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CC3ActionRotateToAngle Class Reference

#import <CC3Actions.h>

Inheritance diagram for CC3ActionRotateToAngle:
Inheritance graph

Instance Methods

(id) - initWithDuration:rotateToAngle:

Class Methods

(id) + actionWithDuration:rotateToAngle:

Detailed Description

CC3ActionRotateToAngle rotates a target CC3Node to a specific rotationAngle.

The rotationAngle property rotates the node around the axis set in the rotationAxis property of the node. Make sure that you set the rotationAxis property on the node appropriately prior to running this action.

The rotational travel will be minimized, taking into consideration the cyclical nature of rotation. For exmaple, a rotation from 10 degrees to 350 degrees in any axis should travel -20 degrees, not the +340 degrees that would result from simple subtraction.

Method Documentation

+ (id) actionWithDuration: (CCTime)  t
rotateToAngle: (GLfloat)  anAngle 

Allocates and initializes an autoreleased instance to rotate the target node to the specified rotation angle, within the specified time duration.

- (id) initWithDuration: (CCTime)  t
rotateToAngle: (GLfloat)  anAngle 

Initializes this instance to move the target node to the specified rotation angle, within the specified time duration.

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