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CC3PODMaterial Class Reference

#import <CC3PODMaterial.h>

Inheritance diagram for CC3PODMaterial:
Inheritance graph

Class Methods

(id) + materialAtIndex:fromPODResource:
(void) + setShininessExpansionFactor:
(GLfloat) + shininessExpansionFactor
- Class Methods inherited from CC3Material
(ccBlendFunc) + defaultBlendFunc
(id) + material
(id) + materialWithName:
(id) + materialWithTag:
(id) + materialWithTag:withName:
(void) + setDefaultBlendFunc:
(id) + shiny
(id) + shinyWhite
(void) + unbindWithVisitor:
- Class Methods inherited from CC3Identifiable
(GLint) + instanceCount
(void) + resetTagAllocation


- Properties inherited from CC3Material
CC3ShaderContext *shaderContext __deprecated
CC3ShaderProgram *shaderProgram __deprecated
BOOL hasPremultipliedAlpha __deprecated
GLenum alphaTestFunction
GLfloat alphaTestReference
ccColor4F ambientColor
ccBlendFunc blendFunc
ccBlendFunc blendFuncAlpha
ccBlendFunc blendFuncRGB
CCColorRef color
GLenum destinationBlend
GLenum destinationBlendAlpha
GLenum destinationBlendRGB
ccColor4F diffuseColor
ccColor4F effectiveAmbientColor
ccColor4F effectiveDiffuseColor
ccColor4F effectiveEmissionColor
ccColor4F effectiveSpecularColor
ccColor4F emissionColor
BOOL hasBumpMap
BOOL hasTextureAlpha
BOOL hasTextureCube
BOOL hasTexturePremultipliedAlpha
BOOL isOpaque
CC3Vector lightDirection
CCOpacity opacity
GLfloat reflectivity
GLfloat shininess
BOOL shouldApplyOpacityToColor
BOOL shouldBlendAtFullOpacity
BOOL shouldDrawLowAlpha
BOOL shouldUseLighting
GLenum sourceBlend
GLenum sourceBlendAlpha
GLenum sourceBlendRGB
ccColor4F specularColor
GLuint textureCount
- Properties inherited from CC3Identifiable
NSObject *sharedUserData __deprecated
NSString * name
NSString * nameSuffix
GLint podIndex
BOOL shouldIncludeInDeepCopy
GLuint tag
NSObject * userData
- Properties inherited from <CC3Cacheable>
NSString * name

Additional Inherited Members

- Instance Methods inherited from CC3Material
(void) - addTexture:
(void) - applyEffectNamed:inPFXResourceFile:
(void) - applyEffectNamed:inPFXResourceNamed:
(void) - drawWithVisitor:
(CC3Texture *) - getTextureNamed:
(void) - removeAllTextures
(void) - removeTexture:
(void) - setTexture:forTextureUnit:
(CC3Texture *) - textureForTextureUnit:

Detailed Description

A CC3Material whose content originates from POD resource data.

Method Documentation

+ (id) materialAtIndex: (int)  aPODIndex
fromPODResource: (CC3PODResource *)  aPODRez 

Allocates and initializes an autoreleased instance from the data of this type at the specified index within the specified POD resource.

+ (void) setShininessExpansionFactor: (GLfloat)  aFloat

The shininess of a material as specified in a POD file has a very different scale than the shininess value used by OpenGL ES.

To compensate for this, the shininess value extracted from a POD file is multiplied by this factor before being applied to the material.

The initial value of this factor assumes the POD shininess range to be between zero and one. Since the OpenGL range is zero to 128, the initial value of this property is set to 128. If your POD files use a different range of shininess values, you can modify the value of this property to bring that range into the standard OpenGL range of zero to 128.

+ (GLfloat) shininessExpansionFactor

The shininess of a material as specified in a POD file has a very different scale than the shininess value used by OpenGL ES.

To compensate for this, the shininess value extracted from a POD file is multiplied by this factor before being applied to the material.

The initial value of this factor assumes the POD shininess range to be between zero and one. Since the OpenGL range is zero to 128, the initial value of this property is set to 128. If your POD files use a different range of shininess values, you can modify the value of this property to bring that range into the standard OpenGL range of zero to 128.

Property Documentation

- (CC3PFXEffect*) pfxEffect

Returns the PFX effect used by this material.

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