#import <CC3GLMatrix.h>
Properties | |
GLfloat * | glMatrix |
BOOL | isIdentity |
Deprecated and replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
+ (void) copyMatrix: | (const GLfloat *) | srcGLMatrix | |
into: | (GLfloat *) | destGLMatrix | |
- (CC3Vector) extractForwardDirection |
+ (CC3Vector) extractForwardDirectionFrom: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMatrix |
- (CC3Quaternion) extractQuaternion |
+ (CC3Quaternion) extractQuaternionFromMatrix: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMatrix |
- (CC3Vector) extractRightDirection |
+ (CC3Vector) extractRightDirectionFrom: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMatrix |
- (CC3Vector) extractRotation |
+ (CC3Vector) extractRotationFromMatrix: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMatrix |
+ (CC3Vector) extractRotationYXZFromMatrix: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMatrix |
+ (CC3Vector) extractRotationZYXFromMatrix: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMatrix |
- (CC3Vector) extractUpDirection |
+ (CC3Vector) extractUpDirectionFrom: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMatrix |
+ (id) identity |
- (id) init |
- (id) initFromGLMatrix: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMtx |
- (id) initIdentity |
- (id) initOnGLMatrix: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMtx |
- (id) initWithElements: | (GLfloat) | e00 | |
, | ... | ||
- (BOOL) invert |
+ (BOOL) invert: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMatrix |
- (BOOL) invertAffine |
+ (BOOL) invertAffine: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMatrix |
- (void) invertRigid |
+ (void) invertRigid: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMatrix |
+ (void) leftMultiply: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMatrix | |
byMatrix: | (GLfloat *) | anotherGLMatrix | |
- (void) leftMultiplyByMatrix: | (CC3GLMatrixDeprecated *) | aMatrix |
+ (id) matrix |
+ (id) matrixByMultiplying: | (CC3GLMatrixDeprecated *) | m1 | |
by: | (CC3GLMatrixDeprecated *) | m2 | |
+ (id) matrixFromGLMatrix: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMtx |
+ (id) matrixOnGLMatrix: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMtx |
+ (id) matrixWithElements: | (GLfloat) | e00 | |
, | ... | ||
+ (void) multiply: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMatrix | |
byMatrix: | (GLfloat *) | anotherGLMatrix | |
- (void) multiplyByMatrix: | (CC3GLMatrixDeprecated *) | aMatrix |
+ (void) orthonormalizeRotationOf: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMatrix | |
startingWith: | (CC3GLMatrixOrthonormalizationStart) | startVector | |
- (void) orthonormalizeRotationStartingWith: | (CC3GLMatrixOrthonormalizationStart) | startVector |
+ (void) populate: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMatrix | |
fromFrustumLeft: | (GLfloat) | left | |
andRight: | (GLfloat) | right | |
andBottom: | (GLfloat) | bottom | |
andTop: | (GLfloat) | top | |
andNear: | (GLfloat) | near | |
+ (void) populate: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMatrix | |
fromFrustumLeft: | (GLfloat) | left | |
andRight: | (GLfloat) | right | |
andBottom: | (GLfloat) | bottom | |
andTop: | (GLfloat) | top | |
andNear: | (GLfloat) | near | |
andFar: | (GLfloat) | far | |
+ (void) populate: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMatrix | |
fromQuaternion: | (CC3Quaternion) | aQuaternion | |
+ (void) populate: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMatrix | |
fromRotation: | (CC3Vector) | aVector | |
+ (void) populate: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMatrix | |
fromScale: | (CC3Vector) | aVector | |
+ (void) populate: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMatrix | |
fromTranslation: | (CC3Vector) | aVector | |
+ (void) populate: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMatrix | |
toLookAt: | (CC3Vector) | targetLocation | |
withEyeAt: | (CC3Vector) | eyeLocation | |
withUp: | (CC3Vector) | upDirection | |
+ (void) populate: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMatrix | |
toPointTowards: | (CC3Vector) | fwdDirection | |
withUp: | (CC3Vector) | upDirection | |
- (void) populateFrom: | (CC3GLMatrixDeprecated *) | aMtx |
- (void) populateFromFrustumLeft: | (GLfloat) | left | |
andRight: | (GLfloat) | right | |
andBottom: | (GLfloat) | bottom | |
andTop: | (GLfloat) | top | |
andNear: | (GLfloat) | near | |
- (void) populateFromFrustumLeft: | (GLfloat) | left | |
andRight: | (GLfloat) | right | |
andBottom: | (GLfloat) | bottom | |
andTop: | (GLfloat) | top | |
andNear: | (GLfloat) | near | |
andFar: | (GLfloat) | far | |
- (void) populateFromGLMatrix: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMtx |
- (void) populateFromQuaternion: | (CC3Quaternion) | aQuaternion |
- (void) populateFromRotation: | (CC3Vector) | aVector |
- (void) populateFromScale: | (CC3Vector) | aVector |
- (void) populateFromTranslation: | (CC3Vector) | aVector |
- (void) populateIdentity |
+ (void) populateIdentity: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMatrix |
+ (void) populateOrtho: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMatrix | |
fromFrustumLeft: | (GLfloat) | left | |
andRight: | (GLfloat) | right | |
andBottom: | (GLfloat) | bottom | |
andTop: | (GLfloat) | top | |
andNear: | (GLfloat) | near | |
+ (void) populateOrtho: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMatrix | |
fromFrustumLeft: | (GLfloat) | left | |
andRight: | (GLfloat) | right | |
andBottom: | (GLfloat) | bottom | |
andTop: | (GLfloat) | top | |
andNear: | (GLfloat) | near | |
andFar: | (GLfloat) | far | |
- (void) populateOrthoFromFrustumLeft: | (GLfloat) | left | |
andRight: | (GLfloat) | right | |
andBottom: | (GLfloat) | bottom | |
andTop: | (GLfloat) | top | |
andNear: | (GLfloat) | near | |
- (void) populateOrthoFromFrustumLeft: | (GLfloat) | left | |
andRight: | (GLfloat) | right | |
andBottom: | (GLfloat) | bottom | |
andTop: | (GLfloat) | top | |
andNear: | (GLfloat) | near | |
andFar: | (GLfloat) | far | |
- (void) populateToLookAt: | (CC3Vector) | targetLocation | |
withEyeAt: | (CC3Vector) | eyeLocation | |
withUp: | (CC3Vector) | upDirection | |
- (void) populateZero |
+ (void) populateZero: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMatrix |
+ (void) rotate: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMatrix | |
byQuaternion: | (CC3Quaternion) | aQuaternion | |
+ (void) rotate: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMatrix | |
byX: | (GLfloat) | degrees | |
+ (void) rotate: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMatrix | |
byY: | (GLfloat) | degrees | |
+ (void) rotate: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMatrix | |
byZ: | (GLfloat) | degrees | |
- (void) rotateBy: | (CC3Vector) | aVector |
- (void) rotateByQuaternion: | (CC3Quaternion) | aQuaternion |
- (void) rotateByX: | (GLfloat) | degrees |
- (void) rotateByY: | (GLfloat) | degrees |
- (void) rotateByZ: | (GLfloat) | degrees |
+ (void) rotateYXZ: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMatrix | |
by: | (CC3Vector) | aRotation | |
+ (void) rotateZYX: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMatrix | |
by: | (CC3Vector) | aRotation | |
+ (void) scale: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMatrix | |
by: | (CC3Vector) | aVector | |
+ (void) scale: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMatrix | |
byX: | (GLfloat) | scaleFactor | |
+ (void) scale: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMatrix | |
byY: | (GLfloat) | scaleFactor | |
+ (void) scale: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMatrix | |
byZ: | (GLfloat) | scaleFactor | |
+ (void) scale: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMatrix | |
uniformlyBy: | (GLfloat) | scaleFactor | |
- (void) scaleBy: | (CC3Vector) | aVector |
- (void) scaleByX: | (GLfloat) | scaleFactor |
- (void) scaleByY: | (GLfloat) | scaleFactor |
- (void) scaleByZ: | (GLfloat) | scaleFactor |
- (void) scaleUniformlyBy: | (GLfloat) | scaleFactor |
+ (void) transform: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMatrix | |
translateBy: | (CC3Vector) | aTranslation | |
rotateBy: | (CC3Vector) | aRotation | |
scaleBy: | (CC3Vector) | aScale | |
+ (CC3Vector) transformDirection: | (CC3Vector) | aDirection | |
withMatrix: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMatrix | |
- (CC3Vector4) transformHomogeneousVector: | (CC3Vector4) | aVector |
+ (CC3Vector4) transformHomogeneousVector: | (CC3Vector4) | aVector | |
withMatrix: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMatrix | |
+ (CC3Vector) transformLocation: | (CC3Vector) | aLocation | |
withMatrix: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMatrix | |
+ (CC3Ray) transformRay: | (CC3Ray) | aRay | |
withMatrix: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMatrix | |
+ (void) translate: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMatrix | |
by: | (CC3Vector) | aVector | |
+ (void) translate: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMatrix | |
byX: | (GLfloat) | distance | |
+ (void) translate: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMatrix | |
byY: | (GLfloat) | distance | |
+ (void) translate: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMatrix | |
byZ: | (GLfloat) | distance | |
- (void) translateBy: | (CC3Vector) | aVector |
- (void) translateBy: | (CC3Vector) | translationVector | |
rotateBy: | (CC3Vector) | rotationVector | |
scaleBy: | (CC3Vector) | scaleVector | |
- (void) translateByX: | (GLfloat) | distance |
- (void) translateByY: | (GLfloat) | distance |
- (void) translateByZ: | (GLfloat) | distance |
- (void) transpose |
+ (void) transpose: | (GLfloat *) | aGLMatrix |
readwritenonatomicassign |
readnonatomicassign |