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CC3Node(PFXEffects) Category Reference

#import <CC3PFXResource.h>

Instance Methods

(void) - applyEffectNamed:inPFXResourceFile:
(void) - applyEffectNamed:inPFXResourceNamed:

Detailed Description

Extension to support PFX effects.

Method Documentation

- (void) applyEffectNamed: (NSString *)  effectName
inPFXResourceFile: (NSString *)  filePath 

Applies the PFX effect with the specified name, found in the CC3PFXResource loaded from the specfied file, to all descendant mesh nodes.

Sets the shader program to that defined by the retrieved PFX effect, and sets the textures of the material in each mesh node to those defined by the retrieved PFX effect

Raises an assertion error if the PFX resource file could not be loaded, or if that PFX resource does not contain an effect with the specified effect name.

Extends class CC3Node.

- (void) applyEffectNamed: (NSString *)  effectName
inPFXResourceNamed: (NSString *)  rezName 

Applies the PFX effect with the specified name, found in the cached CC3PFXResource with the specifed name, to all descendant mesh nodes.

Sets the shader program to that defined by the retrieved PFX effect, and sets the textures of the material in each mesh node to those defined by the retrieved PFX effect

Raises an assertion error if a PFX resource with the specified name cannot be found in the PFX resource cache, or if that PFX resource does not contain an effect with the specified effect name.

Extends class CC3Node.

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