Deprecated List
Class <ControlledCCNodeProtocol>
This protocol is no longer needed, as the methods of this protocol have been added as a category to CCNode.
Member [CC3Camera cc2PointFromGLPoint:]
Member [CC3Camera glPointFromCC2Point:]
Member [CC3DrawableVertexArray faceCountFromVertexCount:]
Renamed to faceCountFromVertexIndexCount:.
Member [CC3DrawableVertexArray vertexCountFromFaceCount:]
Renamed to vertexIndexCountFromFaceCount:.
Member [CC3EnvironmentMapTexture initCubeWithColorPixelFormat:andColorPixelType:andDepthAttachment:]
Use initCubeWithSideLength:withColorPixelFormat:withColorPixelType:withDepthAttachment: instead.
Member [CC3EnvironmentMapTexture initCubeWithDepthAttachment:]
Use initCubeWithSideLength:withDepthAttachment: instead.
Member [CC3EnvironmentMapTexture textureCubeWithColorPixelFormat:andColorPixelType:andDepthAttachment:]
Use textureCubeWithSideLength:withColorPixelFormat:withColorPixelType:withDepthAttachment: instead.
Member [CC3EnvironmentMapTexture textureCubeWithDepthAttachment:]
Use textureCubeWithSideLength:withDepthAttachment: instead.
Member [CC3Fog update:]
Use CCActions to control the fog characteristics.
Member [CC3Frustum __deprecated]
Renamed to markDirty.
Member [CC3Frustum doesIntersectPointAt:]
Renamed to doesIntersectLocation:.
Member [CC3Frustum doesIntersectSphereAt:withRadius:]
Renamed to doesIntersectLocation:.
Member [CC3Frustum populateFrom:andAspect:andNearClip:andFarClip:]
Use populateRight:andTop:andNear:andFar: instead.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated copyMatrix:into:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated extractForwardDirection]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated extractForwardDirectionFrom:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated extractQuaternion]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated extractQuaternionFromMatrix:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated extractRightDirection]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated extractRightDirectionFrom:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated extractRotation]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated extractRotationFromMatrix:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated extractRotationYXZFromMatrix:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated extractRotationZYXFromMatrix:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated extractUpDirection]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated extractUpDirectionFrom:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated identity]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated init]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated initFromGLMatrix:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated initIdentity]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated initOnGLMatrix:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated initWithElements:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated invert:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated invert]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated invertAffine:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated invertAffine]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated invertRigid:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated invertRigid]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated leftMultiply:byMatrix:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated leftMultiplyByMatrix:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated matrix]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated matrixByMultiplying:by:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated matrixFromGLMatrix:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated matrixOnGLMatrix:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated matrixWithElements:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated multiply:byMatrix:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated multiplyByMatrix:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated orthonormalizeRotationOf:startingWith:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated orthonormalizeRotationStartingWith:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated populate:fromFrustumLeft:andRight:andBottom:andTop:andNear:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated populate:fromFrustumLeft:andRight:andBottom:andTop:andNear:andFar:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated populate:fromQuaternion:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated populate:fromRotation:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated populate:fromScale:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated populate:fromTranslation:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated populate:toLookAt:withEyeAt:withUp:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated populate:toPointTowards:withUp:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated populateFrom:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated populateFromFrustumLeft:andRight:andBottom:andTop:andNear:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated populateFromFrustumLeft:andRight:andBottom:andTop:andNear:andFar:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated populateFromGLMatrix:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated populateFromQuaternion:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated populateFromRotation:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated populateFromScale:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated populateFromTranslation:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated populateIdentity:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated populateIdentity]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated populateOrtho:fromFrustumLeft:andRight:andBottom:andTop:andNear:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated populateOrtho:fromFrustumLeft:andRight:andBottom:andTop:andNear:andFar:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated populateOrthoFromFrustumLeft:andRight:andBottom:andTop:andNear:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated populateOrthoFromFrustumLeft:andRight:andBottom:andTop:andNear:andFar:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated populateToLookAt:withEyeAt:withUp:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated populateToPointTowards:withUp:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated populateZero:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated populateZero]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated rotate:byQuaternion:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated rotate:byX:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated rotate:byY:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated rotate:byZ:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated rotateBy:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated rotateByQuaternion:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated rotateByX:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated rotateByY:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated rotateByZ:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated rotateYXZ:by:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated rotateZYX:by:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated scale:by:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated scale:byX:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated scale:byY:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated scale:byZ:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated scale:uniformlyBy:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated scaleBy:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated scaleByX:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated scaleByY:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated scaleByZ:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated scaleUniformlyBy:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated transform:translateBy:rotateBy:scaleBy:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated transformDirection:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated transformDirection:withMatrix:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated transformHomogeneousVector:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated transformHomogeneousVector:withMatrix:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated transformLocation:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated transformLocation:withMatrix:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated transformRay:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated transformRay:withMatrix:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated translate:by:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated translate:byX:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated translate:byY:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated translate:byZ:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated translateBy:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated translateBy:rotateBy:scaleBy:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated translateByX:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated translateByY:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated translateByZ:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated transpose:]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3GLMatrixDeprecated transpose]
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member [CC3Identifiable __deprecated]
Under ARC, the userData property is an object that is automatically released when this instance is deallocated.
Member [CC3Mesh __deprecated]

Renamed to releaseRedundantContent.

Renamed to moveMeshOriginToCenterOfGeometry.

No longer used. The bounding volume is now created in the same method in CC3MeshNode.

Renamed to updateVertexBoneWeightsGLBuffer.

Renamed to updateVertexBoneIndicesGLBuffer.

Renamed to retainVertexBoneWeights.

Renamed to retainVertexBoneIndices.

Renamed to doNotBufferVertexBoneWeights.

Renamed to doNotBufferVertexBoneIndices.

Member [CC3Mesh alignWithInvertedTexturesIn:]
The alignment performed by this method is now performed automatically whenever a texture or material is attached to the mesh node holding this mesh. Use the property-setting method expectsVerticallyFlippedTexture:inTextureUnit: to indicate whether the texture mesh is aligned with vertically-flipped textures prior to setting the texture or material into your mesh node.
Member [CC3Mesh alignWithTexturesIn:]
The alignment performed by this method is now performed automatically whenever a texture or material is attached to the mesh node holding this mesh. Use the property-setting method expectsVerticallyFlippedTexture:inTextureUnit: to indicate whether the texture mesh is aligned with vertically-flipped textures prior to setting the texture or material into your mesh node.
Member [CC3Mesh ensureCapacity:]
Renamed to ensureVertexCapacity.
Member [CC3Mesh faceCountFromVertexCount:]
Renamed to faceCountFromVertexIndexCount:.
Member [CC3Mesh movePivotTo:]
Renamed to moveMeshOriginTo:.
Member [CC3Mesh setVertexMatrixIndex:forVertexUnit:at:]
Renamed to setVertexBoneIndex:forBoneInfluence:at:.
Member [CC3Mesh setVertexMatrixIndices:at:]
Renamed to setVertexBoneIndices:at:.
Member [CC3Mesh setVertexTexCoord2F:at:forTextureUnit:]
Use the setVertexTexCoord2F:forTextureUnit:at: method instead,
Member [CC3Mesh setVertexWeight:forVertexUnit:at:]
Renamed to setVertexWeight:forBoneInfluence:at:.
Member [CC3Mesh setVertexWeights:at:]
Renamed to setVertexBoneWeights:at:.
Member [CC3Mesh vertexCountFromFaceCount:]
Renamed to vertexIndexCountFromFaceCount:.
Member [CC3Mesh vertexMatrixIndexForVertexUnit:at:]
Renamed to vertexBoneIndexForBoneInfluence:at:.
Member [CC3Mesh vertexMatrixIndicesAt:]
Renamed to vertexBoneIndicesAt:.
Member [CC3Mesh vertexTexCoord2FAt:forTextureUnit:]
Use the vertexTexCoord2FForTextureUnit:at: method instead,
Member [CC3Mesh vertexWeightForVertexUnit:at:]
Renamed to vertexWeightForBoneInfluence:at:.
Member [CC3Mesh vertexWeightsAt:]
Renamed to vertexBoneWeightsAt:.
Member [CC3Mesh(ParametricShapes) allocateIndexedTriangles:]
Use allocatedVertexIndexCapacity = (triangleCount * 3) instead.
Member [CC3Mesh(ParametricShapes) allocateIndexedTriangles:]
Use allocatedVertexIndexCapacity = (triangleCount * 3) instead.
Member [CC3Mesh(ParametricShapes) allocateTexturedVertices:]
Use the vertexContentTypes property, followed by the allocatedVertexCapacity property, instead. You can also use the prepareParametricMesh method to automatically established textured vertices if the vertexContentTypes property has not been set.
Member [CC3Mesh(ParametricShapes) allocateTexturedVertices:]
Use the vertexContentTypes property, followed by the allocatedVertexCapacity property, instead. You can also use the prepareParametricMesh method to automatically established textured vertices if the vertexContentTypes property has not been set.
Member [CC3MeshNode __deprecated]

The material property now performs this functionality lazily.

Renamed to removeLocalShaders.

Renamed to moveMeshOriginToCenterOfGeometry.

Renamed to updateVertexBoneWeightsGLBuffer.

Renamed to updateVertexBoneIndicesGLBuffer.

Member [CC3MeshNode faceCountFromVertexCount:]
Renamed to faceCountFromVertexIndexCount:.
Member [CC3MeshNode movePivotTo:]
Renamed to moveMeshOriginTo:.
Member [CC3MeshNode setVertexMatrixIndex:forVertexUnit:at:]
Renamed to setVertexBoneIndex:forBoneInfluence:at:.
Member [CC3MeshNode setVertexMatrixIndices:at:]
Renamed to setVertexBoneIndices:at:.
Member [CC3MeshNode setVertexTexCoord2F:at:forTextureUnit:]
Use the setVertexTexCoord2F:forTextureUnit:at: method instead,
Member [CC3MeshNode setVertexWeight:forVertexUnit:at:]
Renamed to setVertexWeight:forBoneInfluence:at:.
Member [CC3MeshNode setVertexWeights:at:]
Renamed to setVertexBoneWeights:at:.
Member [CC3MeshNode vertexCountFromFaceCount:]
Renamed to vertexIndexCountFromFaceCount:.
Member [CC3MeshNode vertexMatrixIndexForVertexUnit:at:]
Renamed to vertexBoneIndexForBoneInfluence:at:.
Member [CC3MeshNode vertexMatrixIndicesAt:]
Renamed to vertexBoneIndicesAt:.
Member [CC3MeshNode vertexTexCoord2FAt:forTextureUnit:]
Use the vertexTexCoord2FForTextureUnit:at: method instead,
Member [CC3MeshNode vertexWeightForVertexUnit:at:]
Renamed to vertexWeightForBoneInfluence:at:.
Member [CC3MeshNode vertexWeightsAt:]
Renamed to vertexBoneWeightsAt:.
Member [CC3MeshNode(DeprecatedParametricShapes) populateAsCenteredRectangleWithSize:andTessellation:withTexture:invertTexture:]
Use the populateAsCenteredRectangleWithSize:andTessellation: method instead, and then use the texture property of this node to set the texture.
Member [CC3MeshNode(DeprecatedParametricShapes) populateAsCenteredRectangleWithSize:andTessellation:withTexture:invertTexture:]
Use the populateAsCenteredRectangleWithSize:andTessellation: method instead, and then use the texture property of this node to set the texture.
Member [CC3MeshNode(DeprecatedParametricShapes) populateAsCenteredRectangleWithSize:withTexture:invertTexture:]
Use the populateAsCenteredRectangleWithSize: method instead, and then use the texture property of this node to set the texture.
Member [CC3MeshNode(DeprecatedParametricShapes) populateAsCenteredRectangleWithSize:withTexture:invertTexture:]
Use the populateAsCenteredRectangleWithSize: method instead, and then use the texture property of this node to set the texture.
Member [CC3MeshNode(DeprecatedParametricShapes) populateAsCenteredTexturedRectangleWithSize:]
Use populateAsCenteredRectangleWithSize:, as it creates a rectangular mesh that can be covered with either a texture or a solid color.
Member [CC3MeshNode(DeprecatedParametricShapes) populateAsCenteredTexturedRectangleWithSize:]
Use populateAsCenteredRectangleWithSize:, as it creates a rectangular mesh that can be covered with either a texture or a solid color.
Member [CC3MeshNode(DeprecatedParametricShapes) populateAsCenteredTexturedRectangleWithSize:andTessellation:]
Use populateAsCenteredRectangleWithSize:andTessellation:, as it creates a rectangular mesh that can be covered with either a texture or a solid color.
Member [CC3MeshNode(DeprecatedParametricShapes) populateAsCenteredTexturedRectangleWithSize:andTessellation:]
Use populateAsCenteredRectangleWithSize:andTessellation:, as it creates a rectangular mesh that can be covered with either a texture or a solid color.
Member [CC3MeshNode(DeprecatedParametricShapes) populateAsRectangleWithSize:andPivot:]
Renamed to populateAsRectangleWithSize:andRelativeOrigin:.
Member [CC3MeshNode(DeprecatedParametricShapes) populateAsRectangleWithSize:andPivot:]
Renamed to populateAsRectangleWithSize:andRelativeOrigin:.
Member [CC3MeshNode(DeprecatedParametricShapes) populateAsRectangleWithSize:andPivot:andTessellation:]
Renamed to populateAsRectangleWithSize:andRelativeOrigin:andTessellation.
Member [CC3MeshNode(DeprecatedParametricShapes) populateAsRectangleWithSize:andPivot:andTessellation:]
Renamed to populateAsRectangleWithSize:andRelativeOrigin:andTessellation.
Member [CC3MeshNode(DeprecatedParametricShapes) populateAsRectangleWithSize:andPivot:andTessellation:withTexture:invertTexture:]
Use the populateAsCenteredRectangleWithSize:andRelativeOrigin:andTessellation: method instead, and then use the texture property of this node to set the texture.
Member [CC3MeshNode(DeprecatedParametricShapes) populateAsRectangleWithSize:andPivot:andTessellation:withTexture:invertTexture:]
Use the populateAsCenteredRectangleWithSize:andRelativeOrigin:andTessellation: method instead, and then use the texture property of this node to set the texture.
Member [CC3MeshNode(DeprecatedParametricShapes) populateAsRectangleWithSize:andPivot:withTexture:invertTexture:]
Use the populateAsRectangleWithSize:andRelativeOrigin: method instead, and then use the texture property of this node to set the texture.
Member [CC3MeshNode(DeprecatedParametricShapes) populateAsRectangleWithSize:andPivot:withTexture:invertTexture:]
Use the populateAsRectangleWithSize:andRelativeOrigin: method instead, and then use the texture property of this node to set the texture.
Member [CC3MeshNode(DeprecatedParametricShapes) populateAsTexturedBox:]
Use populateAsSolidBox:, as it creates a box mesh that can be covered with either a texture or a solid color.
Member [CC3MeshNode(DeprecatedParametricShapes) populateAsTexturedBox:]
Use populateAsSolidBox:, as it creates a box mesh that can be covered with either a texture or a solid color.
Member [CC3MeshNode(DeprecatedParametricShapes) populateAsTexturedBox:withCorner:]
Renamed to populateAsSolidBox:withCorner:.
Member [CC3MeshNode(DeprecatedParametricShapes) populateAsTexturedBox:withCorner:]
Renamed to populateAsSolidBox:withCorner:.
Member [CC3MeshNode(DeprecatedParametricShapes) populateAsTexturedRectangleWithSize:andPivot:]
Use populateAsRectangleWithSize:andRelativeOrigin:, as it creates a rectangular mesh that can be covered with either a texture or a solid color.
Member [CC3MeshNode(DeprecatedParametricShapes) populateAsTexturedRectangleWithSize:andPivot:]
Use populateAsRectangleWithSize:andRelativeOrigin:, as it creates a rectangular mesh that can be covered with either a texture or a solid color.
Member [CC3MeshNode(DeprecatedParametricShapes) populateAsTexturedRectangleWithSize:andPivot:andTessellation:]
Use populateAsRectangleWithSize:andRelativeOrigin:andTessellation:, as it creates a rectangular mesh that can be covered with either a texture or a solid color.
Member [CC3MeshNode(DeprecatedParametricShapes) populateAsTexturedRectangleWithSize:andPivot:andTessellation:]
Use populateAsRectangleWithSize:andRelativeOrigin:andTessellation:, as it creates a rectangular mesh that can be covered with either a texture or a solid color.
Member [CC3MortalPointParticle updateLife:]
Override the updateBeforeTransform: method, invoke the superclass implementation, and then test the isAlive property of this particle before any further modifications.
Member [CC3MortalPointParticleEmitterDeprecated initializeMortalParticle:]
Life-span and trajectory now initialized by the CC3RandomMortalParticleNavigator attached to this instance.
Member [CC3Node __deprecated]
This property is no longer needed, since the rigidity of a node transform is now tracked by the globalTransformMatrix itself. This property will always return zero.
Member [CC3Node __deprecated]

Renamed to selectShaders.

Renamed to removeShaders.

Renamed to releaseRedundantContent.

Renamed to retainVertexBoneWeights.

Renamed to retainVertexBoneIndices.

Renamed to doNotBufferVertexBoneWeights.

Renamed to doNotBufferVertexBoneIndices.

Renamed to markBoundingVolumeDirty.

No longer needed.

No longer needed.

No longer used. Always returns nil.

Renamed to cleanupActions.

Member [CC3Node alignInvertedTextures]
The alignment performed by this method is now performed automatically whenever a texture or material is attached to a mesh node. If you do need to manually align a mesh to a texture, use the expectsVerticallyFlippedTextures property to indicate whether the texture mesh is aligned with vertically-flipped texture prior to setting the texture or material into your mesh nodes.
Member [CC3Node alignTextures]
The alignment performed by this method is now performed automatically whenever a texture or material is attached to a mesh node. If you do need to manually align a mesh to a texture, use the expectsVerticallyFlippedTextures property to indicate whether the texture mesh is aligned with vertically-flipped texture prior to setting the texture or material into your mesh nodes.
Member [CC3Node buildTransformMatrixWithVisitor:]
No longer needed. Does nothing.
Member [CC3Node setDefaultScaleTolerance:]
This property is no longer needed, since the rigidity of a node transform is now tracked by the globalTransformMatrix itself. Setting this property will have no effect.
Member [CC3Node trackTargetWithVisitor:]
No longer needed. Does nothing.
Member [CC3Node(Animation) establishAnimationFrameAt:]
Replaced with establishAnimationFrameAt:onTrack:.
Member [CC3Node(Animation) establishAnimationFrameAt:]
Replaced with establishAnimationFrameAt:onTrack:.
Member [CC3Node(CC3TargettingNode) __deprecated]

Replaced with asOrientingWrapper.

Replaced with asTrackingWrapper.

Replaced with asCameraTrackingWrapper.

Replaced with asBumpMapLightTrackingWrapper.

Member [CC3Node(PVRPODRez) addContentFromPODResourceFile:]
Use the addContentFromPODFile: method instead, which supports both absolute file paths and file paths that are relative to the resources directory.
Member [CC3Node(PVRPODRez) addContentFromPODResourceFile:]
Use the addContentFromPODFile: method instead, which supports both absolute file paths and file paths that are relative to the resources directory.
Member [CC3Node(PVRPODRez) addContentFromPODResourceFile:withName:]
Use the addContentFromPODFile:withName: method instead, which supports both absolute file paths and file paths that are relative to the resources directory.
Member [CC3Node(PVRPODRez) addContentFromPODResourceFile:withName:]
Use the addContentFromPODFile:withName: method instead, which supports both absolute file paths and file paths that are relative to the resources directory.
Member [CC3NodeAnimation establishFrameAt:forNode:]
Use establishFrameAt:inNodeAnimationState: instead.
Member [CC3NodeBoundingVolume doesIntersectFrustum:]
Replaced by the more general doesIntersect: method.
Member [CC3NodeSequencerVisitor initWithWorld:]
Renamed to initWithScene:.
Member [CC3NodeSequencerVisitor visitorWithWorld:]
Renamed to visitorWithScene:.
Member [CC3NodeSphereThenBoxBoundingVolume __deprecated]
Use boundingVolume instead.
Member [CC3NodeTransformingVisitor parentTansformMatrixFor:]
Member [CC3OpenGL compileShader:fromSourceCodeStrings:]
Use the compileShader:from:sourceCodeStrings: method instead.
Member [CC3PODResource meshModelAtIndex:]
Renamed to meshAtIndex:.
Member [CC3PointParticle initFromEmitter:]
Use the init method instead, and set emitter property directly.
Member [CC3PointParticle particleFromEmitter:]
Use the particle method instead, and set emitter property directly.
Member [CC3PointParticle update:]
Replaced by the updateBeforeTransform: method.
Member [CC3PointParticleEmitter populateForMaxParticles:]
Use the particleClass, vertexContentTypes & maximumParticleCapacity properties instead.
Member [CC3PointParticleEmitter populateForMaxParticles:containing:]
Use the particleClass, vertexContentTypes & maximumParticleCapacity properties instead.
Member [CC3PointParticleEmitter populateForMaxParticles:ofType:]
Use the particleClass, vertexContentTypes & maximumParticleCapacity properties instead.
Member [CC3PointParticleEmitter populateForMaxParticles:ofType:containing:]
Use the particleClass, vertexContentTypes & maximumParticleCapacity properties instead.
Member [CC3PointParticleMesh __deprecated]
Replaced by updatePointSizesGLBuffer.
Member [CC3PointParticleMesh particleSizeAt:]
Replaced by pointSizeAt:.
Member [CC3PointParticleMesh setParticleSize:at:]
Replaced by setPointSize:at:.
Member [CC3Resource defaultExpectsVerticallyFlippedTextures]
Property moved to CC3NodesResource subclass.
Member [CC3Resource initFromResourceFile:]
Use the initFromFile: method instead, which supports both absolute file paths and file paths that are relative to the resources directory.
Member [CC3Resource loadFromResourceFile:]
Use the loadFromFile: method instead, which supports both absolute file paths and file paths that are relative to the resources directory.
Member [CC3Resource resourceFromResourceFile:]
Use the resourceFromFile: method instead, which supports both absolute file paths and file paths that are relative to the resources directory.
Member [CC3Resource setDefaultExpectsVerticallyFlippedTextures:]
Property moved to CC3NodesResource subclass.
Member [CC3ResourceNode initFromResourceFile:]
Use the initFromFile: method instead, which supports both absolute file paths and file paths that are relative to the resources directory.
Member [CC3ResourceNode initWithName:fromResourceFile:]
Use the initWithName:FromFile: method instead, which supports both absolute file paths and file paths that are relative to the resources directory.
Member [CC3ResourceNode loadFromResourceFile:]
Use the loadFromFile: method instead, which supports both absolute file paths and file paths that are relative to the resources directory.
Member [CC3ResourceNode nodeFromResourceFile:]
Use the nodeFromFile: method instead, which supports both absolute file paths and file paths that are relative to the resources directory.
Member [CC3ResourceNode nodeWithName:fromResourceFile:]
Use the nodeWithName:FromFile: method instead, which supports both absolute file paths and file paths that are relative to the resources directory.
Member [CC3Scene __deprecated]
Invokes the drawSceneWithVisitor: method with the viewDrawingVisitor property of this scene.
Member [CC3Shader shaderNameFromFilePath:]
Use the CC3ShaderSourceCode shaderSourceCodeNameFromFilePath: method instead.
Member [CC3ShaderProgram __deprecated]
Renamed to shaderMatcher.
Member [CC3ShaderProgram setProgramMatcher:]
Renamed to setShaderMatcher:.
Member [CC3ShaderSemanticsByVarName(DefaultMappings) __deprecated]

Populates this instance with the default Cocos3D mappings between variable names and semantics that are based on uniforms collected together into structures.

Populates this instance with the default Cocos3D mappings initially included with early versions of Cocos3D 2.0.

Populates this instance with the default Cocos3D mappings initially included with early versions of Cocos3D 2.0.

Member [CC3ShaderSemanticsByVarName(DefaultMappings) __deprecated]

Populates this instance with the default Cocos3D mappings between variable names and semantics that are based on uniforms collected together into structures.

Populates this instance with the default Cocos3D mappings initially included with early versions of Cocos3D 2.0.

Populates this instance with the default Cocos3D mappings initially included with early versions of Cocos3D 2.0.

Member [CC3TargettingRotator rotateToTargetLocationFrom:]
Use rotateToTargetLocation:from:withUp: instead.
Member [CC3Texture __deprecated]
Use the ccTexture property instead.
Member [CC3Texture initCubeWithPixelFormat:andPixelType:]
Use initCubeWithPixelFormat:withPixelType:
Member [CC3Texture initCubeWithSize:andPixelFormat:andPixelType:]
Use initCubeWithSize:withPixelFormat:withPixelType:
Member [CC3Texture initWithPixelFormat:andPixelType:]
Use initWithPixelFormat:withPixelType:
Member [CC3Texture initWithSize:andPixelFormat:andPixelType:]
Use initWithSize:withPixelFormat:withPixelType:
Member [CC3Texture textureCubeWithPixelFormat:andPixelType:]
Use textureCubeWithPixelFormat:withPixelType:
Member [CC3Texture textureCubeWithSize:andPixelFormat:andPixelType:]
Use textureCubeWithSize:withPixelFormat:withPixelType:
Member [CC3Texture textureWithPixelFormat:andPixelType:]
Use textureWithPixelFormat:withPixelType:
Member [CC3Texture textureWithSize:andPixelFormat:andPixelType:]
Use textureWithSize:withPixelFormat:withPixelType:
Member [CC3Texture2DContent initWithSize:andPixelFormat:andPixelType:]
Use initWithSize:withPixelFormat:withPixelType:
Member [CC3VertexArray __deprecated]

This functionality has been replaced by the allocatedVertexCapacity property.

Renamed to releaseRedundantContent.

Renamed to describeVertices.

Member [CC3VertexArray allocateElements:]
This functionality has been replaced by the allocatedVertexCapacity property.
Member [CC3VertexArray describeElements:]
Renamed to describeVertices:.
Member [CC3VertexArray describeElements:startingAt:]
Renamed to describeVertices:startingAt:.
Member [CC3VertexArray ensureCapacity:]
This functionality is now managed by the mesh.
Member [CC3VertexArray reallocateElements:]
This functionality has been replaced by the allocatedVertexCapacity property.
Member [CC3VertexBoneIndices matrixIndexForVertexUnit:at:]
Renamed to boneIndexForBoneInfluence:at:.
Member [CC3VertexBoneIndices matrixIndicesAt:]
Renamed to boneIndicesAt:.
Member [CC3VertexBoneIndices setMatrixIndex:forVertexUnit:at:]
Renamed to setBoneIndex:forBoneInfluence:at:.
Member [CC3VertexBoneIndices setMatrixIndices:at:]
Renamed to setBoneIndices:at:.
Member [CC3VertexBoneWeights setWeight:forVertexUnit:at:]
Renamed to setWeight:forBoneInfluence:at:.
Member [CC3VertexBoneWeights setWeights:at:]
Renamed to setBoneWeights:at:.
Member [CC3VertexBoneWeights weightForVertexUnit:at:]
Renamed to weightForBoneInfluence:at:.
Member [CC3VertexBoneWeights weightsAt:]
Renamed to boneWeightsAt:.
Member [CC3VertexIndices allocateTriangles:]
Use allocatedVertexCapacity property instead.
Member [CC3VertexLocations __deprecated]
Renamed to moveMeshOriginToCenterOfGeometry.
Member [CC3VertexLocations movePivotTo:]
Renamed to moveMeshOriginTo:.
Member [CC3VertexTextureCoordinates alignWithInvertedTextureMapSize:]
Renamed to alignWithInvertedTextureCoverage:.
Member [CC3VertexTextureCoordinates alignWithTextureMapSize:]
Renamed to alignWithTextureCoverage:.
Member [CC3World __deprecated]

Renamed to initializeScene.

Renamed to updateScene.

Renamed to drawScene.

Member [CC3World __deprecated]
CC3World renamed to CC3Scene. Use CC3Scene scene instead.
Member [CC3World updateWorld:]
Renamed to updateScene:.
Member [NSObject(CC3) __deprecated]
Renamed to autoreleasedCopy to satisfy naming paradigm for copy... methods.
Member __deprecated

Misspelling of CC3TexturedVertex.

Renamed to CC3Box.

Renamed to CC3Box.

Replaced by kCC3QuaternionIdentity.

Replaced by kCC3QuaternionIdentity.

Renamed to CC3Box.

Renamed to CC3Box.

Renamed to kCC3VertexContentBoneWeights

Renamed to kCC3VertexContentBoneIndices

Renamed to kCC3VertexContentBoneIndices

Renamed to kCC3VertexContentBoneWeights

Renamed to kCC3VertexContentBoneIndices

Renamed to kCC3VertexContentBoneIndices

Replaced with CC3VertexContent.

Replaced with kCC3VertexContentLocation.

Replaced with kCC3VertexContentLocation.

Replaced with kCC3VertexContentNormal.

Replaced with kCC3VertexContentNormal.

Replaced with kCC3VertexContentColor.

Replaced with kCC3VertexContentColor.

Replaced with kCC3VertexContentPointSize.

Replaced with kCC3VertexContentPointSize.

Renamed to kCC3VertexContentBoneIndices

Replaced with kCC3VertexContentLocation.

Replaced with kCC3VertexContentNormal.

Replaced with kCC3VertexContentColor.

Replaced with kCC3VertexContentPointSize.

Renamed to kCC3SemanticVertexBoneIndices.

Renamed to kCC3SemanticVertexBoneCount.

Renamed to kCC3SemanticBatchBoneCount.

Replaced by kCC3QuaternionIdentity.

Renamed to CC3Box.

Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalXAxis.

Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalYAxis.

Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalZAxis.

Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalUnconstrained.

Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalXAxis.

Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalXAxis.

Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalYAxis.

Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalYAxis.

Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalZAxis.

Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalZAxis.

Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalUnconstrained.

Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalXAxis.

Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalXAxis.

Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalYAxis.

Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalYAxis.

Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalZAxis.

Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalZAxis.

Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalUnconstrained.

Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalXAxis.

Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalXAxis.

Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalYAxis.

Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalYAxis.

Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalZAxis.

Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalZAxis.

Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalUnconstrained.

Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalXAxis.

Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalXAxis.

Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalYAxis.

Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalYAxis.

Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalZAxis.

Renamed to kCC3TargettingConstraintGlobalZAxis.

Renamed to kCC3SemanticVertexBoneWeights.

Renamed to kCC3SemanticVertexBoneIndices.

Renamed to kCC3SemanticVertexBoneIndices.

Renamed to kCC3SemanticVertexBoneCount.

Renamed to kCC3SemanticVertexBoneCount.

Renamed to kCC3SemanticBatchBoneCount.

Renamed to kCC3SemanticBatchBoneCount.

Renamed to kCC3SemanticVertexBoneWeights.

Renamed to kCC3SemanticVertexBoneIndices.

Renamed to kCC3SemanticVertexBoneIndices.

Renamed to kCC3SemanticVertexBoneCount.

Renamed to kCC3SemanticVertexBoneCount.

Renamed to kCC3SemanticBatchBoneCount.

Renamed to kCC3SemanticBatchBoneCount.

Renamed to kCC3SemanticVertexBoneWeights.

Renamed to kCC3SemanticVertexBoneIndices.

Renamed to kCC3SemanticVertexBoneIndices.

Renamed to kCC3SemanticVertexBoneCount.

Renamed to kCC3SemanticVertexBoneCount.

Renamed to kCC3SemanticBatchBoneCount.

Renamed to kCC3SemanticBatchBoneCount.

Renamed to kCC3SemanticVertexBoneWeights.

Renamed to kCC3SemanticVertexBoneIndices.

Renamed to kCC3SemanticVertexBoneIndices.

Renamed to kCC3SemanticVertexBoneCount.

Renamed to kCC3SemanticVertexBoneCount.

Renamed to kCC3SemanticBatchBoneCount.

Renamed to kCC3SemanticBatchBoneCount.

Member CC3BillboardBoundingBoxArea::__deprecated
Use the superclass vertices property instead.
Member CC3BoundingBoxAddPadding (CC3Box bb, CC3Vector padding) __deprecated
Renamed to CC3BoxAddPadding.
Member CC3BoundingBoxAddUniformPadding (CC3Box bb, GLfloat padding) __deprecated
Renamed to CC3BoxAddUniformPadding.
Member CC3BoundingBoxCenter (CC3Box bb) __deprecated
Renamed to CC3BoxCenter.
Member CC3BoundingBoxContainsLocation (CC3Box bb, CC3Vector aLoc) __deprecated
Renamed to CC3BoxContainsLocation.
Member CC3BoundingBoxEngulfLocation (CC3Box bb, CC3Vector aLoc) __deprecated
Renamed to CC3BoxEngulfLocation.
Member CC3BoundingBoxesAreEqual (CC3Box bb1, CC3Box bb2) __deprecated
Renamed to CC3BoxesAreEqual.
Member CC3BoundingBoxFromMinMax (CC3Vector minVtx, CC3Vector maxVtx) __deprecated
Renamed to CC3BoxFromMinMax.
Member CC3BoundingBoxIsNull (CC3Box bb) __deprecated
Renamed to CC3BoxIsNull.
Member CC3BoundingBoxIsZero (CC3Box bb) __deprecated
Renamed to CC3BoxIsZero.
Member CC3BoundingBoxMake (GLfloat minX, GLfloat minY, GLfloat minZ, GLfloat maxX, GLfloat maxY, GLfloat maxZ) __deprecated
Renamed to CC3BoxMake.
Member CC3BoundingBoxMoveCenterToOrigin (CC3Box bb) __deprecated
Renamed to CC3BoxMoveCenterToOrigin.
Member CC3BoundingBoxScale (CC3Box bb, CC3Vector scale) __deprecated
Renamed to CC3BoxScale.
Member CC3BoundingBoxScaleUniform (CC3Box bb, GLfloat scale) __deprecated
Renamed to CC3BoxScaleUniform.
Member CC3BoundingBoxSize (CC3Box bb) __deprecated
Renamed to CC3BoxSize.
Member CC3BoundingBoxTranslate (CC3Box bb, CC3Vector offset) __deprecated
Renamed to CC3BoxTranslate.
Member CC3BoundingBoxTranslateFractionally (CC3Box bb, CC3Vector offsetScale) __deprecated
Renamed to CC3BoxTranslateFractionally.
Member CC3BoundingBoxUnion (CC3Box bb1, CC3Box bb2) __deprecated
Renamed to CC3BoxUnion.
Member CC3Camera::__deprecated

Renamed to nearClippingDistance.

Renamed to farClippingDistance.

Renamed to viewMatrix for a more accurate semantic.

Member CC3ControllableLayer
Replaced with CC3ControllableLayer.
Member CC3DirectionalRotator::__deprecated

Renamed to referenceUpDirection.

Renamed to referenceUpDirection.

Member CC3DistanceFromNormalizedPlane (CC3Plane p, CC3Vector v) __deprecated
Replaced with CC3DistanceFromPlane.
Member CC3DrawableVertexArray::__deprecated
Renamed to firstVertex on CC3VertexLocations.
Member CC3Fog::__deprecated
Use diffuseColor property instead.
Member CC3Frustum::__deprecated

Use the same property on the camera instead.

Renamed to viewMatrix for a more accurate semantic.

Class CC3GLMatrix
Replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes. Full functionality provided by CC3ProjectionMatrix.
Class CC3GLMatrixDeprecated
This class has been created to stand in for the deprecated CC3GLMatrix class in framework code. Do not use this class.
Member CC3GLMatrixDeprecated::glMatrix
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member CC3GLMatrixDeprecated::isIdentity
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Member CC3GLMatrixOrthonormalizationStart
CC3GLMatrix has been replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes.
Class CC3GLView
Use CCGLView instead.
Member CC3Identifiable::__deprecated
Use userData instead. The userData and sharedUserData properties are now the same.
Member CC3Light::__deprecated
Property renamed to attenuation
Class CC3LightTracker
CC3LightTracker is deprecated. Its former functionality has been moved into the CC3Node class with the isTrackingForBumpMapping property.
Member CC3LineNode::__deprecated
Property renamed to lineSmoothingHint on CC3MeshNode.
Member CC3Material::__deprecated

Moved to CC3MeshNode.

Moved to CC3MeshNode.

Renamed to hasTexturePremultipliedAlpha.

Member CC3Mesh::__deprecated

Renamed to vertexBoneIndices.

Renamed to hasVertexBoneIndices.

Renamed to vertexBoneWeights.

Renamed to hasVertexBoneWeights.

Renamed to vertexBoneCount.

Renamed to vertexBoneIndexType.

Class CC3MeshModel
CC3MeshModel renamed to CC3Mesh.
Member CC3MeshNode::__deprecated

CC3MeshModel renamed to CC3Mesh. Use mesh property instead.

Use the emissionColor property instead.

Renamed to hasTexturePremultipliedAlpha.

Renamed to vertexBoneCount.

Renamed to vertexBoneIndexType.

Class CC3MortalPointParticleEmitter
This functionality has been separated into several more general classes. Use a CC3PointParticleEmitter configured with a CC3RandomMortalParticleNavigator to emit particles that support the CC3MortalParticleProtocol, such as particles of type CC3MortalPointParticle.
Class CC3MortalPointParticleEmitterDeprecated
Do not use this class. This class has been introduced into the hierarchy strictly to permit the library to maintain the deprecated CC3MortalPointParticleEmitter as a parent class of other deprecated classes in this library.
Member CC3MortalPointParticleEmitterDeprecated::maxParticleLifeSpan
Replaced by maxParticleLifeSpan property on the CC3RandomMortalParticleNavigator attached to this instance.
Member CC3MortalPointParticleEmitterDeprecated::minParticleLifeSpan
Replaced by minParticleLifeSpan property on the CC3RandomMortalParticleNavigator attached to this instance.
Member CC3Node(Animation)::__deprecated
Instead of accessing this property, retrieve the appropriate animation using the animation property or the getAnimationOnTrack: method, and access the frameCount property.
Member CC3Node(PVRPOD)::__deprecated
The user data loaded from the POD file is now held in the userData property as an NSData instance.
Member CC3Node::__deprecated

Renamed to referenceUpDirection.

Renamed to referenceUpDirection.

This property is no longer needed, since the rigidity of a node transform is now tracked by the globalTransformMatrix itself. This property will always return zero. Setting this property will have no effect.

Renamed to targettingConstraint.

Use globalLightPosition instead.

Renamed to globalTransformMatrix.

Renamed to globalTransformMatrixInverted.

No longer needed.

No longer needed.

Renamed to parentGlobalTransformMatrix. No longer needed.

Renamed to scene.

Renamed to shouldStopActionsWhenRemoved.

Renamed to shouldStopActionsWhenRemoved.

Member CC3Node::isTouchable
Property renamed to touchEnabled, with getter isTouchEnabled.
Class CC3NodeBoundingBoxVisitor
Use boundingBox or globalBoundingBox properties of CC3Node, instead.
Member CC3NodeBoundingBoxVisitor::__deprecated

Use boundingBox or globalBoundingBox properties of CC3Node, instead.

Class CC3NodeBoundingBoxVolume
Renamed to CC3NodeBoxBoundingVolume.
Member CC3NodeBoxBoundingVolume::__deprecated
Use the superclass vertices property instead.
Member CC3NodeSequencerVisitor::__deprecated
Renamed to scene.
Class CC3NodeTransformingVisitor
No longer needed. CC3Node transforms are calculated lazily, without using a visitor.
Member CC3NodeTransformingVisitor::isTransformDirty
Member CC3NodeTransformingVisitor::shouldLocalizeToStartingNode
Member CC3NodeTransformingVisitor::shouldRestoreTransforms
Member CC3OpenGL::__deprecated
Renamed to maxNumberOfBoneInfluencesPerVertex.
Member CC3ParticleSystemBillboard::__deprecated
Property renamed to particleSizeAttenuation.
Member CC3PlaneFromPoints (CC3Vector v1, CC3Vector v2, CC3Vector v3) __deprecated
Renamed to CC3PlaneFromLocations
Member CC3PODResource::__deprecated
Use the CC3Texture class-side property defaultTextureParameters instead.
Member CC3PointParticle::__deprecated
Replaced by the particleIndex property.
Member CC3PointParticleEmitter::__deprecated

Use the mesh property.

Replaced by the more generic vertexContentTypes.

Replaced by maximumParticleCapacity.

Property renamed to particleSizeAttenuation.

Class CC3PointParticleHoseEmitter
This functionality has been separated into several more general classes. Use a CC3PointParticleEmitter configured with a CC3HoseParticleNavigator to emit particles that support the CC3UniformlyMovingParticleProtocol, such as particles of type CC3SprayPointParticle.
Class CC3PointParticleHoseEmitterDeprecated
Do not use this class. This class has been introduced into the hierarchy strictly to permit the library to maintain the deprecated CC3PointParticleHoseEmitter as a parent class of other deprecated classes in this library.
Member CC3PointParticleHoseEmitterDeprecated::dispersionAngle
This property is now on the contained CC3HoseParticleNavigator.
Member CC3PointParticleHoseEmitterDeprecated::maxParticleSpeed
This property is now on the contained CC3HoseParticleNavigator.
Member CC3PointParticleHoseEmitterDeprecated::minParticleSpeed
This property is now on the contained CC3HoseParticleNavigator.
Member CC3PointParticleHoseEmitterDeprecated::nozzle
This property is now on the contained CC3HoseParticleNavigator.
Member CC3PointParticleHoseEmitterDeprecated::nozzleMatrix
This property is now on the contained CC3HoseParticleNavigator.
Member CC3PointParticleHoseEmitterDeprecated::shouldPrecalculateNozzleTangents
This property is now on the contained CC3HoseParticleNavigator.
Class CC3PointParticleMesh
Functionality moved to CC3Mesh.
Member CC3PointParticleMesh::__deprecated
Use vertexCount instead. Point particles have one vertex per particle.
Member CC3RayIntersectionOfSphere (CC3Ray aRay, CC3Sphere aSphere) __deprecated
Renamed to CC3RayIntersectionWithSphere.
Member CC3RayIntersectionWithBoundingBox (CC3Ray aRay, CC3Box bb) __deprecated
Renamed to CC3RayIntersectionWithBox.
Member CC3RayIntersectionWithBoundingBoxSide (CC3Ray aRay, CC3Box bb, CC3Vector sideNormal, CC3Vector4 prevHit) __deprecated
Renamed to CC3RayIntersectionWithBoxSide.
Member CC3Resource::__deprecated

Property moved to CC3NodesResource subclass.

Property moved to CC3NodesResource subclass.

Member CC3ResourceNode::__deprecated

Use the populateFromResource: method instead. Setting this property invokes the populateFromResource: method. Querying this property always returns nil.

Setting this property has no effect. Querying this property always returns NO.

Class CC3ReverseDirectionalRotator
Use an instance of CC3DirectionalRotator and set the shouldReverseForwardDirection property to YES to duplicate the behaviour of this class.
Member CC3Scene::__deprecated

This property has been fomally deprecated to better support multiple CC3Layers displaying a single CC3Scene from different perspectives (different cameras). If you want to dedicate a single CC3Layer to a single CC3Scene, and hold a back reference to that layer within the scene, you should create and manage that reference in your custom CC3Scene class.

You should reference this directly through the view.

Access the view surface manager through singleton CC3ViewSurfaceManager sharedViewSurfaceManager. Setting this property has no effect.

Access the viewSurface property of the surface manager found in the CC3Layer or CC3NodeDrawingVisitor surfaceManager property.

Access the pickingSurface property of the surface manager found in the CC3Layer or CC3NodeDrawingVisitor surfaceManager property.

No longer used.

Use the shouldClearDepthBuffer propety instead.

Use the shouldClearDepthBuffer propety instead.

Member CC3Scene::shouldClearDepthBuffer
Depth clearing is now handled by app in drawSceneContentWithVisitor:.
Class CC3SkeletonRestPoseBindingVisitor
No longer used.
Member CC3TargettingAxisRestriction
Renamed to CC3TargettingConstraint.
Class CC3TargettingNode
CC3TargettingNode is deprecated. Its former functionality has been moved into the CC3Node class.
Member CC3TargettingRotator::__deprecated
Renamed to targettingConstraint.
Member CC3Texture::__deprecated
Renamed to ccTexture.
Class CC3UniformEvolutionParticle
Renamed to CC3UniformlyEvolvingPointParticle to clarify its type.
Class CC3UniformMotionParticle
Renamed to CC3SprayPointParticle to clarify its type.
Member CC3Vector4Slerp (CC3Vector4 v1, CC3Vector4 v2, GLfloat blendFactor) __deprecated
Replaced by CC3QuaternionSlerp.
Member CC3VectorFromQuaternion (CC3Quaternion q) __deprecated
You can now use q.v instead. See the declaration of the CC3Quaterion/CC3Vector4 structure.
Member CC3VectorFromTruncatedCC3Vector4 (CC3Vector4 v) __deprecated
You can now use v.v instead. See the declaration of the CC3Vector4 structure.
Member CC3VertexArray::__deprecated

Renamed to vertices.

Renamed to vertexCount.

Renamed to vertexStride.

This property is no longer used, and is fixed at 1.25.

Renamed to shouldReleaseRedundantContent.

Class CC3VertexArrayMesh
Functionality moved to CC3Mesh.
Class CC3VertexArrayMeshModel
Functionality moved to CC3Mesh.
Member CC3VertexLocations::__deprecated
Renamed to firstVertex.
Class CC3VertexLocationsBoundingBoxVolume
Functionality moved to parent CC3NodeBoxBoundingVolume class.
Class CC3VertexLocationsBoundingVolume
Functionality moved to parent CC3NodeCenterOfGeometryBoundingVolume class.
Class CC3VertexLocationsSphericalBoundingVolume
Functionality moved to parent CC3NodeSphericalBoundingVolume class.
Member CC3ViewController::__deprecated

No longer used.

No longer used by base class. See the CC3DeviceCameraOverlayUIViewController subclass for an implementation of this property.

Member CC3ViewSurfaceManager::__deprecated

Property moved to [CC3Backgrounder sharedBackgrounder] singleton.

The picking surface is always dedicated. This property always returns YES. Setting this property has no effect.

Class CC3World
CC3World renamed to CC3Scene.
Member CCNodeController
Replaced with CC3DeviceCameraOverlayUIViewController.
Member ControllableCCLayer
Replaced with CC3ControllableLayer.
Member kCC3BoundingBoxNull
Renamed to kCC3BoxNull.
Member kCC3BoundingBoxZero
Renamed to kCC3BoxZero.
Member NSStringFromCC3BoundingBox (CC3Box bb) __deprecated
Renamed to NSStringFromCC3Box.