Properties | List of all members
CC3Bone Class Reference

#import <CC3VertexSkinning.h>

Inheritance diagram for CC3Bone:
Inheritance graph


- Properties inherited from CC3Node
CC3Vector sceneUpDirection __deprecated
CC3Vector worldUpDirection __deprecated
GLfloat scaleTolerance __deprecated
CC3Vector globalLightLocation __deprecated
CC3Matrix *transformMatrix __deprecated
CC3Matrix *transformMatrixInverted __deprecated
CC3Node *dirtiestAncestor __deprecated
CC3Matrix *parentTransformMatrix __deprecated
CC3Scene *world __deprecated
BOOL shouldCleanupWhenRemoved __deprecated
ccColor4F ambientColor
ccBlendFunc blendFunc
CC3Box boundingBox
GLfloat boundingVolumePadding
GLfloat cameraDistanceProduct
CC3Vector centerOfGeometry
NSArray * children
CCColorRef color
BOOL containsAnimation
GLfloat decalOffsetFactor
GLfloat decalOffsetUnits
GLenum depthFunction
ccColor4F diffuseColor
NSArray * directionMarkers
ccColor4F emissionColor
BOOL expectsVerticallyFlippedTextures
CC3Vector forwardDirection
CC3Box globalBoundingBox
CC3Vector globalCenterOfGeometry
CC3Vector globalForwardDirection
CC3Vector4 globalHomogeneousPosition
CC3Vector4 globalLightPosition
CC3Vector globalLocation
CC3Vector globalRightDirection
CC3Vector globalRotation
CC3Vector globalScale
CC3Vector globalUpDirection
BOOL hasLocalContent
BOOL hasSoftBodyContent
BOOL hasTarget
BOOL isAnimationEnabled
BOOL isBasePODNode
BOOL isBillboard
BOOL isCamera
BOOL isLight
BOOL isLightProbe
BOOL isMeshNode
BOOL isOpaque
BOOL isRunning
BOOL isScene
BOOL isShadowVolume
BOOL isTouchable
BOOL isTrackingForBumpMapping
BOOL isTransformDirty
BOOL isTransformRigid
BOOL isUniformlyScaledGlobally
BOOL isUniformlyScaledLocally
GLenum lineSmoothingHint
GLfloat lineWidth
CC3Vector location
CC3NormalScaling normalScalingMethod
CCOpacity opacity
GLint podContentIndex
GLint podParentIndex
GLint podTargetIndex
CC3Vector projectedLocation
CGPoint projectedPosition
CC3Quaternion quaternion
CC3Vector referenceUpDirection
GLfloat reflectivity
const char * renderStreamGroupMarker
CC3Vector rightDirection
CC3Vector rotation
GLfloat rotationAngle
CC3Vector rotationAxis
CC3Vector scale
GLfloat shadowExpansionLimitFactor
GLushort shadowLagCount
GLushort shadowLagFactor
GLfloat shadowOffsetFactor
GLfloat shadowOffsetUnits
NSArray * shadowVolumes
GLfloat shadowVolumeVertexOffsetFactor
GLfloat shininess
BOOL shouldAddShadowVolumeEndCapsOnlyWhenNeeded
BOOL shouldAllowTouchableWhenInvisible
BOOL shouldApplyOpacityAndColorToMeshContent
BOOL shouldAutoremoveWhenEmpty
BOOL shouldAutotargetCamera
BOOL shouldBlendAtFullOpacity
BOOL shouldCacheFaces
BOOL shouldCastShadows
BOOL shouldCastShadowsWhenInvisible
BOOL shouldCullBackFaces
BOOL shouldCullFrontFaces
BOOL shouldDisableDepthMask
BOOL shouldDisableDepthTest
BOOL shouldDrawAllBoundingVolumes
BOOL shouldDrawAllDescriptors
BOOL shouldDrawAllLocalContentWireframeBoxes
BOOL shouldDrawAllWireframeBoxes
BOOL shouldDrawBoundingVolume
BOOL shouldDrawDescriptor
BOOL shouldDrawInClipSpace
BOOL shouldDrawWireframeBox
BOOL shouldIgnoreRayIntersection
BOOL shouldInheritTouchability
BOOL shouldLogIntersectionMisses
BOOL shouldLogIntersections
BOOL shouldShadowBackFaces
BOOL shouldShadowFrontFaces
BOOL shouldSmoothLines
BOOL shouldStopActionsWhenRemoved
BOOL shouldTrackTarget
BOOL shouldUseClockwiseFrontFaceWinding
BOOL shouldUseFixedBoundingVolume
BOOL shouldUseLighting
BOOL shouldUseLightProbes
BOOL shouldUseSmoothShading
CC3Vector skeletalScale
ccColor4F specularColor
NSString * structureDescription
CC3Vector targetLocation
CC3TargettingConstraint targettingConstraint
BOOL touchEnabled
NSSet * transformListeners
GLfloat uniformScale
CC3Vector upDirection
BOOL visible
GLint zOrder
- Properties inherited from CC3Identifiable
NSObject *sharedUserData __deprecated
NSString * name
NSString * nameSuffix
GLint podIndex
BOOL shouldIncludeInDeepCopy
GLuint tag
NSObject * userData
- Properties inherited from <CC3Cacheable>
NSString * name

Additional Inherited Members

- Instance Methods inherited from CC3Node
(void) - __deprecated
(void) - __deprecated
(void) - __deprecated
(void) - __deprecated
(void) - __deprecated
(void) - __deprecated
(void) - __deprecated
(void) - __deprecated
(void) - __deprecated
(void) - __deprecated
(id) - __deprecated
(void) - __deprecated
(void) - addAndLocalizeChild:
(void) - addAnimation:asTrack:
(GLuint) - addAnimationFrom:to:
(void) - addAnimationFrom:to:asTrack:
(GLuint) - addAnimationFrom:to:ofBaseTrack:
(void) - addAnimationFrom:to:ofBaseTrack:asTrack:
(GLuint) - addAnimationFromCAFFile:
(void) - addAnimationFromCAFFile:asTrack:
(GLuint) - addAnimationFromCAFFile:linkedToCSFFile:
(void) - addAnimationFromCAFFile:linkedToCSFFile:asTrack:
(GLuint) - addAnimationFromFrame:toFrame:
(void) - addAnimationFromFrame:toFrame:asTrack:
(GLuint) - addAnimationFromFrame:toFrame:ofBaseTrack:
(void) - addAnimationFromFrame:toFrame:ofBaseTrack:asTrack:
(GLuint) - addAnimationFromPODFile:
(void) - addAnimationFromPODFile:asTrack:
(GLuint) - addAnimationInResource:
(void) - addAnimationInResource:asTrack:
(void) - addAnimationState:
(void) - addAxesDirectionMarkers
(void) - addChild:
(void) - addContentFromPODFile:
(void) - addContentFromPODFile:withName:
(void) - addContentFromPODResourceFile:
(void) - addContentFromPODResourceFile:withName:
(void) - addDirectionMarker
(void) - addDirectionMarkerColored:inDirection:
(void) - addShadowVolumes
(void) - addShadowVolumesForLight:
(void) - addTexture:
(void) - addTransformListener:
(void) - alignInvertedTextures
(void) - alignTextures
(GLfloat) - animationBlendingWeightOnTrack:
(CCTime) - animationTimeOnTrack:
(NSString *) - appendStructureDescriptionTo:withIndent:
(void) - applyEffectNamed:inPFXResourceFile:
(void) - applyEffectNamed:inPFXResourceNamed:
(void) - applyLocalTransformsTo:
(CC3Node *) - asBumpMapLightTrackingWrapper
(CC3Node *) - asCameraTrackingWrapper
(CC3Node *) - asOrientingWrapper
(CC3Node *) - asTrackingWrapper
(void) - bindRestPose
(CC3Box- boundingBoxRelativeTo:
(void) - buildTransformMatrixWithVisitor:
(void) - checkDrawingOrder
(void) - cleanupActions
(CC3Node *) - closestNodeIntersectedByGlobalRay:
(BOOL) - containsAnimationOnTrack:
(id) - copy
(id) - copyWithName:
(void) - createBoundingVolume
(void) - createBoundingVolumes
(void) - createGLBuffers
(void) - createSkinnedBoundingVolumes
(CC3NodeBoundingVolume *) - defaultBoundingVolume
(void) - deleteBoundingVolumes
(void) - deleteGLBuffers
(NSString *) - describeAnimationStateForFrames:
(NSString *) - describeAnimationStateForFrames:fromTime:toTime:
(NSString *) - describeCurrentAnimationState
(void) - disableAllAnimation
(void) - disableAllAnimationOnTrack:
(void) - disableAllLocationAnimation
(void) - disableAllQuaternionAnimation
(void) - disableAllScaleAnimation
(void) - disableAnimation
(void) - disableAnimationOnTrack:
(void) - disableLocationAnimation
(void) - disableQuaternionAnimation
(void) - disableScaleAnimation
(BOOL) - doesIntersectBoundingVolume:
(BOOL) - doesIntersectFrustum:
(BOOL) - doesIntersectGlobalRay:
(BOOL) - doesIntersectNode:
(void) - doNotBufferVertexBitangents
(void) - doNotBufferVertexBoneIndices
(void) - doNotBufferVertexBoneWeights
(void) - doNotBufferVertexColors
(void) - doNotBufferVertexContent
(void) - doNotBufferVertexIndices
(void) - doNotBufferVertexLocations
(void) - doNotBufferVertexNormals
(void) - doNotBufferVertexPointSizes
(void) - doNotBufferVertexTangents
(void) - doNotBufferVertexTextureCoordinates
(void) - drawWithVisitor:
(void) - enableAllAnimation
(void) - enableAllAnimationOnTrack:
(void) - enableAllLocationAnimation
(void) - enableAllQuaternionAnimation
(void) - enableAllScaleAnimation
(void) - enableAnimation
(void) - enableAnimationOnTrack:
(void) - enableLocationAnimation
(void) - enableQuaternionAnimation
(void) - enableScaleAnimation
(void) - ensureRigidSkeleton
(void) - establishAnimationFrameAt:
(void) - establishAnimationFrameAt:onTrack:
(NSArray *) - flatten
(void) - flattenInto:
(void) - flipNormals
(void) - flipTexturesHorizontally
(void) - flipTexturesVertically
(void) - freezeAllInanimatesOnTrack:
(void) - freezeIfInanimateOnTrack:
(CCAction *) - getActionByTag:
(CC3NodeAnimation *) - getAnimationOnTrack:
(CC3NodeAnimationState *) - getAnimationStateOnTrack:
(CC3MeshNode *) - getMeshNodeNamed:
(CC3Node *) - getNodeNamed:
(CC3Node *) - getNodeTagged:
(CC3ShadowVolumeMeshNode *) - getShadowVolumeForLight:
(CC3Vector- globalLocationOfGlobalRayIntesection:
(CC3Matrix *) - globalRotationMatrix
(BOOL) - hasShadowVolumes
(BOOL) - hasShadowVolumesForLight:
(void) - hide
(BOOL) - isAnimationEnabledOnTrack:
(BOOL) - isDescendantOf:
(BOOL) - isShadowVisible
(void) - linkToPODNodes:
(CC3Vector- locationOfGlobalRayIntesection:
(void) - markAnimationDirty
(void) - markBoundingVolumeDirty
(void) - markTransformDirty
(PODStructPtr- nodePODStructAtIndex:fromPODResource:
(CC3NodePuncturingVisitor *) - nodesIntersectedByGlobalRay:
(void) - nodeWasDestroyed:
(void) - nodeWasTransformed:
(NSInteger) - numberOfRunningActions
(void) - pauseAllActions
(void) - prewarmForShadowVolumes
(void) - reattachBonesFrom:
(void) - releaseRedundantContent
(void) - remove
(void) - removeAllChildren
(void) - removeAllDirectionMarkers
(void) - removeAllTransformListeners
(void) - removeAnimation:
(void) - removeAnimationState:
(void) - removeAnimationTrack:
(void) - removeChild:
(void) - removeShaders
(void) - removeShadowVolumes
(void) - removeShadowVolumesForLight:
(void) - removeTransformListener:
(void) - resumeAllActions
(void) - retainVertexBitangents
(void) - retainVertexBoneIndices
(void) - retainVertexBoneWeights
(void) - retainVertexColors
(void) - retainVertexContent
(void) - retainVertexIndices
(void) - retainVertexLocations
(void) - retainVertexNormals
(void) - retainVertexPointSizes
(void) - retainVertexTangents
(void) - retainVertexTextureCoordinates
(void) - rotateBy:
(void) - rotateByAngle:aroundAxis:
(void) - rotateByAngle:aroundAxis:atLocation:
(void) - rotateByQuaternion:
(CCAction *) - runAction:
(CCAction *) - runAction:withTag:
(void) - selectShaders
(void) - setAnimationBlendingWeight:onTrack:
(void) - setSkeletalBoundingVolume:
(void) - show
(void) - stopAction:
(void) - stopActionByTag:
(void) - stopAllActions
(void) - touchDisableAll
(void) - touchEnableAll
(void) - trackTargetWithVisitor:
(void) - transformAndDrawWithVisitor:
(void) - translateBy:
(void) - updateAfterTransform:
(void) - updateBeforeTransform:
(void) - wasAdded
(void) - wasRemoved
- Class Methods inherited from CC3Node
(GLfloat) + __deprecated
(CGFloat) + descriptorFontSize
(ccColor4F) + directionMarkerColor
(id) + node
(id) + nodeAtIndex:fromPODResource:
(id) + nodeWithName:
(id) + nodeWithTag:
(id) + nodeWithTag:withName:
(void) + setDefaultScaleTolerance:
(void) + setDescriptorFontSize:
(void) + setDirectionMarkerColor:
(void) + setWireframeBoxColor:
(ccColor4F) + wireframeBoxColor

Detailed Description

CC3Bone is the building block of skeletons that control the deformation of a skin mesh.

When building a skeleton, bones are assembled in a structural assembly, from a root bone out to limb or branch bones. For example, a skeleton for a human character might start with a root spine bone, to which are attached upper-arm and thigh bones, to which are attached, forearm and shin bones, to which are attached hand and foot bones, and so on.

In this structual assembly, moving an upper-arm bone to cause the character to reach out, carries the forearm and hand bones along with it. Movement of the forearm bone is then performed relative to the upper-arm bone, and movement of the hand bone is performed relative to the forearm, and so on.

CC3Bones are simply specialized structural nodes, and have no content of their own to draw. However, individual bones are referenced by skin sections of the skin mesh node, and the transform matrices of the bones influence the transformations of the vertices of the skin mesh, as the skeleton moves.

Property Documentation

- (CC3Matrix*) restPoseSkeletalTransformMatrixInverted

Returns the inverse of the transform matrix of this bone, relative to the coordinate system of the skeleton of which this bone is a part, that corresponds to the orientation of this bone when the skeleton is in its rest pose.

The returned matrix is the inverse of the matrix returned by the skeletalTransformMatrix property, at the point where the skeleton is in its rest pose (before any further transforms are applied to the bones in the skeleton). The rest pose of the skeleton corresponds to the undeformed skin mesh. Changes to the transform of this bone, relative to this rest pose, will deform the mesh to create soft-body movement of the mesh vertices.

The value of this property is set from the value of the skeletalTransformMatrix whenever the bindRestPose method is invoked.

- (CC3Matrix*) skeletalTransformMatrix

Returns the transform matrix of this bone, relative to the coordinate system of the skeleton of which this bone is a part.

The root of the skeleton is the nearest ancestor CC3SoftBodyNode.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: