Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- l -
- labelString
: CC3BitmapLabelNode
- layer
: CCLayer(CC3)
- layerTransformMatrix
: CC3NodeDrawingVisitor
- left
: CC3Frustum
- leftMultiply:byMatrix:
: CC3GLMatrixDeprecated
- leftMultiplyBy:
: CC3Matrix
- leftMultiplyByCC3Matrix3x3:
: CC3Matrix
- leftMultiplyByCC3Matrix4x3:
: CC3Matrix
- leftMultiplyByCC3Matrix4x4:
: CC3Matrix
- leftMultiplyByMatrix:
: CC3GLMatrixDeprecated
- leftMultiplyIntoCC3Matrix3x3:
: CC3Matrix
- leftMultiplyIntoCC3Matrix4x3:
: CC3Matrix
- leftMultiplyIntoCC3Matrix4x4:
: CC3Matrix
- leftPlane
: CC3Frustum
, CC3CameraShadowVolume
- lifeSpan
: <CC3MortalParticleProtocol>
- light
: <CC3ShadowProtocol>
- lightAt:
: CC3NodeVisitor
- lightAtIndex:
: CC3PODResource
- lightClass
: CC3PODResource
- lightCount
: CC3PODResource
, CC3NodeVisitor
, CC3Light
- lightDirection
: CC3Material
, CC3Texture
, CC3TextureUnit
- lightIndex
: CC3Light
- lightNodePODStructAtIndex:
: CC3PODResource
- lightPODStructAtIndex:
: CC3PODResource
- lightPoolStartIndex
: CC3Light
- lightProbeAt:
: CC3NodeVisitor
- lightProbeCount
: CC3NodeVisitor
- lightProbes
: CC3Scene
- lights
: CC3Scene
- lightWithLightIndex:
: CC3Light
- lightWithName:withLightIndex:
: CC3Light
- lightWithTag:withLightIndex:
: CC3Light
- lightWithTag:withName:withLightIndex:
: CC3Light
- lineCount
: NSString(CC3)
, CC3ShaderSourceCode
- lineEnd
: CC3SimpleLineNode
- lineHeight
: CC3BitmapLabelNode
- lineNumber
: CC3ShaderSourceCodeLineNumberLocalizingVisitor
- lineNumberOffset
: CC3ShaderSourceCodeLineNumberLocalizingVisitor
- lines
: NSString(CC3)
- lineSmoothingHint
: CC3Node
- lineStart
: CC3SimpleLineNode
- lineWidth
: CC3Node
- link
: CC3ShaderProgram
- linkShaderProgram:
: CC3OpenGL
- linkToCALNodes:
: CC3CALNode
- linkToCSFResource:
: CC3CAFResource
- linkToPODNodes:
: CC3Node
, CC3PODSkinSection
- listenersForNode:
: CC3NodeTransformListeners
- loadBufferTarget:withData:ofLength:forUse:
: CC3OpenGL
- loadCubeFace:fromCGImage:
: CC3TextureCube
- loadCubeFace:fromFile:
: CC3TextureCube
- loadedProgramsDescription
: CC3ShaderProgram
- loadedShadersDescription
: CC3Shader
- loadedShaderSourceCodeDescription
: CC3ShaderSourceCode
- loadFromFile:
: CC3Resource
, CC3ResourceNode
, CC3STBImage
- loadFromFile:expectsVerticallyFlippedTextures:
: CC3ResourceNode
- loadFromFilePattern:
: CC3TextureCube
- loadFromFilesPosX:negX:posY:negY:posZ:negZ:
: CC3TextureCube
- loadFromResourceFile:
: CC3ResourceNode
, CC3Resource
- loadModelviewMatrix:
: CC3OpenGL
- loadPaletteMatrix:at:
: CC3OpenGL
- loadProjectionMatrix:
: CC3OpenGL
- loadTexureImage:intoTarget:onMipmapLevel:withSize:withFormat:withType:withByteAlignment:at:
: CC3OpenGL
- loadTexureSubImage:intoTarget:onMipmapLevel:intoRectangle:withFormat:withType:withByteAlignment:at:
: CC3OpenGL
- localContentBoundingBox
: CC3LocalContentNode
- localContentBoundingBoxRelativeTo:
: CC3LocalContentNode
- localContentCenterOfGeometry
: CC3LocalContentNode
- localContentWireframeBoxColor
: CC3LocalContentNode
- localContentWireframeBoxNode
: CC3LocalContentNode
- localizedSourceCode
: CC3ShaderSourceCodeLineNumberLocalizingVisitor
- localizeLineNumberWithVisitor:
: CC3ShaderSourceCode
- localTransformMatrix
: CC3Node
- location
: CC3MeshParticle
, <CC3UniformlyMovingParticleProtocol>
, CC3LitColoredVertex
, CC3TexturedVertex
, CC3NodeAnimationState
, CC3ColoredVertex
, CC3Node
, CC3FrozenNodeAnimation
, CC3GLSLVariable
, CC3ParticleBase
, CC3MeshIntersection
- locationAt:
: CC3VertexLocations
- locationOfGlobalRayIntesection:
: CC3Node
- locationOfRayIntesection:
: CC3NodeBoundingVolume