Instance Methods | List of all members
CC3UniformlyEvolvingPointParticle Class Reference

#import <CC3PointParticleSamples.h>

Inheritance diagram for CC3UniformlyEvolvingPointParticle:
Inheritance graph

Instance Methods

(void) - updateBeforeTransform:

Additional Inherited Members

- Class Methods inherited from CC3PointParticle
(id) + particleFromEmitter:
- Properties inherited from CC3PointParticle
GLuint index __deprecated
BOOL hasNormal
BOOL hasSize
CC3Vector normal
GLfloat size
- Properties inherited from <CC3MortalParticleProtocol>
CCTime lifeSpan
CCTime timeToLive
- Properties inherited from <CC3UniformlyMovingParticleProtocol>
CC3Vector location
CC3Vector velocity

Detailed Description

CC3UniformlyEvolvingPointParticle is a type of CC3SprayPointParticle that implements the CC3UniformlyGrowingPointParticleProtocol and CC3UniformlyFadingParticleProtocol protocols to configure steadily changing color and size that vary linearly from an intitial color and size to a final color and size.

The rate of change of the particle's color and size are specified by the colorVelocity and sizeVelocity properties respectively.

To produce uniform evolution, the updateBeforeTransform: method multiplies each of these velocities by the interval since the previous update, and adds each result, accordingly, to the color and size properties of this particle. Color and size are only updated if the underlying mesh supports that content.

Method Documentation

- (void) updateBeforeTransform: (CC3NodeUpdatingVisitor *)  visitor

This template callback method is invoked automatically whenever the emitter is updated during a scheduled 3D scene update.

The direction and speed are specified by the velocity property. The rate of change of the particle's color and size are specified by the colorVelocity and sizeVelocity properties respectively.

To produce uniform evolution, this method multiplies each of these three velocities by the interval since the previous update, and adds each result, accordingly, to the location, color and size properties of this particle. Color and size are only updated if this particle supports that content.

Subclasses that override this method should invoke this superclass implementation first, and should check the isAlive property prior to making any further modifications..

Implements CC3SprayPointParticle.

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