Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- c -
- c
: CC3Plane
, CC3AttenuationCoefficients
- c1r1
: CC3Matrix4x3
, CC3Matrix4x4
, CC3Matrix3x3
- c1r2
: CC3Matrix4x4
, CC3Matrix3x3
, CC3Matrix4x3
- c1r3
: CC3Matrix3x3
, CC3Matrix4x3
, CC3Matrix4x4
- c1r4
: CC3Matrix4x4
- c2r1
: CC3Matrix3x3
, CC3Matrix4x3
, CC3Matrix4x4
- c2r2
: CC3Matrix3x3
, CC3Matrix4x3
, CC3Matrix4x4
- c2r3
: CC3Matrix3x3
, CC3Matrix4x3
, CC3Matrix4x4
- c2r4
: CC3Matrix4x4
- c3r1
: CC3Matrix3x3
, CC3Matrix4x3
, CC3Matrix4x4
- c3r2
: CC3Matrix3x3
, CC3Matrix4x3
, CC3Matrix4x4
- c3r3
: CC3Matrix3x3
, CC3Matrix4x3
, CC3Matrix4x4
- c3r4
: CC3Matrix4x4
- c4r1
: CC3Matrix4x3
, CC3Matrix4x4
- c4r2
: CC3Matrix4x3
, CC3Matrix4x4
- c4r3
: CC3Matrix4x3
, CC3Matrix4x4
- c4r4
: CC3Matrix4x4
- cachedResourcesDescription
: CC3Resource
- cachedTexturesDescription
: CC3Texture
- calculateLocationToShowAllOf:fromDirection:withPadding:
: CC3Camera
- calculateLocationToShowAllOf:whileLookingAt:fromDirection:withPadding:
: CC3Camera
- calIndex
: CC3CALNode
- calParentIndex
: CC3CALNode
- camera
: CC3Frustum
, CC3NodeVisitor
- cameraAtIndex:
: CC3PODResource
- cameraClass
: CC3PODResource
- cameraCount
: CC3PODResource
- cameraDistanceProduct
: CC3Node
- cameraNodePODStructAtIndex:
: CC3PODResource
- cameraPODStructAtIndex:
: CC3PODResource
- cameraShadowVolume
: CC3Light
- capacityExpansionFactor
: CC3Mesh
- captureOpenGLFrame
: CC3OpenGL
- cc2PointFromGLPoint:
: CC3Camera
- cc3AddGestureRecognizer:
: CC3Layer
- cc3ContainsTouchPoint:
: CCNode(CC3)
- cc3ConvertNodePointToUISpace:
: CCNode(CC3)
- cc3ConvertNSEventToNodeSpace:
: CCNode(CC3)
- cc3ConvertUIMovementToNodeSpace:
: CCNode(CC3)
- cc3ConvertUIPointToNodeSpace:
: CCNode(CC3)
- cc3GestureRecognizers
: CC3Layer
- cc3NormalizeUIMovement:
: CCNode(CC3)
- cc3RemoveAllGestureRecognizers
: CC3Layer
- cc3RemoveGestureRecognizer:
: CC3Layer
- cc3Scene
: CC3Layer
- cc3SceneClass
: CC3Layer
- cc3WillConsumeTouchEventAt:
: CCNode(CC3)
- ccGLView
: CCDirector(CC3)
- ccRenderer
: CC3NodeDrawingVisitor
- ccTexture
: CC3Texture
- center
: CC3Sphere
- centerAt:
: CC3FaceArray
- centerOfGeometry
: CC3Mesh
, CC3VertexLocations
, CC3NodeBoundingVolume
, CC3Node
- centers
: CC3FaceArray
- characterSpecFor:
: CC3BitmapFontConfiguration
- charCode
: CC3BitmapCharDef
- charDef
: CC3BitmapCharDefHashElement
- checkDrawingOrder
: CC3LocalContentNode
, CC3Node
- checkFramebufferStatus:
: CC3OpenGL
- children
: CC3Node
- cleanupActions
: CC3Node
- clearBuffers:
: CC3OpenGL
- clearCCRenderers
: CC3NodeDrawingVisitor
- clearColorAndDepthContent
: <CC3RenderSurface>
, CC3SurfaceSection
- clearColorContent
: <CC3RenderSurface>
, CC3SurfaceSection
- clearDeformableCaches
: CC3DeformedFaceArray
- clearDepthContent
: <CC3RenderSurface>
, CC3SurfaceSection
- clearFontConfigurations
: CC3BitmapFontConfiguration
- clearGL
: CC3NodeDrawingVisitor
- clearIfTarget:
: CC3Rotator
- clearMisplacedNodes
: CC3NodeSequencerVisitor
- clearOpenGLResourceCaches
: CC3OpenGL
- clearStencilContent
: <CC3RenderSurface>
, CC3SurfaceSection
- clearTextureBinding:
: CC3OpenGL
- clearUnboundVertexAttributes
: CC3OpenGL
- close
: CC3Scene
- closeDepthTestWithVisitor:
: CC3Scene
- closestGlobalPunctureLocation
: CC3NodePuncturingVisitor
- closestNodeIntersectedByGlobalRay:
: CC3Node
- closestPuncturedNode
: CC3NodePuncturingVisitor
- closestPunctureLocation
: CC3NodePuncturingVisitor
- closeWithVisitor:
: CC3Camera
- cocos3dResourcesBundle
: NSBundle(CC3)
- cocos3dResourcesBundlePath
: NSBundle(CC3)
- col1
: CC3Matrix3x3
, CC3Matrix4x3
, CC3Matrix4x4
- col2
: CC3Matrix3x3
, CC3Matrix4x3
, CC3Matrix4x4
- col3
: CC3Matrix3x3
, CC3Matrix4x3
, CC3Matrix4x4
- col4
: CC3Matrix4x3
, CC3Matrix4x4
- color
: CC3TextureUnit
, CC3Mesh
, CC3VertexColors
, CC3MeshNode
, CC3Node
, CC3ParticleBase
, CC3Scene
, CC3LitColoredVertex
, CC3ColoredVertex
, CC3Material
- color4B
: CC3ParticleBase
- color4BAt:
: CC3VertexColors
- color4F
: CC3ParticleBase
, <CC3UniformlyFadingParticleProtocol>
- color4FAt:
: CC3VertexColors
- colorAttachment
: <CC3RenderSurface>
, CC3GLFramebuffer
, CC3SurfaceSection
- colorFormat
: CC3ViewSurfaceManager
- colorRenderBuffer
: CCGLView(CC3)
- colorTexelFormat
: CC3ViewSurfaceManager
- colorTexelType
: CC3ViewSurfaceManager
- colorTexture
: CC3GLFramebuffer
- colorTextureSurfaceIsOpaque:
: CC3GLFramebuffer
- colorTextureSurfaceIsOpaque:withDepthAttachment:
: CC3GLFramebuffer
- colorTextureSurfaceIsOpaque:withDepthFormat:
: CC3GLFramebuffer
- colorTextureSurfaceWithPixelFormat:withPixelType:withDepthAttachment:
: CC3GLFramebuffer
- colorVelocity
: <CC3UniformlyFadingParticleProtocol>
- colRow
: CC3Matrix4x3
, CC3Matrix4x4
, CC3Matrix3x3
- columns
: CC3Matrix3x3
, CC3Matrix4x3
, CC3Matrix4x4
- combineAlphaFunction
: CC3ConfigurableTextureUnit
- combineRGBFunction
: CC3ConfigurableTextureUnit
- commonHeight
: CC3BitmapFontConfiguration
- compileFromSourceCode:
: CC3Shader
- compileFromSourceCodeString:
: CC3Shader
- compileShader:from:sourceCodeStrings:
: CC3OpenGL
- compileShader:fromSourceCodeStrings:
: CC3OpenGL
- componentCount
: CC3STBImage
- configurationFromFontFile:
: CC3BitmapFontConfiguration
- configureVariable:
: CC3ShaderSemanticsBase
, <CC3ShaderSemanticsDelegate>
, CC3ShaderSemanticsByVarName
- constantColor
: CC3TextureUnit
- constructorDescription
: CC3Resource
, CC3ShaderSourceCode
, CC3Shader
, CC3ShaderProgram
, CC3Texture
- containsAnimation
: CC3Node(Animation)
, CC3Node
- containsAnimationOnTrack:
: CC3Node(Animation)
, CC3Node
- containsVertexIndex:
: CC3SkinSection
- contentSizeChanged
: CC3Layer
- contentSizeInPixels
: CCNode(CC3)
- context
: CC3OpenGL
, CC3ShaderContext
- copy
: CC3Node
, CC3Identifiable
- copyAsClass:
: CC3GLSLVariable
, CC3Identifiable
- copyForNode:
: CC3SkinSection
- copyForNode:withZone:
: CC3SkinSection
- copyMatrix:into:
: CC3GLMatrixDeprecated
- copyUserDataFrom:
: CC3Identifiable
- copyVertexAt:from:to:
: CC3Mesh
- copyVertexIndices:from:inMesh:to:offsettingBy:
: CC3Mesh
- copyVertexIndices:from:to:offsettingBy:
: CC3Mesh
- copyVertices:from:inMesh:to:
: CC3Mesh
- copyVertices:from:to:
: CC3VertexArray
, CC3Mesh
- copyVertices:from:to:offsettingBy:
: CC3VertexIndices
- copyVertices:from:toAddress:
: CC3VertexArray
- copyVertices:from:toAddress:offsettingBy:
: CC3VertexIndices
- copyVertices:fromAddress:to:
: CC3VertexArray
- copyVertices:fromAddress:to:offsettingBy:
: CC3VertexIndices
- copyVertices:fromAddress:toAddress:
: CC3VertexArray
- copyVertices:fromAddress:toAddress:offsettingBy:
: CC3VertexIndices
- copyWithName:
: CC3Node
, CC3Identifiable
- copyWithName:asClass:
: CC3Identifiable
- copyWithZone:asClass:
: CC3GLSLVariable
- copyWithZone:withName:
: CC3Identifiable
- copyWithZone:withName:asClass:
: CC3Identifiable
- correctAnimationToSkeletalScale:
: CC3CALNode
- count
: CC3NodeTransformListeners
- coverage
: CC3Texture
- createBoundingVolume
: CC3Node
- createBoundingVolumes
: CC3Node
- createCGImage
: CC3SurfaceSection
, <CC3RenderSurface>
- createCGImageFrom:
: CC3SurfaceSection
, <CC3RenderSurface>
- createGLBuffer
: CC3VertexArray
- createGLBuffers
: CC3Mesh
, CC3Node
- createShader:
: CC3OpenGL
- createShaderProgram
: CC3OpenGL
- createSkinnedBoundingVolumes
: CC3Node(Skinning)
, CC3Node
- current2DTextureUnit
: CC3NodeDrawingVisitor
- currentColor
: CC3NodeDrawingVisitor
- currentColor4B
: CC3NodeDrawingVisitor
- currentCubeTextureUnit
: CC3NodeDrawingVisitor
- currentMaterial
: CC3NodeVisitor
- currentMesh
: CC3NodeVisitor
- currentMeshNode
: CC3NodeVisitor
- currentNode
: CC3NodeVisitor
- currentParticleCapacity
: CC3ParticleEmitter
- currentShaderProgram
: CC3NodeVisitor
- currentSkinSection
: CC3NodeDrawingVisitor
- currentTextureUnitAt:
: CC3NodeVisitor