List of all members
CC3SoftBodyNode Class Reference

#import <CC3VertexSkinning.h>

Inheritance diagram for CC3SoftBodyNode:
Inheritance graph

Additional Inherited Members

- Instance Methods inherited from CC3Node
(void) - __deprecated
(void) - __deprecated
(void) - __deprecated
(void) - __deprecated
(void) - __deprecated
(void) - __deprecated
(void) - __deprecated
(void) - __deprecated
(void) - __deprecated
(void) - __deprecated
(id) - __deprecated
(void) - __deprecated
(void) - addAndLocalizeChild:
(void) - addAnimation:asTrack:
(GLuint) - addAnimationFrom:to:
(void) - addAnimationFrom:to:asTrack:
(GLuint) - addAnimationFrom:to:ofBaseTrack:
(void) - addAnimationFrom:to:ofBaseTrack:asTrack:
(GLuint) - addAnimationFromCAFFile:
(void) - addAnimationFromCAFFile:asTrack:
(GLuint) - addAnimationFromCAFFile:linkedToCSFFile:
(void) - addAnimationFromCAFFile:linkedToCSFFile:asTrack:
(GLuint) - addAnimationFromFrame:toFrame:
(void) - addAnimationFromFrame:toFrame:asTrack:
(GLuint) - addAnimationFromFrame:toFrame:ofBaseTrack:
(void) - addAnimationFromFrame:toFrame:ofBaseTrack:asTrack:
(GLuint) - addAnimationFromPODFile:
(void) - addAnimationFromPODFile:asTrack:
(GLuint) - addAnimationInResource:
(void) - addAnimationInResource:asTrack:
(void) - addAnimationState:
(void) - addAxesDirectionMarkers
(void) - addChild:
(void) - addContentFromPODFile:
(void) - addContentFromPODFile:withName:
(void) - addContentFromPODResourceFile:
(void) - addContentFromPODResourceFile:withName:
(void) - addDirectionMarker
(void) - addDirectionMarkerColored:inDirection:
(void) - addShadowVolumes
(void) - addShadowVolumesForLight:
(void) - addTexture:
(void) - addTransformListener:
(void) - alignInvertedTextures
(void) - alignTextures
(GLfloat) - animationBlendingWeightOnTrack:
(CCTime) - animationTimeOnTrack:
(NSString *) - appendStructureDescriptionTo:withIndent:
(void) - applyEffectNamed:inPFXResourceFile:
(void) - applyEffectNamed:inPFXResourceNamed:
(void) - applyLocalTransformsTo:
(CC3Node *) - asBumpMapLightTrackingWrapper
(CC3Node *) - asCameraTrackingWrapper
(CC3Node *) - asOrientingWrapper
(CC3Node *) - asTrackingWrapper
(void) - bindRestPose
(CC3Box- boundingBoxRelativeTo:
(void) - buildTransformMatrixWithVisitor:
(void) - checkDrawingOrder
(void) - cleanupActions
(CC3Node *) - closestNodeIntersectedByGlobalRay:
(BOOL) - containsAnimationOnTrack:
(id) - copy
(id) - copyWithName:
(void) - createBoundingVolume
(void) - createBoundingVolumes
(void) - createGLBuffers
(void) - createSkinnedBoundingVolumes
(CC3NodeBoundingVolume *) - defaultBoundingVolume
(void) - deleteBoundingVolumes
(void) - deleteGLBuffers
(NSString *) - describeAnimationStateForFrames:
(NSString *) - describeAnimationStateForFrames:fromTime:toTime:
(NSString *) - describeCurrentAnimationState
(void) - disableAllAnimation
(void) - disableAllAnimationOnTrack:
(void) - disableAllLocationAnimation
(void) - disableAllQuaternionAnimation
(void) - disableAllScaleAnimation
(void) - disableAnimation
(void) - disableAnimationOnTrack:
(void) - disableLocationAnimation
(void) - disableQuaternionAnimation
(void) - disableScaleAnimation
(BOOL) - doesIntersectBoundingVolume:
(BOOL) - doesIntersectFrustum:
(BOOL) - doesIntersectGlobalRay:
(BOOL) - doesIntersectNode:
(void) - doNotBufferVertexBitangents
(void) - doNotBufferVertexBoneIndices
(void) - doNotBufferVertexBoneWeights
(void) - doNotBufferVertexColors
(void) - doNotBufferVertexContent
(void) - doNotBufferVertexIndices
(void) - doNotBufferVertexLocations
(void) - doNotBufferVertexNormals
(void) - doNotBufferVertexPointSizes
(void) - doNotBufferVertexTangents
(void) - doNotBufferVertexTextureCoordinates
(void) - drawWithVisitor:
(void) - enableAllAnimation
(void) - enableAllAnimationOnTrack:
(void) - enableAllLocationAnimation
(void) - enableAllQuaternionAnimation
(void) - enableAllScaleAnimation
(void) - enableAnimation
(void) - enableAnimationOnTrack:
(void) - enableLocationAnimation
(void) - enableQuaternionAnimation
(void) - enableScaleAnimation
(void) - ensureRigidSkeleton
(void) - establishAnimationFrameAt:
(void) - establishAnimationFrameAt:onTrack:
(NSArray *) - flatten
(void) - flattenInto:
(void) - flipNormals
(void) - flipTexturesHorizontally
(void) - flipTexturesVertically
(void) - freezeAllInanimatesOnTrack:
(void) - freezeIfInanimateOnTrack:
(CCAction *) - getActionByTag:
(CC3NodeAnimation *) - getAnimationOnTrack:
(CC3NodeAnimationState *) - getAnimationStateOnTrack:
(CC3MeshNode *) - getMeshNodeNamed:
(CC3Node *) - getNodeNamed:
(CC3Node *) - getNodeTagged:
(CC3ShadowVolumeMeshNode *) - getShadowVolumeForLight:
(CC3Vector- globalLocationOfGlobalRayIntesection:
(CC3Matrix *) - globalRotationMatrix
(BOOL) - hasShadowVolumes
(BOOL) - hasShadowVolumesForLight:
(void) - hide
(BOOL) - isAnimationEnabledOnTrack:
(BOOL) - isDescendantOf:
(BOOL) - isShadowVisible
(void) - linkToPODNodes:
(CC3Vector- locationOfGlobalRayIntesection:
(void) - markAnimationDirty
(void) - markBoundingVolumeDirty
(void) - markTransformDirty
(PODStructPtr- nodePODStructAtIndex:fromPODResource:
(CC3NodePuncturingVisitor *) - nodesIntersectedByGlobalRay:
(void) - nodeWasDestroyed:
(void) - nodeWasTransformed:
(NSInteger) - numberOfRunningActions
(void) - pauseAllActions
(void) - prewarmForShadowVolumes
(void) - reattachBonesFrom:
(void) - releaseRedundantContent
(void) - remove
(void) - removeAllChildren
(void) - removeAllDirectionMarkers
(void) - removeAllTransformListeners
(void) - removeAnimation:
(void) - removeAnimationState:
(void) - removeAnimationTrack:
(void) - removeChild:
(void) - removeShaders
(void) - removeShadowVolumes
(void) - removeShadowVolumesForLight:
(void) - removeTransformListener:
(void) - resumeAllActions
(void) - retainVertexBitangents
(void) - retainVertexBoneIndices
(void) - retainVertexBoneWeights
(void) - retainVertexColors
(void) - retainVertexContent
(void) - retainVertexIndices
(void) - retainVertexLocations
(void) - retainVertexNormals
(void) - retainVertexPointSizes
(void) - retainVertexTangents
(void) - retainVertexTextureCoordinates
(void) - rotateBy:
(void) - rotateByAngle:aroundAxis:
(void) - rotateByAngle:aroundAxis:atLocation:
(void) - rotateByQuaternion:
(CCAction *) - runAction:
(CCAction *) - runAction:withTag:
(void) - selectShaders
(void) - setAnimationBlendingWeight:onTrack:
(void) - setSkeletalBoundingVolume:
(void) - show
(void) - stopAction:
(void) - stopActionByTag:
(void) - stopAllActions
(void) - touchDisableAll
(void) - touchEnableAll
(void) - trackTargetWithVisitor:
(void) - transformAndDrawWithVisitor:
(void) - translateBy:
(void) - updateAfterTransform:
(void) - updateBeforeTransform:
(void) - wasAdded
(void) - wasRemoved
- Class Methods inherited from CC3Node
(GLfloat) + __deprecated
(CGFloat) + descriptorFontSize
(ccColor4F) + directionMarkerColor
(id) + node
(id) + nodeAtIndex:fromPODResource:
(id) + nodeWithName:
(id) + nodeWithTag:
(id) + nodeWithTag:withName:
(void) + setDefaultScaleTolerance:
(void) + setDescriptorFontSize:
(void) + setDirectionMarkerColor:
(void) + setWireframeBoxColor:
(ccColor4F) + wireframeBoxColor
- Properties inherited from CC3Node
CC3Vector sceneUpDirection __deprecated
CC3Vector worldUpDirection __deprecated
GLfloat scaleTolerance __deprecated
CC3Vector globalLightLocation __deprecated
CC3Matrix *transformMatrix __deprecated
CC3Matrix *transformMatrixInverted __deprecated
CC3Node *dirtiestAncestor __deprecated
CC3Matrix *parentTransformMatrix __deprecated
CC3Scene *world __deprecated
BOOL shouldCleanupWhenRemoved __deprecated
ccColor4F ambientColor
ccBlendFunc blendFunc
CC3Box boundingBox
GLfloat boundingVolumePadding
GLfloat cameraDistanceProduct
CC3Vector centerOfGeometry
NSArray * children
CCColorRef color
BOOL containsAnimation
GLfloat decalOffsetFactor
GLfloat decalOffsetUnits
GLenum depthFunction
ccColor4F diffuseColor
NSArray * directionMarkers
ccColor4F emissionColor
BOOL expectsVerticallyFlippedTextures
CC3Vector forwardDirection
CC3Box globalBoundingBox
CC3Vector globalCenterOfGeometry
CC3Vector globalForwardDirection
CC3Vector4 globalHomogeneousPosition
CC3Vector4 globalLightPosition
CC3Vector globalLocation
CC3Vector globalRightDirection
CC3Vector globalRotation
CC3Vector globalScale
CC3Vector globalUpDirection
BOOL hasLocalContent
BOOL hasSoftBodyContent
BOOL hasTarget
BOOL isAnimationEnabled
BOOL isBasePODNode
BOOL isBillboard
BOOL isCamera
BOOL isLight
BOOL isLightProbe
BOOL isMeshNode
BOOL isOpaque
BOOL isRunning
BOOL isScene
BOOL isShadowVolume
BOOL isTouchable
BOOL isTrackingForBumpMapping
BOOL isTransformDirty
BOOL isTransformRigid
BOOL isUniformlyScaledGlobally
BOOL isUniformlyScaledLocally
GLenum lineSmoothingHint
GLfloat lineWidth
CC3Vector location
CC3NormalScaling normalScalingMethod
CCOpacity opacity
GLint podContentIndex
GLint podParentIndex
GLint podTargetIndex
CC3Vector projectedLocation
CGPoint projectedPosition
CC3Quaternion quaternion
CC3Vector referenceUpDirection
GLfloat reflectivity
const char * renderStreamGroupMarker
CC3Vector rightDirection
CC3Vector rotation
GLfloat rotationAngle
CC3Vector rotationAxis
CC3Vector scale
GLfloat shadowExpansionLimitFactor
GLushort shadowLagCount
GLushort shadowLagFactor
GLfloat shadowOffsetFactor
GLfloat shadowOffsetUnits
NSArray * shadowVolumes
GLfloat shadowVolumeVertexOffsetFactor
GLfloat shininess
BOOL shouldAddShadowVolumeEndCapsOnlyWhenNeeded
BOOL shouldAllowTouchableWhenInvisible
BOOL shouldApplyOpacityAndColorToMeshContent
BOOL shouldAutoremoveWhenEmpty
BOOL shouldAutotargetCamera
BOOL shouldBlendAtFullOpacity
BOOL shouldCacheFaces
BOOL shouldCastShadows
BOOL shouldCastShadowsWhenInvisible
BOOL shouldCullBackFaces
BOOL shouldCullFrontFaces
BOOL shouldDisableDepthMask
BOOL shouldDisableDepthTest
BOOL shouldDrawAllBoundingVolumes
BOOL shouldDrawAllDescriptors
BOOL shouldDrawAllLocalContentWireframeBoxes
BOOL shouldDrawAllWireframeBoxes
BOOL shouldDrawBoundingVolume
BOOL shouldDrawDescriptor
BOOL shouldDrawInClipSpace
BOOL shouldDrawWireframeBox
BOOL shouldIgnoreRayIntersection
BOOL shouldInheritTouchability
BOOL shouldLogIntersectionMisses
BOOL shouldLogIntersections
BOOL shouldShadowBackFaces
BOOL shouldShadowFrontFaces
BOOL shouldSmoothLines
BOOL shouldStopActionsWhenRemoved
BOOL shouldTrackTarget
BOOL shouldUseClockwiseFrontFaceWinding
BOOL shouldUseFixedBoundingVolume
BOOL shouldUseLighting
BOOL shouldUseLightProbes
BOOL shouldUseSmoothShading
CC3Vector skeletalScale
ccColor4F specularColor
NSString * structureDescription
CC3Vector targetLocation
CC3TargettingConstraint targettingConstraint
BOOL touchEnabled
NSSet * transformListeners
GLfloat uniformScale
CC3Vector upDirection
BOOL visible
GLint zOrder

Detailed Description

CC3SoftBodyNode is the primary structural component for a soft-body object that uses vertex skinning to manipulate and draw mesh vertices.

Vertex skinning is a feature of OpenGL that allows the vertices of a mesh to be manipulated or deformed using an underlying skeleton of bones. This feature is also sometimes referred to as bone-rigging. This feature is used to create realistic movement in soft-body, flexible meshes, such as characters or textiles.

A soft-body object consists of two primary components: a skeletal structure, and the skin that covers it. The skeletal structure is constructed from an assembly of CC3Bone instances, and the skin is constructed from one or more CC3SkinMeshNode instances. The CC3SoftBodyNode instance then serves to collect together the bones and skin components, and forms the root of the soft-body object.

The vertices of the skin mesh forms the skin that surrounds the bones of the skeleton. During movement and drawing, the location and rotation of each bone in the skeleton influences the locations of the skin vertices that are attached to that bone. Some skin vertices, particularly those around joints where two bones meet, can be associated with more than one bone, and in that case, the influence that each bone has on the location of a vertex is determined by a weighting associated with each bone for that vertex.

The CC3Bone instances are typically assembled into a structural assembly of bones known as a skeleton. The purpose of this skeletal structure is to allow the bones to move and interact with each other in a hierarchical manner.

A CC3SkinMeshNode instance represents the skin that covers the skeleton, and contains the mesh that makes up the skin. This mesh includes the bone assignments and weights for each vertex, which specifies how the location of each vertex is influenced by the location and orientation of each nearby bone.

A single soft-body object may be covered by a single skin mesh, but more complicated objects may be covered by several skin meshes. As such, a single CC3SoftBodyNode instance may contain one or more CC3SkinMeshNode instances.

For efficiency and control, each skin mesh is usually broken into sections. These skin sections are represented by instances of the CC3SkinSection class. A CC3SkinMeshNode typically holds a single mesh and several CC3SkinSection instances to define how that mesh should be divided into sections. Each CC3SkinSection instance contains a range of vertices, and references to the bones in the skeleton that influence the vertices in that range. All of the vertices of a single CC3SkinSection are drawn in a single GL drawing call.

Manipulation of the bones in the skeleton will cause the soft-body to move and flex internally. In addition, like any node, a CC3SoftBodyNode can be moved, rotated and scaled to move, rotate and scale the entire soft-body assembly of skin and bones as a unit. By combining both internal bone animation with movement of the entire CC3SoftBodyNode, you can create realistic movement of your soft-body objects.

For example, if your CC3SoftBodyNode represents a character, you could animate the bones in the skeleton within the node to crouch down and then stand up again. During the standing up animation, you could move the entire CC3SoftBodyNode upwards to create a realistic jumping action. Or, you could simply animate the bones in the skeleton through a loop of a step of a walking motion, while at the same time moving the CC3SoftBodyNode forward, making it appear that the character was walking forward.

The initial assembly of CC3Bone nodes should be arranged into what is termed the "rest pose". This is the alignment of the bones that will fit the undeformed positions of the vertices that make up the skin. In the rest pose, the bones have no deforming effect on the skin vertices.

Once the initial skeleton has been assembled into the rest pose, you should invoke the bindRestPose method on the CC3SoftBodyNode instance (or any ancestor node of the CC3SoftBodyNode instance) to cause the bones to cache this pose.

Subsequent movement of the bones in the skeleton deform the skin vertices relative to this rest pose, affecting the location of the vertices in the mesh.

In almost all soft-body objects, all internal movement of the object is handled via manipulation of the bones. The CC3SkinMeshNodes should not be moved or rotated directly, relative to the surrounding CC3SoftBodyNode, otherwise the skin will become detached from the bones. However, if you have reason to move the skin mesh nodes relative to the soft-body node, you should re-establish the rest pose and invoke the bindRestPose method again to re-align the bones with the skin.

If the CC3SoftBodyNode has been assembled from a file loader, the bindRestPose method will usually be invoked automatically, and you do not need to invoke it explicitly.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: