#import <CC3PFXResource.h>
Instance Methods | |
(CC3PFXEffect *) | - getEffectNamed: |
Instance Methods inherited from CC3Resource | |
(NSString *) | - constructorDescription |
(id) | - initFromFile: |
(id) | - initFromResourceFile: |
(BOOL) | - loadFromFile: |
(BOOL) | - loadFromResourceFile: |
(BOOL) | - processFile: |
(void) | - remove |
(BOOL) | - saveToFile: |
Instance Methods inherited from CC3Identifiable | |
(void) | - __deprecated |
(id) | - copy |
(id) | - copyAsClass: |
(void) | - copyUserDataFrom: |
(id) | - copyWithName: |
(id) | - copyWithName:asClass: |
(id) | - copyWithZone:withName: |
(id) | - copyWithZone:withName:asClass: |
(BOOL) | - deriveNameFrom: |
(BOOL) | - deriveNameFrom:usingSuffix: |
(NSString *) | - fullDescription |
(id) | - init |
(id) | - initAtIndex:fromPODResource: |
(void) | - initUserData |
(id) | - initWithName: |
(id) | - initWithTag: |
(id) | - initWithTag:withName: |
(GLuint) | - nextTag |
(void) | - populateFrom: |
Class Methods | |
(Class) | + defaultSemanticDelegateClass |
(CC3PFXEffect *) | + getEffectNamed:inPFXResourceFile: |
(CC3PFXEffect *) | + getEffectNamed:inPFXResourceNamed: |
(void) | + setDefaultSemanticDelegateClass: |
Class Methods inherited from CC3Resource | |
(void) | + addResource: |
(NSString *) | + cachedResourcesDescription |
(BOOL) | + defaultExpectsVerticallyFlippedTextures |
(CC3Resource *) | + getResourceNamed: |
(BOOL) | + isPreloading |
(void) | + removeAllResources |
(void) | + removeResource: |
(void) | + removeResourceNamed: |
(id) | + resource |
(id) | + resourceFromFile: |
(id) | + resourceFromResourceFile: |
(NSString *) | + resourceNameFromFilePath: |
(void) | + setDefaultExpectsVerticallyFlippedTextures: |
(void) | + setIsPreloading: |
Class Methods inherited from CC3Identifiable | |
(GLint) | + instanceCount |
(void) | + resetTagAllocation |
Properties | |
Class | semanticDelegateClass |
Properties inherited from CC3Resource | |
NSArray *nodes | __deprecated |
BOOL expectsVerticallyFlippedTextures | __deprecated |
NSString * | directory |
BOOL | isBigEndian |
BOOL | wasLoaded |
Properties inherited from CC3Identifiable | |
NSObject *sharedUserData | __deprecated |
NSString * | name |
NSString * | nameSuffix |
GLint | podIndex |
BOOL | shouldIncludeInDeepCopy |
GLuint | tag |
NSObject * | userData |
Properties inherited from <CC3Cacheable> | |
NSString * | name |
CC3PFXResource is a CC3Resource that wraps a PVR PFX data structure loaded from a file.
It handles loading object data from PFX files, and creating content from that data. This class is the cornerstone of PFX file management.
+ (Class) defaultSemanticDelegateClass |
The default class used to instantiate the semantic delegate for the GLSL programs created for the PFX effects defined in instances of this class.
The value of this property determines the initial value of the semanticDelegateClass property of any instances. The returned class must be a subclass of CC3PFXShaderSemantics.
The initial value is the CC3PVRShamanShaderSemantics class.
- (CC3PFXEffect*) getEffectNamed: | (NSString *) | name |
Returns the PFX effect with the specified name, or nil if it doesn't exist.
+ (CC3PFXEffect*) getEffectNamed: | (NSString *) | effectName | |
inPFXResourceFile: | (NSString *) | aFilePath | |
Returns the PFX effect with the specified name, found in the CC3PFXResource loaded from the specfied file.
Returns nil if the PFX resource file could not be loaded, or if that PFX resource does not contain an effect with the specified effect name.
+ (CC3PFXEffect*) getEffectNamed: | (NSString *) | effectName | |
inPFXResourceNamed: | (NSString *) | rezName | |
Returns the PFX effect with the specified name, found in the cached CC3PFXResource with the specifed name.
Returns nil if a PFX resource with the specified name cannot be found in the PFX resource cache, or if that PFX resource does not contain an effect with the specified effect name.
+ (void) setDefaultSemanticDelegateClass: | (Class) | aClass |
The default class used to instantiate the semantic delegate for the GLSL programs created for the PFX effects defined in instances of this class.
The value of this property determines the initial value of the semanticDelegateClass property of any instances. The class must be a subclass of CC3PFXShaderSemantics.
The initial value is the CC3PVRShamanShaderSemantics class.
readwritenonatomicretain |
The class used to instantiate the semantic delegate for the GLSL programs created for the PFX effects defined in this PFX resource.
The returned class must be a subclass of CC3PFXShaderSemantics.
The initial value is set from the class-side defaultSemanticDelegateClass property.