight line at a steady speed |
<CC3PointParticleProtocol> | CC3PointParticleProtocol defines the requirements for point particles that are emitted and managed by the CC3PointParticleEmitter class |
CC3PointParticle | CC3PointParticle is a standard base implementation of the CC3PointParticleProtocol |
CC3MortalPointParticle | CC3MortalPointParticle is a point particle implementation of the CC3MortalParticleProtocol that has a finite life |
CC3SprayPointParticle | CC3SprayPointParticle is a type of CC3MortalPointParticle that implements the CC3SprayParticleProtocol to configure the particle to move in a straight line at a steady speed |
<CC3MortalParticleProtocol> | CC3MortalParticleProtocol extends CC3ParticleProtocol to allow a particle to be configured with a finite life |
CC3MortalMeshParticle | CC3MortalMeshParticle is a mesh particle implementation of the CC3MortalParticleProtocol, as a particle that has a finite life |
CC3MortalPointParticle | CC3MortalPointParticle is a point particle implementation of the CC3MortalParticleProtocol that has a finite life |
<CC3SprayParticleProtocol> | CC3SprayParticleProtocol combines the CC3UniformlyMovingParticleProtocol and CC3MortalParticleProtocol protocols, and represents a particle that moves in a straight line at a steady speed and has a finite life, as if a particle sprayed from a nozzle |
<CC3VariegatedPointParticleProtocol> | CC3VariegatedPointParticleProtocol is used by the CC3VariegatedPointParticleHoseEmitter, and combines the CC3UniformlyGrowingPointParticleProtocol and CC3UniformlyFadingParticleProtocol protocols, and is a particle that steadily changes size and color |
CC3VariegatedPointParticle | CC3VariegatedPointParticle is the type of particle emitted by a CC3VariegatedPointParticleHoseEmitter |
CC3ParticleBase | CC3ParticleBase is a convenience class that forms a base implementation of the CC3ParticleProtocol protocol |
CC3MeshParticle | CC3MeshParticle is a standard base implementation of the CC3MeshParticleProtocol |
CC3PointParticle | CC3PointParticle is a standard base implementation of the CC3PointParticleProtocol |
<CC3UniformlyFadingParticleProtocol> | CC3UniformlyFadingParticleProtocol defines behaviour required for particles that can fade uniformly from one color to another, or one level of opacity to another |
<CC3VariegatedPointParticleProtocol> | CC3VariegatedPointParticleProtocol is used by the CC3VariegatedPointParticleHoseEmitter, and combines the CC3UniformlyGrowingPointParticleProtocol and CC3UniformlyFadingParticleProtocol protocols, and is a particle that steadily changes size and color |
<CC3UniformlyRotatingParticleProtocol> | CC3UniformlyRotatingParticleProtocol defines behaviour required for particles that are configured to rotate at a constant rate |
CC3Plane | The coefficients of the equation for a plane in 3D space (ax + by + cz + d = 0) |
CC3Ray | Defines a ray or line in 3D space, by specifying a starting location and direction |
CC3Shader(PFXEffects) | Extension to support PFX effects |
CC3ShaderSemanticsByVarName(DefaultMappings) | This extension to CC3ShaderSemanticsByVarName establishes a Cocos3D default mappings between variable names and semantics |
CC3Sphere | Defines a sphere |
<CC3SprayPointParticleCC3PointParticleProtocol> | |
<CC3UniformlyGrowingPointParticleProtocol> | CC3UniformlyGrowingPointParticleProtocol defines behaviour required for point particles whose size grows or shrinks at a steady rate |
CC3TexturedVertex | Defines a simple vertex, containing location, normal, and texture coordinate data |
<CC3UniformlyEvolvingPointParticleCC3UniformlyGrowingPointParticleProtocol> | |
<CC3VariegatedPointParticleProtocol> | CC3VariegatedPointParticleProtocol is used by the CC3VariegatedPointParticleHoseEmitter, and combines the CC3UniformlyGrowingPointParticleProtocol and CC3UniformlyFadingParticleProtocol protocols, and is a particle that steadily changes size and color |
CC3VCSuperclass | |
CC3ViewController | An instance of CC3ViewController manages the CCGLView to support the 3D environment |
CC3Vector | A vector in 3D space |
CC3Vector4 | A 4D vector, such as a homogeneous vector in 4D graphics matrix space, or a quaternion |
CC3VertexArray(PVRPOD) | Extensions to CC3VertexArray to support PVR POD data |
CC3VertexAttr | GL state tracking for vertex attributes |
CC3VertexTextureCoordinates(PVRPOD) | Extensions to CC3VertexTextureCoordinates to support PVR POD data |
CC3Viewport | A rectangle defining a GL viewport |
CCAction(CC3) | Extension category to support Cocos3D functionality |
CCActionEase | |
CC3ActionRangeLimit | A CC3ActionRangeLimit holds another action, and serves to modify the normal zero-to-one range of update values to a smaller range that is presented to the contained action |
CCActionInstant | |
CC3ActionAnimationBlendingSetTrackTo | CC3ActionAnimationBlendingSetTrackTo immediately sets the animation blending weight of an animation track in the target CC3Node to a specified value |
CC3ActionDisableAnimationTrack | CC3DisableAnimation immediately disables a specified animation track on the target node and all of its descendants |
CC3ActionEnableAnimationTrack | CC3EnableAnimation immediately enables a specified animation track on the target node and all of its descendants |
CC3ActionRemove | CC3ActionRemove immediately removes a CC3Node from the scene, by invoking the remove method of the CC3Node |
CCActionInterval | |
CC3ActionAnimate | CC3ActionAnimate animates a single track of animation on a CC3Node and its descendants |
CC3ActionAnimationBlendingFadeTrackTo | CC3ActionAnimationBlendingFadeTrackTo fades the animation blending weight of an animation track in the target CC3Node from its current value to an end value |
CC3ActionAnimationCrossFade | CC3ActionAnimationCrossFade fades smoothly from one animation track to another |
CC3ActionCCNodeSizeTo | Animates a change to the contentSize of a CCNode |
CC3ActionMoveDirectionallyBy | CC3ActionMoveDirectionallyBy is an abstract subclass of CCActionInterval that is the parent of subclasses that move a target CC3Node by a specific translation distance in a direction relative to the orientation of the node |
CC3ActionMoveForwardBy | CC3ActionMoveForwardBy moves a target CC3Node forward by a specific distance |
CC3ActionMoveRightBy | CC3ActionMoveRightBy moves a target CC3Node to the right by a specific distance |
CC3ActionMoveUpBy | CC3ActionMoveUpBy moves a target CC3Node up by a specific distance |
CC3ActionRotateByAngle | CC3ActionRotateByAngle rotates a target CC3Node by a specific amount, by repeatedly invoking the rotateByAngle:aroundAxis: method on the target node as the action runs |
CC3ActionRotateToAngle | CC3ActionRotateToAngle rotates a target CC3Node to a specific rotationAngle |
CC3ActionTintTo | CC3ActionTintTo changes the color of a target CC3Node to a particular color |
CC3ActionTintAmbientTo | CC3ActionTintAmbientTo changes only the ambientColor property of the target CC3Node |
CC3ActionTintDiffuseTo | CC3ActionTintDiffuseTo changes only the diffuseColor property of the target CC3Node |
CC3ActionTintEmissionTo | CC3ActionTintEmissionTo changes only the emissionColor property of the target CC3Node |
CC3ActionTintSpecularTo | CC3ActionTintSpecularTo changes only the specularColor property of the target CC3Node |
CC3ActionTransformVector | CC3ActionTransformVector is an abstract subclass of CCActionInterval that is the parent of subclasses that transform a vector component of a target CC3Node (such as the location, rotation, or scale) by some amount, or to some value over time |
CC3ActionTransformBy | CC3ActionTransformBy is an abstract subclass of CC3ActionTransformVector that is the parent of subclasses that transform the location, rotation, or scale of a target CC3Node by some amount in some way |
CC3ActionMoveBy | CC3ActionMoveBy moves a target CC3Node by a specific translation amount |
CC3ActionRotateBy | CC3ActionRotateBy rotates a target CC3Node by a specific rotation amount |
CC3ActionScaleBy | CC3ActionScaleBy scales a target CC3Node by a specific scale factor |
CC3ActionTransformTo | CC3ActionTransformTo is an abstract subclass of CC3ActionTransformVector that is the parent of subclasses that transform the location, rotation, or scale of a target CC3Node to some end value in some way |
CC3ActionMoveTo | CC3ActionMoveTo moves a target CC3Node to a specific location |
CC3ActionRotateTo | CC3ActionRotateTo rotates a target CC3Node to a specific orientation |
CC3ActionRotateToLookTowards | CC3ActionRotateToLookTowards rotates a target CC3Node to look towards a specific direction |
CC3ActionRotateToLookAt | CC3ActionRotateToLookAt rotates a target CC3Node to look at a specific location |
CC3ActionScaleTo | CC3ActionScaleTo scales a target CC3Node to a specific scale |
CCActionInterval(CC3) | Extension category to support Cocos3D functionality |
CCActionRepeatForever | |
CC3ActionRotateForever | CC3ActionRotateForever rotates a target CC3Node by a specific rotation rate per second, without stopping |
CC3ActionRotateOnAxisForever | CC3ActionRotateOnAxisForever rotates a target CC3Node around a specific axis, at a specific rotation rate per second, without stopping |
<CCBlendProtocol> | |
CC3Material | CC3Material manages information about a material that is used to cover one or more meshes |
CC3PODMaterial | A CC3Material whose content originates from POD resource data |
CC3Node | CC3Node and its subclasses form the basis of all 3D artifacts in the 3D scene, including visible meshes, structures, cameras, lights, resources, and the 3D scene itself |
CC3Bone | CC3Bone is the building block of skeletons that control the deformation of a skin mesh |
CC3PODBone | A CC3Bone extracted from a POD file |
CC3CALNode | A CC3CALNode extracted from a file |
CC3Camera | CC3Camera represents the camera viewing the 3D scene |
CC3PODCamera | A CC3Camera whose content originates from POD resource data |
CC3EnvironmentNode | CC3EnvironmentNode is an abstract superclass of a family of node classes that hold a texture that can be used as an environment map by other nodes |
CC3LightProbe | CC3LightProbe is a type of light that uses a texture to define the light intensity in any direction at the light's location |
CC3Light | CC3Light represents the light in the 3D scene |
CC3PODLight | A CC3Light whose content originates from POD resource data |
CC3LightTracker | Deprecated and functionality moved to CC3Node class |
CC3LocalContentNode | CC3LocalContentNode is an abstract class that forms the basis for nodes that have local content to draw |
CC3MeshNode | A CC3Node that draws a 3D mesh |
CC3Billboard | This CC3Node displays a 2D Cocos2D CCNode as part of the 3D scene |
CC3NodeDescriptor | CC3NodeDescriptor is a type of CC3Billboard specialized for attaching a descriptive text label to another node |
CC3ParticleSystemBillboard | A CC3Billboard node customized to display and manage a Cocos2D 2D CCParticleSystem |
CC3BitmapLabelNode | CC3BitmapLabelNode displays a rectangular mesh displaying the text of a specified string, built from bitmap character images taken from a texture atlas as defined by a bitmpped font configuration loaded from a font configuration file |
CC3BoundingVolumeDisplayNode | CC3BoundingVolumeDisplayNode is a type of CC3MeshNode specialized for displaying the bounding volume of its parent node |
CC3BoxNode | CC3BoxNode is a type of CC3MeshNode that is specialized to display simple box or cube meshes |
CC3TouchBox | CC3TouchBox is a specialized node that creates an invisible box mesh that can be used to define a 3D region for touch activity |
CC3ClipSpaceNode | CC3ClipSpaceNode simplifies the creation of a simple rectangular node that can be used in the clip-space of the view in order to cover the view with a rectangular image |
CC3Backdrop | CC3Backdrop represents a simple full-view static backdrop that is rendered in clip-space |
CC3StencilledShadowPainterNode | The mesh node used to paint the shadows cast by shadow volumes |
CC3Fog | CC3Fog is a mesh node that can render fog in the 3D scene |
CC3LineNode | CC3LineNode is a type of CC3MeshNode that is specialized to display lines |
CC3SimpleLineNode | CC3SimpleLineNode simplifies the creation of a simple two-point straight line |
CC3WireframeBoundingBoxNode | CC3WireframeBoundingBoxNode is a type of CC3LineNode specialized for drawing a wireframe bounding box around another node |
CC3DirectionMarkerNode | CC3DirectionMarkerNode is a type of CC3LineNode specialized for drawing a line from the origin of its parent node to a point outside the bounding box of the parent node, in a particular direction |
CC3WireframeLocalContentBoundingBoxNode | CC3WireframeLocalContentBoundingBoxNode is a CC3WireframeBoundingBoxNode that further specializes in drawing a bounding box around the local content of another node with local content |
CC3ParticleEmitter | A CC3MeshNode that emits 3D particles |
CC3CommonVertexArrayParticleEmitter | A CC3CommonVertexArrayParticleEmitter maintains the vertices of all particles in common vertex arrays |
CC3MeshParticleEmitter | CC3MeshParticleEmitter emits particles that conform to the CC3MeshParticleProtocol protocol |
CC3MultiTemplateMeshParticleEmitter | CC3MultiTemplateMeshParticleEmitter is a type of CC3MeshParticleEmitter that supports multiple particle template meshes, one of which can be selected and assigned to each particle as it is emitted |
CC3PointParticleEmitter | CC3PointParticleEmitter emits particles that conform to the CC3PointParticleProtocol protocol |
CC3MortalPointParticleEmitterDeprecated | |
CC3MortalPointParticleEmitter | |
CC3PointParticleHoseEmitterDeprecated | |
CC3PointParticleHoseEmitter | Deprecated |
CC3VariegatedPointParticleHoseEmitter | CC3VariegatedPointParticleHoseEmitter is a type of CC3PointParticleEmitter whose particles can have a color and size that evolves during the lifetime of the particle |
CC3PlaneNode | CC3PlaneNode is a type of CC3MeshNode that is specialized to display planes and simple rectanglular meshes |
CC3PODMeshNode | A CC3MeshNode whose content originates from POD resource data |
CC3ShadowVolumeMeshNode | The mesh node used to build a shadow volume |
CC3SkinMeshNode | CC3SkinMeshNode is a CC3MeshNode specialized to use vertex skinning to draw the contents of its mesh |
CC3PODSkinMeshNode | A CC3SkinMeshNode extracted from a POD file |
CC3SphereNode | CC3SphereNode is a type of CC3MeshNode that is specialized to display a simple sphere mesh |
CC3PODNode | A CC3Node extracted from a POD file |
CC3ResourceNode | A CC3ResourceNode is a CC3Node that that can be populated from a CC3NodesResource, and forms the root of the node structural assembly loaded from a resource file |
CC3PODResourceNode | A CC3ResourceNode that can be loaded from a PVR POD resource file |
CC3Scene | CC3Scene is a CC3Node that manages a 3D scene |
CC3World | |
CC3SoftBodyNode | CC3SoftBodyNode is the primary structural component for a soft-body object that uses vertex skinning to manipulate and draw mesh vertices |
CC3TargettingNode | Deprecated and functionality moved to CC3Node class |
CCDirector(CC3) | Extension category to support Cocos3D functionality |
CCDirector(NonIOS) | Extension category to add stubs for iOS functionality in non-iOS environment |
CCDirectorDisplayLink(CC3) | Extension category to support Cocos3D functionality |
CCFileUtils(CC3) | Extension category to support Cocos3D functionality |
CCGLView | |
CC3GLView | |
CCGLView(CC3) | Extension to support Cocos3D functionality |
CCLayer(CC3) | Extension category to support Cocos3D functionality |
CCNode | |
CCLayer | |
CC3Layer | CC3Layer is a Cocos2D CCLayer that supports full 3D rendering in combination with normal Cocos2D 2D rendering |
CCNode(CC3) | Extension category to support Cocos3D functionality |
CCNode(CC3Billboard) | CCNode extension to support embedding 2D CCNodes in the 3D scene |
CCNode(NonIOS) | Extension category to add stubs for iOS functionality in non-iOS environment |
CCScheduler(CC3) | |
CCTexture | |
CC3Texture2DContent | A CCTexture subclass used by the CC3Texture class cluster during the loading of a 2D texture, and when extracting a CCTexture from the CC3Texture ccTexture property |
CCTexture(CC3) | Extension category to support Cocos3D functionality |
CCTextureCache(CC3) | Extension category to support Cocos3D functionality |
<ControlledCCNodeProtocol> | Deprecated and unused |
NSBundle(CC3) | Extension category to support Cocos3D functionality |
<NSCopying> | |
CC3ActionAnimate | CC3ActionAnimate animates a single track of animation on a CC3Node and its descendants |
CC3ActionAnimationBlendingFadeTrackTo | CC3ActionAnimationBlendingFadeTrackTo fades the animation blending weight of an animation track in the target CC3Node from its current value to an end value |
CC3ActionAnimationCrossFade | CC3ActionAnimationCrossFade fades smoothly from one animation track to another |
CC3ActionMoveDirectionallyBy | CC3ActionMoveDirectionallyBy is an abstract subclass of CCActionInterval that is the parent of subclasses that move a target CC3Node by a specific translation distance in a direction relative to the orientation of the node |
CC3ActionRotateByAngle | CC3ActionRotateByAngle rotates a target CC3Node by a specific amount, by repeatedly invoking the rotateByAngle:aroundAxis: method on the target node as the action runs |
CC3ActionRotateToAngle | CC3ActionRotateToAngle rotates a target CC3Node to a specific rotationAngle |
CC3ActionTintTo | CC3ActionTintTo changes the color of a target CC3Node to a particular color |
CC3ActionTransformVector | CC3ActionTransformVector is an abstract subclass of CCActionInterval that is the parent of subclasses that transform a vector component of a target CC3Node (such as the location, rotation, or scale) by some amount, or to some value over time |
CC3BoundingVolume | Bounding volumes define a volume of space |
CC3Frustum | Represents a camera's frustum |
CC3LightCameraBridgeVolume | A bounding volume that encloses a volume between a light and all or part of the frustum of the camera |
CC3CameraShadowVolume | A bounding volume that encloses a pyramidal volume between the view plane (near clipping plane) of the camera, and a light |
CC3ShadowCastingVolume | A bounding volume that encloses a volume that includes the camera frustum plus the space between the camera frustum and a light |
CC3NodeBoundingVolume | CC3NodeBoundingVolumes are used by CC3Nodes to determine whether a node intersets another bounding volume, including the camera's frustum, or to determine boundaries for collision detection during physics simulation |
CC3NodeBoundingArea | A bounding volume that defines a 2D bounding area for a node, and checks that bounding area against a given 2D bounding box, which is typically the bounding box of the CC3Layer |
CC3BillboardBoundingBoxArea | A CC3NodeBoundingArea, used exclusively with CC3Billboards, that uses the billboardBoundingRect property of the CC3Billboard as the bounding area, and checks the bounding area against a given bounding box (typically from the CC3Layer), using the doesIntersectBounds: method |
CC3NodeBoxBoundingVolume | A bounding volume that forms an axially aligned bounding box (AABB) around the node, in the node's local coordinate system |
CC3NodeBoundingBoxVolume | Deprecated |
CC3VertexLocationsBoundingBoxVolume | Deprecated |
CC3NodeCenterOfGeometryBoundingVolume | CC3NodeCenterOfGeometryBoundingVolume is simply a single point at the node's center of geometry |
CC3VertexLocationsBoundingVolume | Deprecated |
CC3NodeInfiniteBoundingVolume | A bounding volume that forms a volume of infinite size |
CC3NodeNullBoundingVolume | A bounding volume that forms a volume of zero size and location |
CC3NodeSphereThenBoxBoundingVolume | CC3NodeSphereThenBoxBoundingVolume is a CC3NodeBoundingVolume that contains a CC3NodeSphericalBoundingVolume and a CC3NodeBoxBoundingVolume |
CC3NodeSphericalBoundingVolume | A bounding volume that forms a sphere around a single point |
CC3VertexLocationsSphericalBoundingVolume | Deprecated |
CC3NodeTighteningBoundingVolumeSequence | A composite bounding volume that contains other bounding volumes |
CC3GLMatrixDeprecated | Deprecated and replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes |
CC3GLMatrix | Deprecated and replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes |
CC3GLSLVariable | Represents a variable used in a GLSL shader program |
CC3GLSLAttribute | Represents an attribute variable used in a GLSL shader program |
CC3GLSLUniform | Represents a uniform variable used in a GLSL shader program |
CC3GLSLUniformOverride | Instances of this class are held in the CC3ShaderContext to allow the value of a uniform to be set directly by the application, on a node-by-node basis, to override the value retrieved automatically from the scene via the semantic context of the uniform variable |
CC3Identifiable | This is a base subclass for any class that uses tags or names to identify individual instances |
CC3FaceArray | CC3FaceArray holds additional cached calculated information about mesh faces, such as the centers, normals, planes and neighbours of each face |
CC3DeformedFaceArray | CC3DeformedFaceArray extends CC3FaceArray to hold the deformed positions of each vertex |
CC3GLFramebuffer | Represents an OpenGL framebuffer |
CC3GLRenderbuffer | Represents an OpenGL renderbuffer |
CC3Material | CC3Material manages information about a material that is used to cover one or more meshes |
CC3Mesh | A CC3Mesh holds the 3D mesh for a CC3MeshNode |
CC3MeshModel | |
CC3PODMesh | A CC3Mesh whose content originates from POD resource data |
CC3PointParticleMesh | Deprecated |
CC3VertexArrayMesh | Deprecated |
CC3VertexArrayMeshModel | Deprecated |
CC3Node | CC3Node and its subclasses form the basis of all 3D artifacts in the 3D scene, including visible meshes, structures, cameras, lights, resources, and the 3D scene itself |
CC3OpenGL | CC3OpenGL manages the OpenGL or OpenGL ES state for a single GL context |
CC3OpenGLFixedPipeline | CC3OpenGLFixedPipeline manages the OpenGLES 1.1 state for a single GL context |
CC3Resource | CC3Resource is an abstract wrapper class around content loaded from a file containing 3D resource content |
CC3NodesResource | CC3NodesResource is a wrapper class around a resource structure loaded from a data file containing 3D resources |
CC3CAFResource | CC3CAFResource is a CC3NodesResource that loads animated node from a Cal3D-compatible CAF file |
CC3CSFResource | CC3CSFResource is a CC3NodesResource that loads a node hierarchy from a Cal3D-compatible CSF file |
CC3PODResource | CC3PODResource is a CC3NodesResource that wraps a PVR POD data structure loaded from a file |
CC3PFXResource | CC3PFXResource is a CC3Resource that wraps a PVR PFX data structure loaded from a file |
CC3Shader | CC3Shader represents an OpenGL shader, compiled from GLSL source code |
CC3FragmentShader | A CC3Shader used as a fragment shader within a shader program |
CC3VertexShader | A CC3Shader used as a vertex shader within a shader program |
CC3ShaderPrewarmer | Utility class that pre-warms shader programs by using them to render a small mesh node to an off-screen surface |
CC3ShaderProgram | CC3ShaderProgram represents an OpenGL shader program, containing one vertex shader and one fragment shader, each compiled from GLSL source code |
CC3ShaderSourceCode | A CC3ShaderSourceCode instance contains shader source code |
CC3ShaderSourceCodeGroup | A member of the CC3ShaderSourceCode class cluster that contains instances of CC3ShaderSource class-cluster subclasses, assembled into a source code tree |
CC3ShaderSourceCodeLines | A member of the CC3ShaderSourceCode class cluster that contains source code as a collection of individual source code lines |
CC3ShaderSourceCodeString | A member of the CC3ShaderSourceCode class cluster that contains a single string of source code |
CC3SurfaceSection | CC3SurfaceSection is a surface that is a section of another underlying base surface |
CC3Texture | The root class of a class cluster representing textures |
CC3PVRTexture | The representation of a PVR texture that has been loaded into the GL engine |
CC3Texture2D | The representation of a 2D texture loaded into the GL engine |
CC3TextureCube | The representation of a 3D cube-map texture loaded into the GL engine |
CC3EnvironmentMapTexture | A texture that supports an environment map created by rendering the scene from the node's perspective in all six axis directions |
CC3TextureUnitTexture | CC3TextureUnitTexture is a specialized CC3Texture subclass that actually wraps another texture instance and combines it with an instance of a texture unit to define additional environmental configuration information about the use of the texture in multi-texturing under fixed-pipeline rendering used by OpenGL ES 1.1 on iOS, or OpenGL on OSX without shaders |
CC3VertexArray | CC3VertexArray manages the content associated with an aspect of a vertex |
CC3DrawableVertexArray | This abstract subclass of CC3VertexArray adds the functionality to draw the vertex content to the display through the GL engine |
CC3VertexIndices | A CC3VertexArray that manages the drawing indices of an array of vertices |
CC3VertexLocations | A CC3VertexArray that manages the location aspect of an array of vertices |
CC3VertexBoneIndices | A CC3VertexArray that manages a collection of bone indices for each vertex |
CC3VertexBoneWeights | A CC3VertexArray that manages a collection of bone weights for each vertex |
CC3VertexColors | A CC3VertexArray that manages the per-vertex color aspect of an array of vertices |
CC3VertexNormals | A CC3VertexArray that manages the normal aspect of an array of vertices |
CC3VertexPointSizes | A CC3VertexArray that manages the point sizes aspect of an array of point sprite vertices |
CC3VertexTangents | A CC3VertexArray that manages the tangent or bitangent aspect of an array of vertices |
CC3VertexTextureCoordinates | A CC3VertexArray that manages the texture coordinates aspect of an array of vertices |
CC3Matrix | CC3Matrix is the abstract base class for a mathematical matrix |
CC3AffineMatrix | CC3AffineMatrix is a 4x3 matrix that can represent affine transforms such as rotation, scaling, reflection, shearing, and translation |
CC3LinearMatrix | CC3LinearMatrix is a 3x3 matrix that can represent 3D linear transforms such as rotation, scaling, reflection and shearing |
CC3ProjectionMatrix | CC3ProjectionMatrix is a 4x4 matrix that can represent many non-linear 3D transforms, including perspective projection and orthographic projection |
CC3NodeEvaluator | A CC3NodeEvaluator performs some type of accept/reject evaluation on a CC3Node instance |
CC3LocalContentNodeEvaluator | A type of CC3NodeEvaluator that specializes in evaluating only CC3Nodes with local content |
CC3LocalContentNodeAcceptor | A type of CC3LocalContentNodeEvaluator that accepts all nodes with local content, and rejects all other nodes |
CC3OpaqueNodeAcceptor | A type of CC3LocalContentNodeEvaluator that accepts only opaque nodes |
CC3TranslucentNodeAcceptor | A type of CC3LocalContentNodeEvaluator that accepts only translucent nodes |
CC3NodeAcceptor | A type of CC3NodeEvaluator that accepts all nodes by always returning YES from the evaluate: method |
CC3NodeRejector | A type of CC3NodeEvaluator that rejects all nodes by always returning NO from the evaluate: method |
CC3NodeSequencer | A CC3NodeSequencer instance organizes nodes that are added to it |
CC3BTreeNodeSequencer | An CC3BTreeNodeSequencer is a type of CC3NodeSequencer that separates nodes into a B-tree structure of child sequencers |
CC3NodeArraySequencer | An CC3NodeArraySequencer is a type of CC3NodeSequencer that arranges nodes into an array, and orders the nodes in the array by some criteria |
CC3MeshNodeArraySequencer | An CC3MeshNodeArraySequencer is a type of CC3NodeArraySequencer that only accepts mesh nodes, in addition to whatever other evaluation criteria is set by the evaluator property |
CC3MeshNodeArraySequencerGroupMeshes | An CC3MeshNodeArraySequencerGroupTextures is a type of CC3MeshNodeArraySequencer that groups together nodes that are using the same mesh |
CC3MeshNodeArraySequencerGroupTextures | An CC3MeshNodeArraySequencerGroupTextures is a type of CC3MeshNodeArraySequencer that groups together nodes that are using the same texture |
CC3NodeArrayZOrderSequencer | An CC3NodeArrayZOrderSequencer is a type of CC3NodeArraySequencer that sorts the contained nodes by their Z-order, which is a combination of the explicit Z-order property of each node, and a measure of the distance from the camera to the globalCenterOfGravity of the node's bounding volume |
CC3ParticleBase | CC3ParticleBase is a convenience class that forms a base implementation of the CC3ParticleProtocol protocol |
CC3ParticleNavigator | A particle navigator is assigned to a single particle emitter, and is responsible for configuring the life cycle and emission path of the particle on behalf of the emitter |
CC3RandomMortalParticleNavigator | CC3RandomMortalParticleNavigator confgures the lifeSpan property of particles that conform to the CC3MortalParticleProtocol |
CC3HoseParticleNavigator | CC3HoseParticleNavigator confgures particles that support the CC3SprayParticleProtocol to be emitted in a stream, as if from the nozzle of a hose |
CC3PerformanceStatistics | Collects statistics about the updating and drawing performance of the 3D scene |
CC3PerformanceStatisticsHistogram | Collects statistics about the updating and drawing performance of the 3D scene, including a histogram for each of the raw updateRate and frameRate properties |
CC3Rotator | CC3otator encapsulates the various mechanisms of rotating a node, and converts between them |
CC3MutableRotator | CC3MutableRotator encapsulates the various mechanisms for specifiying rotation, and converts between them |
CC3DirectionalRotator | CC3DirectionalRotator is a subclass of CC3MutableRotator that adds the ability to set rotation based on directional information |
CC3ReverseDirectionalRotator | Deprecated and functionality moved to CC3DirectionalRotator |
CC3TargettingRotator | CC3TargettingRotator is a subclass of CC3DirectionalRotator that can automatically track the location of another node, or a specific location in 3D space |
CC3ShaderContext | CC3ShaderContext holds a CC3ShaderProgram for a particular use, such as a by a particular node |
CC3SkinSection | A CC3SkinSection defines a section of the skin mesh, and contains a collection of bones from the skeleton that influence the locations of the vertices in that section |
CC3PODSkinSection | A CC3SkinSection extracted from a POD file |
CC3TextureUnit | In fixed rendering pipeline (without shaders), CC3TextureUnit is used by certain classes in the CC3Texture class-cluster to configure the GL texture environment to which the texture is being applied |
CC3BumpMapTextureUnit | A texture unit configured for DOT3 bump-mapping |
CC3ConfigurableTextureUnit | A texture unit that provides complete flexibility in defining the way the texture will be combined with the output of previous texture units |
<NSLocking> | |
CC3Cache | Instances of CC3Cache hold cachable objects, which are stored and retrieved by name |
CC3NodeTransformListeners | Manages a collection of transform listeners on behalf of a CC3Node |
NSObject | |
CC3Backgrounder | CC3Backgrounder performs activity on a background thread by submitting tasks to a Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) queue |
CC3BitmapFontConfiguration | Extends CC3BitmapFontConfiguration to support Cocos3D functionality |
CC3BoundingVolume | Bounding volumes define a volume of space |
CC3Cache | Instances of CC3Cache hold cachable objects, which are stored and retrieved by name |
CC3DataArray | CC3DataArray manages data as an array of structure elements |
CC3DataReader | CC3DataReader sequentially reads data from the bytes managed by a NSData object |
CC3GLMatrixDeprecated | Deprecated and replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes |
CC3GLSLVariable | Represents a variable used in a GLSL shader program |
CC3GLSLVariableConfiguration | A CC3GLSLVariableConfiguration carries information for configuring a single CC3GLSLVariable |
CC3PFXGLSLVariableConfiguration | A CC3PFXGLSLVariableConfiguration that includes a semantic name retrieved from a PFX effect |
CC3Identifiable | This is a base subclass for any class that uses tags or names to identify individual instances |
CC3Matrix | CC3Matrix is the abstract base class for a mathematical matrix |
CC3ModelSampleFactory | CC3ModelSampleFactory is a convenience utility for creating sample 3D models for experimentation |
CC3NodeAnimation | A CC3NodeAnimation manages the animation of a node |
CC3ArrayNodeAnimation | A concrete CC3NodeAnimation that holds animation data in simple arrays |
CC3FrozenNodeAnimation | A concrete CC3NodeAnimation that holds animation a single, frozen animation frame |
CC3NodeAnimationSegment | A CC3NodeAnimationSegment plays a segment of the animation data contained within another CC3NodeAnimation |
CC3PODNodeAnimation | POD files can contain information to animate the nodes |
CC3NodeAnimationState | CC3NodeAnimationState holds the state associated with the animation of a single node on a single track |
CC3NodeEvaluator | A CC3NodeEvaluator performs some type of accept/reject evaluation on a CC3Node instance |
CC3NodePuncture | Helper class for CC3NodePuncturingVisitor that tracks a node and the location of its puncture |
CC3NodeSequencer | A CC3NodeSequencer instance organizes nodes that are added to it |
CC3NodeSequencerVisitor | This visitor is used to visit CC3NodeSequencers to perform operations on nodes within the sequencers |
CC3NodeTransformListeners | Manages a collection of transform listeners on behalf of a CC3Node |
CC3NodeVisitor | A CC3NodeVisitor is a context object that is passed to a node when it is visited during a traversal of the node hierarchy |
CC3NodeBoundingBoxVisitor | |
CC3NodeDrawingVisitor | CC3NodeDrawingVisitor is a CC3NodeVisitor that is passed to a node when it is visited during drawing operations |
CC3NodePickingVisitor | CC3NodePickingVisitor is a CC3NodeDrawingVisitor that is passed to a node when it is visited during node picking operations using color-buffer based picking |
CC3ShadowDrawingVisitor | CC3ShadowDrawingVisitor is a CC3NodeDrawingVisitor that is passed to a shadow node for drawing shadows |
CC3NodePuncturingVisitor | CC3NodePuncturingVisitor is a CC3NodeVisitor that is used to collect nodes that are punctured (intersected) by a global ray |
CC3NodeTransformingVisitor | |
CC3NodeUpdatingVisitor | CC3NodeUpdatingVisitor is a CC3NodeVisitor that is passed to a node when it is visited during updating and transforming operations |
CC3SkeletonRestPoseBindingVisitor | |
CC3ParticleBase | CC3ParticleBase is a convenience class that forms a base implementation of the CC3ParticleProtocol protocol |
CC3ParticleNavigator | A particle navigator is assigned to a single particle emitter, and is responsible for configuring the life cycle and emission path of the particle on behalf of the emitter |
CC3PerformanceStatistics | Collects statistics about the updating and drawing performance of the 3D scene |
CC3PFXEffect | CC3PFXEffect represents a single effect within a PFX resource file |
CC3PFXEffectTexture | CC3PFXEffectTexture is a simple object that links a texture with a particular texture unit |
CC3PVRTextureContent | A helper class used by the CC3PVRTexture class cluster during the loading of a texture from a PVR file using the PowerVR library |
CC3Rotator | CC3otator encapsulates the various mechanisms of rotating a node, and converts between them |
CC3ShaderContext | CC3ShaderContext holds a CC3ShaderProgram for a particular use, such as a by a particular node |
CC3ShaderMatcherBase | CC3ShaderMatcherBase is a basic implementation of the CC3ShaderMatcher protocol |
CC3ShaderSemanticsBase | CC3ShaderSemanticsBase is an abstract implementation of the CC3ShaderSemanticsDelegate protocol, that retrieves common uniform values from the scene based on those semantics |
CC3ShaderSemanticsByVarName | CC3ShaderSemanticsByVarName extends CC3ShaderSemanticsBase to add the assignment of semantics to uniform and attribute variables based on matching specific variable names within the GLSL source code |
CC3PFXShaderSemantics | CC3PFXShaderSemantics provides a mapping from the PFX semantic names declared in a PFX effect within a PFX effects file, and the standard semantics from the CC3Semantic enumeration |
CC3PVRShamanShaderSemantics | CC3PVRShamanShaderSemantics provides a mapping from the PVRShaman names declared in a PFX effect within a PFX effects file, and the standard semantics from the CC3Semantic enumeration |
CC3ShaderSourceCodeVisitor | This is an abstract parent of a class hierarchy that is used to visit a source code tree, in order to retrieve information about the source code tree |
CC3ShaderSourceCodeCompilationStringCountVisitor | Visits an assembly of nested CC3ShaderSourceCode instances to determine the number of source code strings that will be submitted to the compiler, in order to compile the source code contained within the assembly of CC3ShaderSourceCode instances |
CC3ShaderSourceCodeCompilationStringVisitor | Visits an assembly of nested CC3ShaderSourceCode instances to populate an array of source code strings to be submitted to the compiler, in order to compile the source code contained within the assembly of CC3ShaderSourceCode instances |
CC3ShaderSourceCodeLineNumberLocalizingVisitor | Visits an assembly of nested CC3ShaderSourceCode instances to determine in which source code group a particular global line number exists |
CC3SkinnedBone | CC3SkinnedBone combines the transforms of a bone and a skin mesh node, and applies these transforms to deform the vertices during rendering, or when the deformed location of a vertex is accessed programmatically |
CC3SkinSection | A CC3SkinSection defines a section of the skin mesh, and contains a collection of bones from the skeleton that influence the locations of the vertices in that section |
CC3STBImage | CC3STBImage represents an image file loaded using the STBImage library |
CC3SurfaceManager | CC3SurfaceManager manages a collection of related resizable surfaces, and ensures that all surfaces are resized together |
CC3SceneDrawingSurfaceManager | Manages the render surfaces that are tied to the size of a CC3Layer |
CC3ViewSurfaceManager | Manages the render surfaces used to render content to the OS view on the screen |
CC3TextureFramebufferAttachment | CC3TextureFramebufferAttachment is a framebuffer attachment that uses a texture as the rendering buffer |
CC3TextureUnit | In fixed rendering pipeline (without shaders), CC3TextureUnit is used by certain classes in the CC3Texture class-cluster to configure the GL texture environment to which the texture is being applied |
CC3TouchedNodePicker | A CC3TouchedNodePicker instance handles picking nodes from touch events in a CC3Scene |
CC3VertexArrayContent | CC3VertexArrayContent contains the vertex content data on behalf of a CC3VertexArray |
CCRenderer | Dummy class for backwards compatibility with Cocos2D 3.x renderer |
CCTouchDispatcher | Added for iOS functionality in non-iOS environment |
<NSObject> | |
<CC3Object> | Extension to support Cocos3D functionality |
<CC3Cacheable> | Defines the behaviour required for an object that can be held in a cache |
CC3Identifiable | This is a base subclass for any class that uses tags or names to identify individual instances |
<CC3NodeListenerProtocol> | This protocol defines the behaviour requirements for objects that wish to be notified about the basic existence of a node |
<CC3NodeTransformListenerProtocol> | This protocol defines the behaviour requirements for objects that wish to be notified whenever the transform of a node has changed |
CC3HoseParticleNavigator | CC3HoseParticleNavigator confgures particles that support the CC3SprayParticleProtocol to be emitted in a stream, as if from the nozzle of a hose |
CC3LightCameraBridgeVolume | A bounding volume that encloses a volume between a light and all or part of the frustum of the camera |
CC3Node | CC3Node and its subclasses form the basis of all 3D artifacts in the 3D scene, including visible meshes, structures, cameras, lights, resources, and the 3D scene itself |
CC3SkinnedBone | CC3SkinnedBone combines the transforms of a bone and a skin mesh node, and applies these transforms to deform the vertices during rendering, or when the deformed location of a vertex is accessed programmatically |
<CC3ParticleProtocol> | The protocol required by this particle navigator on the particles, in order for this navigator to configure the particles |
<CC3RenderSurface> | A CC3RenderSurface is a surface on which rendering or drawing can occur |
CC3GLFramebuffer | Represents an OpenGL framebuffer |
CC3SurfaceSection | CC3SurfaceSection is a surface that is a section of another underlying base surface |
<CC3RenderSurfaceAttachment> | An implementation of CC3RenderSurfaceAttachment can be attached to a CC3RenderSurface to provide a buffer to which drawing can occur |
<CC3FramebufferAttachment> | An implementation of CC3FramebufferAttachment can be attached to a CC3GLFramebuffer to provide a buffer to which drawing can occur |
CC3GLRenderbuffer | Represents an OpenGL renderbuffer |
CC3TextureFramebufferAttachment | CC3TextureFramebufferAttachment is a framebuffer attachment that uses a texture as the rendering buffer |
<CC3ShaderMatcher> | CC3ShaderMatcher describes the behaviour required to match nodes and materials to an appropriate GL program for rendering a particular node |
CC3ShaderMatcherBase | CC3ShaderMatcherBase is a basic implementation of the CC3ShaderMatcher protocol |
<CC3ShaderSemanticsDelegate> | Defines the behaviour required for an object that manages the semantics for a CC3ShaderProgram |
CC3ShaderSemanticsBase | CC3ShaderSemanticsBase is an abstract implementation of the CC3ShaderSemanticsDelegate protocol, that retrieves common uniform values from the scene based on those semantics |
NSObject(CC3) | Extension category to support Cocos3D functionality |
<CCRenderCommand> | Dummy protocol for backwards compatibility with Cocos2D 3.x renderer |
<NSObjectNSObject> | |
<CCRGBAProtocol> | |
CC3Material | CC3Material manages information about a material that is used to cover one or more meshes |
CC3Node | CC3Node and its subclasses form the basis of all 3D artifacts in the 3D scene, including visible meshes, structures, cameras, lights, resources, and the 3D scene itself |
CC3ParticleBase | CC3ParticleBase is a convenience class that forms a base implementation of the CC3ParticleProtocol protocol |
CC3TextureUnit | In fixed rendering pipeline (without shaders), CC3TextureUnit is used by certain classes in the CC3Texture class-cluster to configure the GL texture environment to which the texture is being applied |
NSRunLoop(CC3) | Extension category to support Cocos3D functionality |
NSString(CC3) | Extension category to support Cocos3D functionality |
NSThread(CC3) | Extension category to support Cocos3D functionality |