Instance Methods | Class Methods | Properties | List of all members
CC3ResourceNode Class Reference

#import <CC3ResourceNode.h>

Inheritance diagram for CC3ResourceNode:
Inheritance graph

Instance Methods

(id) - initFromFile:
(id) - initFromFile:expectsVerticallyFlippedTextures:
(id) - initFromResourceFile:
(id) - initWithName:fromFile:
(id) - initWithName:fromResourceFile:
(void) - loadFromFile:
(void) - loadFromFile:expectsVerticallyFlippedTextures:
(void) - loadFromResourceFile:
(void) - populateFromResource:
- Instance Methods inherited from CC3Node
(void) - __deprecated
(void) - __deprecated
(void) - __deprecated
(void) - __deprecated
(void) - __deprecated
(void) - __deprecated
(void) - __deprecated
(void) - __deprecated
(void) - __deprecated
(void) - __deprecated
(id) - __deprecated
(void) - __deprecated
(void) - addAndLocalizeChild:
(void) - addAnimation:asTrack:
(GLuint) - addAnimationFrom:to:
(void) - addAnimationFrom:to:asTrack:
(GLuint) - addAnimationFrom:to:ofBaseTrack:
(void) - addAnimationFrom:to:ofBaseTrack:asTrack:
(GLuint) - addAnimationFromCAFFile:
(void) - addAnimationFromCAFFile:asTrack:
(GLuint) - addAnimationFromCAFFile:linkedToCSFFile:
(void) - addAnimationFromCAFFile:linkedToCSFFile:asTrack:
(GLuint) - addAnimationFromFrame:toFrame:
(void) - addAnimationFromFrame:toFrame:asTrack:
(GLuint) - addAnimationFromFrame:toFrame:ofBaseTrack:
(void) - addAnimationFromFrame:toFrame:ofBaseTrack:asTrack:
(GLuint) - addAnimationFromPODFile:
(void) - addAnimationFromPODFile:asTrack:
(GLuint) - addAnimationInResource:
(void) - addAnimationInResource:asTrack:
(void) - addAnimationState:
(void) - addAxesDirectionMarkers
(void) - addChild:
(void) - addContentFromPODFile:
(void) - addContentFromPODFile:withName:
(void) - addContentFromPODResourceFile:
(void) - addContentFromPODResourceFile:withName:
(void) - addDirectionMarker
(void) - addDirectionMarkerColored:inDirection:
(void) - addShadowVolumes
(void) - addShadowVolumesForLight:
(void) - addTexture:
(void) - addTransformListener:
(void) - alignInvertedTextures
(void) - alignTextures
(GLfloat) - animationBlendingWeightOnTrack:
(CCTime) - animationTimeOnTrack:
(NSString *) - appendStructureDescriptionTo:withIndent:
(void) - applyEffectNamed:inPFXResourceFile:
(void) - applyEffectNamed:inPFXResourceNamed:
(void) - applyLocalTransformsTo:
(CC3Node *) - asBumpMapLightTrackingWrapper
(CC3Node *) - asCameraTrackingWrapper
(CC3Node *) - asOrientingWrapper
(CC3Node *) - asTrackingWrapper
(void) - bindRestPose
(CC3Box- boundingBoxRelativeTo:
(void) - buildTransformMatrixWithVisitor:
(void) - checkDrawingOrder
(void) - cleanupActions
(CC3Node *) - closestNodeIntersectedByGlobalRay:
(BOOL) - containsAnimationOnTrack:
(id) - copy
(id) - copyWithName:
(void) - createBoundingVolume
(void) - createBoundingVolumes
(void) - createGLBuffers
(void) - createSkinnedBoundingVolumes
(CC3NodeBoundingVolume *) - defaultBoundingVolume
(void) - deleteBoundingVolumes
(void) - deleteGLBuffers
(NSString *) - describeAnimationStateForFrames:
(NSString *) - describeAnimationStateForFrames:fromTime:toTime:
(NSString *) - describeCurrentAnimationState
(void) - disableAllAnimation
(void) - disableAllAnimationOnTrack:
(void) - disableAllLocationAnimation
(void) - disableAllQuaternionAnimation
(void) - disableAllScaleAnimation
(void) - disableAnimation
(void) - disableAnimationOnTrack:
(void) - disableLocationAnimation
(void) - disableQuaternionAnimation
(void) - disableScaleAnimation
(BOOL) - doesIntersectBoundingVolume:
(BOOL) - doesIntersectFrustum:
(BOOL) - doesIntersectGlobalRay:
(BOOL) - doesIntersectNode:
(void) - doNotBufferVertexBitangents
(void) - doNotBufferVertexBoneIndices
(void) - doNotBufferVertexBoneWeights
(void) - doNotBufferVertexColors
(void) - doNotBufferVertexContent
(void) - doNotBufferVertexIndices
(void) - doNotBufferVertexLocations
(void) - doNotBufferVertexNormals
(void) - doNotBufferVertexPointSizes
(void) - doNotBufferVertexTangents
(void) - doNotBufferVertexTextureCoordinates
(void) - drawWithVisitor:
(void) - enableAllAnimation
(void) - enableAllAnimationOnTrack:
(void) - enableAllLocationAnimation
(void) - enableAllQuaternionAnimation
(void) - enableAllScaleAnimation
(void) - enableAnimation
(void) - enableAnimationOnTrack:
(void) - enableLocationAnimation
(void) - enableQuaternionAnimation
(void) - enableScaleAnimation
(void) - ensureRigidSkeleton
(void) - establishAnimationFrameAt:
(void) - establishAnimationFrameAt:onTrack:
(NSArray *) - flatten
(void) - flattenInto:
(void) - flipNormals
(void) - flipTexturesHorizontally
(void) - flipTexturesVertically
(void) - freezeAllInanimatesOnTrack:
(void) - freezeIfInanimateOnTrack:
(CCAction *) - getActionByTag:
(CC3NodeAnimation *) - getAnimationOnTrack:
(CC3NodeAnimationState *) - getAnimationStateOnTrack:
(CC3MeshNode *) - getMeshNodeNamed:
(CC3Node *) - getNodeNamed:
(CC3Node *) - getNodeTagged:
(CC3ShadowVolumeMeshNode *) - getShadowVolumeForLight:
(CC3Vector- globalLocationOfGlobalRayIntesection:
(CC3Matrix *) - globalRotationMatrix
(BOOL) - hasShadowVolumes
(BOOL) - hasShadowVolumesForLight:
(void) - hide
(BOOL) - isAnimationEnabledOnTrack:
(BOOL) - isDescendantOf:
(BOOL) - isShadowVisible
(void) - linkToPODNodes:
(CC3Vector- locationOfGlobalRayIntesection:
(void) - markAnimationDirty
(void) - markBoundingVolumeDirty
(void) - markTransformDirty
(PODStructPtr- nodePODStructAtIndex:fromPODResource:
(CC3NodePuncturingVisitor *) - nodesIntersectedByGlobalRay:
(void) - nodeWasDestroyed:
(void) - nodeWasTransformed:
(NSInteger) - numberOfRunningActions
(void) - pauseAllActions
(void) - prewarmForShadowVolumes
(void) - reattachBonesFrom:
(void) - releaseRedundantContent
(void) - remove
(void) - removeAllChildren
(void) - removeAllDirectionMarkers
(void) - removeAllTransformListeners
(void) - removeAnimation:
(void) - removeAnimationState:
(void) - removeAnimationTrack:
(void) - removeChild:
(void) - removeShaders
(void) - removeShadowVolumes
(void) - removeShadowVolumesForLight:
(void) - removeTransformListener:
(void) - resumeAllActions
(void) - retainVertexBitangents
(void) - retainVertexBoneIndices
(void) - retainVertexBoneWeights
(void) - retainVertexColors
(void) - retainVertexContent
(void) - retainVertexIndices
(void) - retainVertexLocations
(void) - retainVertexNormals
(void) - retainVertexPointSizes
(void) - retainVertexTangents
(void) - retainVertexTextureCoordinates
(void) - rotateBy:
(void) - rotateByAngle:aroundAxis:
(void) - rotateByAngle:aroundAxis:atLocation:
(void) - rotateByQuaternion:
(CCAction *) - runAction:
(CCAction *) - runAction:withTag:
(void) - selectShaders
(void) - setAnimationBlendingWeight:onTrack:
(void) - setSkeletalBoundingVolume:
(void) - show
(void) - stopAction:
(void) - stopActionByTag:
(void) - stopAllActions
(void) - touchDisableAll
(void) - touchEnableAll
(void) - trackTargetWithVisitor:
(void) - transformAndDrawWithVisitor:
(void) - translateBy:
(void) - updateAfterTransform:
(void) - updateBeforeTransform:
(void) - wasAdded
(void) - wasRemoved
- Instance Methods inherited from CC3Identifiable
(id) - copyAsClass:
(void) - copyUserDataFrom:
(id) - copyWithName:asClass:
(id) - copyWithZone:withName:
(id) - copyWithZone:withName:asClass:
(BOOL) - deriveNameFrom:
(BOOL) - deriveNameFrom:usingSuffix:
(NSString *) - fullDescription
(id) - init
(id) - initAtIndex:fromPODResource:
(void) - initUserData
(id) - initWithName:
(id) - initWithTag:
(id) - initWithTag:withName:
(GLuint) - nextTag
(void) - populateFrom:

Class Methods

(id) + nodeFromFile:
(id) + nodeFromFile:expectsVerticallyFlippedTextures:
(id) + nodeFromResourceFile:
(id) + nodeWithName:fromFile:
(id) + nodeWithName:fromResourceFile:
- Class Methods inherited from CC3Node
(GLfloat) + __deprecated
(CGFloat) + descriptorFontSize
(ccColor4F) + directionMarkerColor
(id) + node
(id) + nodeAtIndex:fromPODResource:
(id) + nodeWithName:
(id) + nodeWithTag:
(id) + nodeWithTag:withName:
(void) + setDefaultScaleTolerance:
(void) + setDescriptorFontSize:
(void) + setDirectionMarkerColor:
(void) + setWireframeBoxColor:
(ccColor4F) + wireframeBoxColor
- Class Methods inherited from CC3Identifiable
(GLint) + instanceCount
(void) + resetTagAllocation


CC3NodesResource *resource __deprecated
Class resourceClass
- Properties inherited from CC3Node
CC3Vector sceneUpDirection __deprecated
CC3Vector worldUpDirection __deprecated
GLfloat scaleTolerance __deprecated
CC3Vector globalLightLocation __deprecated
CC3Matrix *transformMatrix __deprecated
CC3Matrix *transformMatrixInverted __deprecated
CC3Node *dirtiestAncestor __deprecated
CC3Matrix *parentTransformMatrix __deprecated
CC3Scene *world __deprecated
BOOL shouldCleanupWhenRemoved __deprecated
ccColor4F ambientColor
ccBlendFunc blendFunc
CC3Box boundingBox
GLfloat boundingVolumePadding
GLfloat cameraDistanceProduct
CC3Vector centerOfGeometry
NSArray * children
CCColorRef color
BOOL containsAnimation
GLfloat decalOffsetFactor
GLfloat decalOffsetUnits
GLenum depthFunction
ccColor4F diffuseColor
NSArray * directionMarkers
ccColor4F emissionColor
BOOL expectsVerticallyFlippedTextures
CC3Vector forwardDirection
CC3Box globalBoundingBox
CC3Vector globalCenterOfGeometry
CC3Vector globalForwardDirection
CC3Vector4 globalHomogeneousPosition
CC3Vector4 globalLightPosition
CC3Vector globalLocation
CC3Vector globalRightDirection
CC3Vector globalRotation
CC3Vector globalScale
CC3Vector globalUpDirection
BOOL hasLocalContent
BOOL hasSoftBodyContent
BOOL hasTarget
BOOL isAnimationEnabled
BOOL isBasePODNode
BOOL isBillboard
BOOL isCamera
BOOL isLight
BOOL isLightProbe
BOOL isMeshNode
BOOL isOpaque
BOOL isRunning
BOOL isScene
BOOL isShadowVolume
BOOL isTouchable
BOOL isTrackingForBumpMapping
BOOL isTransformDirty
BOOL isTransformRigid
BOOL isUniformlyScaledGlobally
BOOL isUniformlyScaledLocally
GLenum lineSmoothingHint
GLfloat lineWidth
CC3Vector location
CC3NormalScaling normalScalingMethod
CCOpacity opacity
GLint podContentIndex
GLint podParentIndex
GLint podTargetIndex
CC3Vector projectedLocation
CGPoint projectedPosition
CC3Quaternion quaternion
CC3Vector referenceUpDirection
GLfloat reflectivity
const char * renderStreamGroupMarker
CC3Vector rightDirection
CC3Vector rotation
GLfloat rotationAngle
CC3Vector rotationAxis
CC3Vector scale
GLfloat shadowExpansionLimitFactor
GLushort shadowLagCount
GLushort shadowLagFactor
GLfloat shadowOffsetFactor
GLfloat shadowOffsetUnits
NSArray * shadowVolumes
GLfloat shadowVolumeVertexOffsetFactor
GLfloat shininess
BOOL shouldAddShadowVolumeEndCapsOnlyWhenNeeded
BOOL shouldAllowTouchableWhenInvisible
BOOL shouldApplyOpacityAndColorToMeshContent
BOOL shouldAutoremoveWhenEmpty
BOOL shouldAutotargetCamera
BOOL shouldBlendAtFullOpacity
BOOL shouldCacheFaces
BOOL shouldCastShadows
BOOL shouldCastShadowsWhenInvisible
BOOL shouldCullBackFaces
BOOL shouldCullFrontFaces
BOOL shouldDisableDepthMask
BOOL shouldDisableDepthTest
BOOL shouldDrawAllBoundingVolumes
BOOL shouldDrawAllDescriptors
BOOL shouldDrawAllLocalContentWireframeBoxes
BOOL shouldDrawAllWireframeBoxes
BOOL shouldDrawBoundingVolume
BOOL shouldDrawDescriptor
BOOL shouldDrawInClipSpace
BOOL shouldDrawWireframeBox
BOOL shouldIgnoreRayIntersection
BOOL shouldInheritTouchability
BOOL shouldLogIntersectionMisses
BOOL shouldLogIntersections
BOOL shouldShadowBackFaces
BOOL shouldShadowFrontFaces
BOOL shouldSmoothLines
BOOL shouldStopActionsWhenRemoved
BOOL shouldTrackTarget
BOOL shouldUseClockwiseFrontFaceWinding
BOOL shouldUseFixedBoundingVolume
BOOL shouldUseLighting
BOOL shouldUseLightProbes
BOOL shouldUseSmoothShading
CC3Vector skeletalScale
ccColor4F specularColor
NSString * structureDescription
CC3Vector targetLocation
CC3TargettingConstraint targettingConstraint
BOOL touchEnabled
NSSet * transformListeners
GLfloat uniformScale
CC3Vector upDirection
BOOL visible
GLint zOrder
- Properties inherited from CC3Identifiable
NSObject *sharedUserData __deprecated
NSString * name
NSString * nameSuffix
GLint podIndex
BOOL shouldIncludeInDeepCopy
GLuint tag
NSObject * userData
- Properties inherited from <CC3Cacheable>
NSString * name

Detailed Description

A CC3ResourceNode is a CC3Node that that can be populated from a CC3NodesResource, and forms the root of the node structural assembly loaded from a resource file.

This is an abstract class, and subclasses are specialized for loading different types of resource files.

A subclass instance can be populated in one of several ways:

Under iOS, a texture whose width and height are not each a power-of-two, will be converted to a size whose width and height are a power-of-two. The result is a texture that can have empty space on the top and right sides. If the texture coordinates of the mesh do not take this into consideration, the result will be that only the lower left of the mesh will be covered by the texture.

In addition, the vertical axis of the coordinate system of OpenGL is inverted relative to the iOS view coordinate system. This results in textures being displayed upside-down, relative to the OpenGL coordinate system.

The CC3NodesResource that actually loads the file content will automatically adjust the meshes to compensate for this. Meshes loaded by this resource loader will have their texture coordinates adjusted to align with the usable area of an NPOT texture, and to vertically flip a texture that has been loaded upside-down.

To determine whether textures will need to be vertically flipped, the loader needs to know whether or not the meshes have already been flipped (by the 3D editor or file exporter). The initialization and loading methods have an option to pass an indication of whether the texture coordinates have already been flipped.

Method Documentation

- (id) initFromFile: (NSString *)  aFilepath

Initializes this instance, loads the file at the specified file path, extracts the loaded CC3Nodes from the resource, and adds them as child nodes to this resource node.

The specified file path may be either an absolute path, or a path relative to the application resource directory. If the file is located directly in the application resources directory, the specified file path can simply be the name of the file.

This method invokes the loadFromFile: method to load the file.

The name of this node will be set to that of the resource, which is usually the name of the file loaded.

- (id) initFromFile: (NSString *)  aFilepath
expectsVerticallyFlippedTextures: (BOOL)  flipped 

Initializes this instance, loads the file at the specified file path, extracts the loaded CC3Nodes from the resource, and adds them as child nodes to this resource node.

The specified file path may be either an absolute path, or a path relative to the application resource directory. If the file is located directly in the application resources directory, the specified file path can simply be the name of the file.

This method invokes the loadFromFile:expectsVerticallyFlippedTextures: method to load the file.

The name of this node will be set to that of the resource, which is usually the name of the file loaded.

- (id) initFromResourceFile: (NSString *)  __deprecated
Use the initFromFile: method instead, which supports both absolute file paths and file paths that are relative to the resources directory.
- (id) initWithName: (NSString *)  aName
fromFile: (NSString *)  aFilepath 

Initializes this instance, loads the file at the specified file path, extracts the loaded CC3Nodes from the resource, and adds them as child nodes to this resource node.

The specified file path may be either an absolute path, or a path relative to the application resource directory. If the file is located directly in the application resources directory, the specified file path can simply be the name of the file.

The name of this node will be set to the specified name.

- (id) initWithName: (NSString *)  aName
fromResourceFile: (NSString *)  __deprecated 
Use the initWithName:FromFile: method instead, which supports both absolute file paths and file paths that are relative to the resources directory.
- (void) loadFromFile: (NSString *)  aFilepath

Loads the file at the specified file path, extracts the loaded CC3Nodes from the resource, and adds them as child nodes to this resource node.

The specified file path may be either an absolute path, or a path relative to the application resource directory. If the file is located directly in the application resources directory, the specified file path can simply be the name of the file.

This method invokes the resourceFromFile: class method on the class returned by the resourceClass property, and sets the resource property of this node to the returned instance.

If not already set, the name of this node will be set to that of the resource, which is usually the name of the file loaded.

- (void) loadFromFile: (NSString *)  aFilepath
expectsVerticallyFlippedTextures: (BOOL)  flipped 

Loads the file at the specified file path, extracts the loaded CC3Nodes from the resource, and adds them as child nodes to this resource node.

The specified file path may be either an absolute path, or a path relative to the application resource directory. If the file is located directly in the application resources directory, the specified file path can simply be the name of the file.

This method invokes the resourceFromFile:expectsVerticallyFlippedTextures: class method on the class returned by the resourceClass property, and sets the resource property of this node to the returned instance.

If not already set, the name of this node will be set to that of the resource, which is usually the name of the file loaded.

- (void) loadFromResourceFile: (NSString *)  __deprecated
Use the loadFromFile: method instead, which supports both absolute file paths and file paths that are relative to the resources directory.
+ (id) nodeFromFile: (NSString *)  aFilepath

Allocates and initializes an autoreleased instance, loads the file at the specified file path, extracts the loaded CC3Nodes from the resource, and adds them as child nodes to this resource node.

The specified file path may be either an absolute path, or a path relative to the application resource directory. If the file is located directly in the application resources directory, the specified file path can simply be the name of the file.

This method invokes the loadFromFile: method to load the file.

The name of this node will be set to that of the resource, which is usually the name of the file loaded.

+ (id) nodeFromFile: (NSString *)  aFilepath
expectsVerticallyFlippedTextures: (BOOL)  flipped 

Allocates and initializes an autoreleased instance, loads the file at the specified file path, extracts the loaded CC3Nodes from the resource, and adds them as child nodes to this resource node.

The specified file path may be either an absolute path, or a path relative to the application resource directory. If the file is located directly in the application resources directory, the specified file path can simply be the name of the file.

This method invokes the loadFromFile:expectsVerticallyFlippedTextures: method to load the file.

The name of this node will be set to that of the resource, which is usually the name of the file loaded.

+ (id) nodeFromResourceFile: (NSString *)  __deprecated
Use the nodeFromFile: method instead, which supports both absolute file paths and file paths that are relative to the resources directory.
+ (id) nodeWithName: (NSString *)  aName
fromFile: (NSString *)  aFilepath 

Allocates and initializes an autoreleased instance, loads the file at the specified file path, extracts the loaded CC3Nodes from the resource, and adds them as child nodes to this resource node.

The specified file path may be either an absolute path, or a path relative to the application resource directory. If the file is located directly in the application resources directory, the specified file path can simply be the name of the file.

The name of this node will be set to the specified name.

+ (id) nodeWithName: (NSString *)  aName
fromResourceFile: (NSString *)  __deprecated 
Use the nodeWithName:FromFile: method instead, which supports both absolute file paths and file paths that are relative to the resources directory.
- (void) populateFromResource: (CC3NodesResource *)  resource

Populates this instance from the specified resource, which must be of the type specified by the resourceClass property.

This method removes all child nodes of this instance and replaces them with the nodes extracted from the nodes property of the specified resource.

If this node has not yet been assigned a name, it will be set to the name of the specified resource.

The userData property of this node will be set to the userData property of the resource.

This method is automatically invoked by the loadFromFile:... methods, and in turn, from any of the initialization methods that load content from a file.

Subclass may override to extract additional content from the resource.

Property Documentation

- (CC3NodesResource* resource) __deprecated
Use the populateFromResource: method instead. Setting this property invokes the populateFromResource: method. Querying this property always returns nil.
- (BOOL expectsVerticallyFlippedTextures) __deprecated
Setting this property has no effect. Querying this property always returns NO.
- (Class) resourceClass

Returns the class of the CC3NodesResource instance used to load 3D content files.

The returned value is used by the initializers that load a file, and determines the type of resource that can be passed to the populateFromResource: method.

Default implementation triggers an assertion and returns CC3NodesResource. Subclasses must override to return an appropriate resource class.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: