Renamed to releaseRedundantContent.
Renamed to moveMeshOriginToCenterOfGeometry.
No longer used. The bounding volume is now created in the same method in CC3MeshNode.
Renamed to updateVertexBoneWeightsGLBuffer.
Renamed to updateVertexBoneIndicesGLBuffer.
Renamed to retainVertexBoneWeights.
Renamed to retainVertexBoneIndices.
Renamed to doNotBufferVertexBoneWeights.
Renamed to doNotBufferVertexBoneIndices.
The material property now performs this functionality lazily.
Renamed to removeLocalShaders.
Renamed to moveMeshOriginToCenterOfGeometry.
Renamed to updateVertexBoneWeightsGLBuffer.
Renamed to updateVertexBoneIndicesGLBuffer.
Renamed to selectShaders.
Renamed to removeShaders.
Renamed to releaseRedundantContent.
Renamed to retainVertexBoneWeights.
Renamed to retainVertexBoneIndices.
Renamed to doNotBufferVertexBoneWeights.
Renamed to doNotBufferVertexBoneIndices.
Renamed to markBoundingVolumeDirty.
No longer needed.
No longer needed.
No longer used. Always returns nil.
Renamed to cleanupActions.
Replaced with asOrientingWrapper.
Replaced with asTrackingWrapper.
Replaced with asCameraTrackingWrapper.
Replaced with asBumpMapLightTrackingWrapper.
Populates this instance with the default Cocos3D mappings between variable names and semantics that are based on uniforms collected together into structures.
Populates this instance with the default Cocos3D mappings initially included with early versions of Cocos3D 2.0.
Populates this instance with the default Cocos3D mappings initially included with early versions of Cocos3D 2.0.
Populates this instance with the default Cocos3D mappings between variable names and semantics that are based on uniforms collected together into structures.
Populates this instance with the default Cocos3D mappings initially included with early versions of Cocos3D 2.0.
Populates this instance with the default Cocos3D mappings initially included with early versions of Cocos3D 2.0.
This functionality has been replaced by the allocatedVertexCapacity property.
Renamed to releaseRedundantContent.
Renamed to describeVertices.
Renamed to initializeScene.
Renamed to updateScene.
Renamed to drawScene.
Misspelling of CC3TexturedVertex.
Renamed to CC3Box.
Renamed to CC3Box.
Replaced by kCC3QuaternionIdentity.
Replaced by kCC3QuaternionIdentity.
Renamed to CC3Box.
Renamed to CC3Box.
Renamed to kCC3VertexContentBoneWeights
Renamed to kCC3VertexContentBoneIndices
Renamed to kCC3VertexContentBoneIndices
Renamed to kCC3VertexContentBoneWeights
Renamed to kCC3VertexContentBoneIndices
Renamed to kCC3VertexContentBoneIndices
Replaced with CC3VertexContent.
Replaced with kCC3VertexContentLocation.
Replaced with kCC3VertexContentLocation.
Replaced with kCC3VertexContentNormal.
Replaced with kCC3VertexContentNormal.
Replaced with kCC3VertexContentColor.
Replaced with kCC3VertexContentColor.
Replaced with kCC3VertexContentPointSize.
Replaced with kCC3VertexContentPointSize.
Renamed to kCC3VertexContentBoneIndices
Replaced with kCC3VertexContentLocation.
Replaced with kCC3VertexContentNormal.
Replaced with kCC3VertexContentColor.
Replaced with kCC3VertexContentPointSize.
Renamed to kCC3SemanticVertexBoneIndices.
Renamed to kCC3SemanticVertexBoneCount.
Renamed to kCC3SemanticBatchBoneCount.
Replaced by kCC3QuaternionIdentity.
Renamed to CC3Box.
Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalXAxis.
Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalYAxis.
Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalZAxis.
Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalUnconstrained.
Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalXAxis.
Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalXAxis.
Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalYAxis.
Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalYAxis.
Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalZAxis.
Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalZAxis.
Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalUnconstrained.
Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalXAxis.
Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalXAxis.
Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalYAxis.
Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalYAxis.
Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalZAxis.
Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalZAxis.
Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalUnconstrained.
Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalXAxis.
Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalXAxis.
Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalYAxis.
Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalYAxis.
Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalZAxis.
Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalZAxis.
Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalUnconstrained.
Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalXAxis.
Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalXAxis.
Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalYAxis.
Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalYAxis.
Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalZAxis.
Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalZAxis.
Renamed to kCC3SemanticVertexBoneWeights.
Renamed to kCC3SemanticVertexBoneIndices.
Renamed to kCC3SemanticVertexBoneIndices.
Renamed to kCC3SemanticVertexBoneCount.
Renamed to kCC3SemanticVertexBoneCount.
Renamed to kCC3SemanticBatchBoneCount.
Renamed to kCC3SemanticBatchBoneCount.
Renamed to kCC3SemanticVertexBoneWeights.
Renamed to kCC3SemanticVertexBoneIndices.
Renamed to kCC3SemanticVertexBoneIndices.
Renamed to kCC3SemanticVertexBoneCount.
Renamed to kCC3SemanticVertexBoneCount.
Renamed to kCC3SemanticBatchBoneCount.
Renamed to kCC3SemanticBatchBoneCount.
Renamed to kCC3SemanticVertexBoneWeights.
Renamed to kCC3SemanticVertexBoneIndices.
Renamed to kCC3SemanticVertexBoneIndices.
Renamed to kCC3SemanticVertexBoneCount.
Renamed to kCC3SemanticVertexBoneCount.
Renamed to kCC3SemanticBatchBoneCount.
Renamed to kCC3SemanticBatchBoneCount.
Renamed to kCC3SemanticVertexBoneWeights.
Renamed to kCC3SemanticVertexBoneIndices.
Renamed to kCC3SemanticVertexBoneIndices.
Renamed to kCC3SemanticVertexBoneCount.
Renamed to kCC3SemanticVertexBoneCount.
Renamed to kCC3SemanticBatchBoneCount.
Renamed to kCC3SemanticBatchBoneCount.
Renamed to nearClippingDistance.
Renamed to farClippingDistance.
Renamed to viewMatrix for a more accurate semantic.
Renamed to referenceUpDirection.
Renamed to referenceUpDirection.
Use the same property on the camera instead.
Renamed to viewMatrix for a more accurate semantic.
Moved to CC3MeshNode.
Moved to CC3MeshNode.
Renamed to hasTexturePremultipliedAlpha.
Renamed to vertexBoneIndices.
Renamed to hasVertexBoneIndices.
Renamed to vertexBoneWeights.
Renamed to hasVertexBoneWeights.
Renamed to vertexBoneCount.
Renamed to vertexBoneIndexType.
CC3MeshModel renamed to CC3Mesh. Use mesh property instead.
Use the emissionColor property instead.
Renamed to hasTexturePremultipliedAlpha.
Renamed to vertexBoneCount.
Renamed to vertexBoneIndexType.
Renamed to referenceUpDirection.
Renamed to referenceUpDirection.
This property is no longer needed, since the rigidity of a node transform is now tracked by the globalTransformMatrix itself. This property will always return zero. Setting this property will have no effect.
Renamed to targettingConstraint.
Use globalLightPosition instead.
Renamed to globalTransformMatrix.
Renamed to globalTransformMatrixInverted.
No longer needed.
No longer needed.
Renamed to parentGlobalTransformMatrix. No longer needed.
Renamed to scene.
Renamed to shouldStopActionsWhenRemoved.
Renamed to shouldStopActionsWhenRemoved.
Use boundingBox or globalBoundingBox properties of CC3Node, instead.
Use the mesh property.
Replaced by the more generic vertexContentTypes.
Replaced by maximumParticleCapacity.
Property renamed to particleSizeAttenuation.
Property moved to CC3NodesResource subclass.
Property moved to CC3NodesResource subclass.
Use the populateFromResource: method instead. Setting this property invokes the populateFromResource: method. Querying this property always returns nil.
Setting this property has no effect. Querying this property always returns NO.
This property has been fomally deprecated to better support multiple CC3Layers displaying a single CC3Scene from different perspectives (different cameras). If you want to dedicate a single CC3Layer to a single CC3Scene, and hold a back reference to that layer within the scene, you should create and manage that reference in your custom CC3Scene class.
You should reference this directly through the view.
Access the view surface manager through singleton CC3ViewSurfaceManager sharedViewSurfaceManager. Setting this property has no effect.
Access the viewSurface property of the surface manager found in the CC3Layer or CC3NodeDrawingVisitor surfaceManager property.
Access the pickingSurface property of the surface manager found in the CC3Layer or CC3NodeDrawingVisitor surfaceManager property.
No longer used.
Use the shouldClearDepthBuffer propety instead.
Use the shouldClearDepthBuffer propety instead.
Renamed to vertices.
Renamed to vertexCount.
Renamed to vertexStride.
This property is no longer used, and is fixed at 1.25.
Renamed to shouldReleaseRedundantContent.
No longer used.
No longer used by base class. See the CC3DeviceCameraOverlayUIViewController subclass for an implementation of this property.
Property moved to [CC3Backgrounder sharedBackgrounder] singleton.
The picking surface is always dedicated. This property always returns YES. Setting this property has no effect.