Properties | List of all members
CC3CameraShadowVolume Class Reference

#import <CC3Light.h>

Inheritance diagram for CC3CameraShadowVolume:
Inheritance graph


CC3Vector bottomLeft
CC3Plane bottomPlane
CC3Vector bottomRight
CC3Plane farPlane
CC3Plane leftPlane
CC3Plane nearPlane
CC3Plane rightPlane
CC3Vector topLeft
CC3Plane topPlane
CC3Vector topRight
- Properties inherited from CC3LightCameraBridgeVolume
GLuint vertexCount
- Properties inherited from CC3BoundingVolume
BOOL isDirty
GLuint planeCount
BOOL shouldIgnoreRayIntersection
BOOL shouldLogIntersectionMisses
BOOL shouldLogIntersections
GLuint vertexCount

Additional Inherited Members

- Instance Methods inherited from CC3BoundingVolume
(BOOL) - doesIntersect:
(BOOL) - doesIntersectConvexHullOf:planes:
(BOOL) - doesIntersectConvexHullOf:planes:from:
(BOOL) - doesIntersectLocation:
(BOOL) - doesIntersectRay:
(BOOL) - doesIntersectSphere:
(BOOL) - doesIntersectSphere:from:
(NSString *) - fullDescription
(CC3Vector- globalLocationOfGlobalRayIntesection:
(BOOL) - isInFrontOfPlane:
(void) - markDirty
(void) - populateFrom:
- Instance Methods inherited from <CC3NodeTransformListenerProtocol>
(void) - nodeWasTransformed:
- Class Methods inherited from CC3BoundingVolume
(id) + boundingVolume

Detailed Description

A bounding volume that encloses a pyramidal volume between the view plane (near clipping plane) of the camera, and a light.

Nodes that intersect this volume will cast a shadow from that light across the camera. The shadow volume of nodes that cast a shadow across the camera view plane are rendered differently than shadow volumes for nodes that do not cast their shadow across the camera.

The camera shadow volume is a type of bounding volume and therefore supports methods for testing whether locations, rays, shapes, and other bounding volumes intersect its volume.

Property Documentation

- (CC3Vector) bottomLeft

The frustum vertex on the near clipping plane of the camera, at the intersection of the bottom and left sides.

- (CC3Plane) bottomPlane

The clip plane at the bottom of this frustum, in global coordinates.

- (CC3Vector) bottomRight

The frustum vertex on the near clipping plane of the camera, at the intersection of the bottom and right sides.

- (CC3Plane) farPlane

The clip plane at the far end of this frustum, in global coordinates.

- (CC3Plane) leftPlane

The clip plane at the left side of this frustum, in global coordinates.

- (CC3Plane) nearPlane

The clip plane at the near end of this frustum, in global coordinates.

- (CC3Plane) rightPlane

The clip plane at the right side of this frustum, in global coordinates.

- (CC3Vector) topLeft

The frustum vertex on the near clipping plane of the camera, at the intersection of the top and left sides.

- (CC3Plane) topPlane

The clip plane at the top of this frustum, in global coordinates.

- (CC3Vector) topRight

The frustum vertex on the near clipping plane of the camera, at the intersection of the top and right sides.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: