Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- b -
- b
: CC3Plane
, CC3AttenuationCoefficients
- backdrop
: CC3Scene
- backgroundColor
: CC3PODResource
- barycentricLocation
: CC3MeshIntersection
- baseAnimation
: CC3NodeAnimationSegment
- baseline
: CC3BitmapLabelNode
, CC3BitmapFontConfiguration
- baseSurface
: CC3SurfaceSection
- billboard
: CC3Billboard
- billboard3DContentScaleFactor
: CCNode(CC3Billboard)
- billboardBoundingRect
: CC3Billboard
- billboardCCRenderer
: CC3NodeDrawingVisitor
- bind
: CC3GLRenderbuffer
- bindBuffer:toTarget:
: CC3OpenGL
- bindContentToAttributeAt:withVisitor:
: CC3VertexArray
- bindDefaultWithVisitor:
: CC3TextureUnit
- bindEnvironmentalTextures
: CC3NodeDrawingVisitor
- bindFog:withVisitor:
: CC3OpenGL
- bindFramebuffer:
: CC3OpenGL
- bindMesh:withVisitor:
: CC3OpenGL
- bindRenderbuffer:
: CC3OpenGL
- bindRenderbuffer:toFrameBuffer:asAttachment:
: CC3OpenGL
- bindRestPose
: CC3Node(Skinning)
, CC3Node
- bindTexture2D:face:mipmapLevel:toFrameBuffer:asAttachment:
: CC3OpenGL
- bindTexture:toTarget:at:
: CC3OpenGL
- bindToFramebuffer:asAttachment:
: <CC3FramebufferAttachment>
- bindVertexArrayObject:
: CC3OpenGL
- bindVertexAttribute:withVisitor:
: CC3OpenGL
- bindVertexContent:withSize:withType:withStride:withShouldNormalize:toAttributeAt:
: CC3OpenGL
- bindWithVisitor:
: CC3TextureUnit
, CC3Mesh
, CC3ShaderProgram
- blendFunc
: CC3Material
, CC3MeshNode
, CC3Node
- blendFuncAlpha
: CC3Material
- blendFuncRGB
: CC3Material
- blendingWeight
: CC3NodeAnimationState
- bone
: CC3SkinnedBone
- boneAt:
: CC3SkinSection
- boneCount
: CC3SkinSection
- boneIndexForBoneInfluence:at:
: CC3VertexBoneIndices
- boneIndicesAt:
: CC3VertexBoneIndices
- boneNodeClass
: CC3PODResource
- bones
: CC3SkinSection
- boneWasTransformed:
: CC3SkinMeshNode
- boneWeightsAt:
: CC3VertexBoneWeights
- bottom
: CC3Frustum
- bottomLeft
: CC3CameraShadowVolume
- bottomPlane
: CC3Frustum
, CC3CameraShadowVolume
- bottomRight
: CC3CameraShadowVolume
- boundingBox
: CC3Mesh
, CC3VertexLocations
, CC3NodeBoxBoundingVolume
, CC3Node
- boundingBoxInPixels
: CCNode(CC3)
- boundingBoxRelativeTo:
: CC3Node
- boundingVolume
: CC3BoundingVolume
, CC3NodeSphereThenBoxBoundingVolume
, CC3Billboard
, CC3Node
- boundingVolumeCircumscribingBox:
: CC3NodeSphereThenBoxBoundingVolume
- boundingVolumeFromBox:
: CC3NodeBoxBoundingVolume
- boundingVolumeFromSphere:
: CC3NodeSphericalBoundingVolume
- boundingVolumeFromSphere:andBox:
: CC3NodeSphereThenBoxBoundingVolume
- boundingVolumePadding
: CC3Node
- boundingVolumes
: CC3NodeTighteningBoundingVolumeSequence
- boundingVolumeWithSphereVolume:andBoxVolume:
: CC3NodeSphereThenBoxBoundingVolume
- box
: CC3TouchBox
- boxBoundingVolume
: CC3NodeSphereThenBoxBoundingVolume
- bufferID
: CC3VertexArray
- bufferTarget
: CC3VertexArray
- bufferUsage
: CC3VertexArray
- build
: CC3PODResource
- buildCameraAtIndex:
: CC3PODResource
- buildLightAtIndex:
: CC3PODResource
- buildMaterialAtIndex:
: CC3PODResource
- buildMaterials
: CC3PODResource
- buildMeshAtIndex:
: CC3PODResource
- buildMeshes
: CC3PODResource
- buildMeshNodeAtIndex:
: CC3PODResource
- buildNodeAtIndex:
: CC3PODResource
- buildNodes
: CC3PODResource
- buildSceneInfo
: CC3PODResource
- buildSoftBodyNode
: CC3PODResource
- buildStructuralNodeAtIndex:
: CC3PODResource
- buildTextureAtIndex:
: CC3PODResource
- buildTextures
: CC3PODResource
- buildTransformMatrixWithVisitor:
: CC3Node
- bytesPerPixel
: CCTexture(CC3)
- bytesRemaining
: CC3DataReader