Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- f -
- face
: CC3MeshIntersection
, CC3TextureFramebufferAttachment
- faceArray
: CC3FaceArray
- faceArrayWithName:
: CC3FaceArray
- faceArrayWithTag:
: CC3FaceArray
- faceArrayWithTag:withName:
: CC3FaceArray
- faceAt:
: CC3VertexLocations
, CC3MeshNode
, CC3Mesh
- faceCenterAt:
: CC3Mesh
, CC3MeshNode
- faceCount
: CC3Mesh
, CC3FaceArray
, CC3DrawableVertexArray
, CC3MeshNode
- faceCountFromVertexCount:
: CC3Mesh
, CC3DrawableVertexArray
, CC3MeshNode
- faceCountFromVertexIndexCount:
: CC3Mesh
, CC3DrawableVertexArray
, CC3MeshNode
- faceFromIndices:
: CC3Mesh
, CC3VertexLocations
, CC3MeshNode
- faceIndex
: CC3MeshIntersection
- faceIndicesAt:
: CC3Mesh
, CC3DrawableVertexArray
, CC3VertexIndices
, CC3MeshNode
- faceNeighboursAt:
: CC3Mesh
, CC3MeshNode
- faceNormalAt:
: CC3Mesh
, CC3MeshNode
- facePlane
: CC3MeshIntersection
- facePlaneAt:
: CC3Mesh
, CC3MeshNode
- faces
: CC3Mesh
- facesPresented
: CC3PerformanceStatistics
- factory
: CC3ModelSampleFactory
- far
: CC3Frustum
- farBottomLeft
: CC3Frustum
- farBottomRight
: CC3Frustum
- farClippingDistance
: CC3Camera
- farPlane
: CC3Frustum
, CC3CameraShadowVolume
- farTopLeft
: CC3Frustum
- farTopRight
: CC3Frustum
- fieldOfView
: CC3Camera
- fieldOfViewAspectOrientation
: CC3Camera
- fieldOfViewOrientation
: CC3Camera
- fileVersion
: CC3CAFResource
, CC3CSFResource
- finalizeParticle
: <CC3ParticleProtocol>
- findFirst:globalIntersections:ofGlobalRay:acceptBackFaces:acceptBehindRay:
: CC3MeshNode
- findFirst:intersections:ofLocalRay:acceptBackFaces:acceptBehindRay:
: CC3Mesh
, CC3MeshNode
- finish
: CC3OpenGL
- finiteProjectionMatrix
: CC3Frustum
- firstVertex
: CC3VertexLocations
- firstVertexIndexOffset
: <CC3MeshParticleProtocol>
- firstVertexOffset
: <CC3MeshParticleProtocol>
- flags
: CC3CAFResource
- flatten
: CC3Node
- flattenInto:
: CC3Node
- flipHorizontally
: CC3Texture2DContent
, CCTexture(CC3)
, CC3VertexTextureCoordinates
- flipHorizontallyTextureUnit:
: CC3Mesh
, CC3MeshNode
- flipNormals
: CC3Mesh
, CC3Node
, CC3VertexNormals
- flipTexturesHorizontally
: CC3Mesh
, CC3MeshNode
, CC3Node
- flipTexturesVertically
: CC3Mesh
, CC3MeshNode
, CC3Node
- flipVertically
: CCTexture(CC3)
, CC3VertexTextureCoordinates
, CC3Texture2DContent
- flipVerticallyTextureUnit:
: CC3MeshNode
, CC3Mesh
- flush
: CC3OpenGL
, CCRenderer
- fog
: CC3Scene
, CC3Fog
- fontFileName
: CC3BitmapLabelNode
- fontSize
: CC3BitmapLabelNode
, CC3BitmapFontConfiguration
- forwardDirection
: CC3Camera
, CC3DirectionalRotator
, CC3Light
, CC3Node
, CC3MeshParticle
- fragmentShader
: CC3ShaderProgram
- fragmentShaderVarPrecision:
: CC3OpenGL
- fragmentShaderVarRangeMax:
: CC3OpenGL
- fragmentShaderVarRangeMin:
: CC3OpenGL
- framebufferID
: CC3GLFramebuffer
- frameCount
: CC3NodeAnimationState
, CC3NodeAnimation
- frameInterval
: CCDirector(CC3)
- frameRate
: CC3PerformanceStatistics
, CCDirector(CC3)
- frameRateHistogram
: CC3PerformanceStatisticsHistogram
- framesHandled
: CC3PerformanceStatistics
- frameTimes
: CC3ArrayNodeAnimation
- freezeAllInanimatesOnTrack:
: CC3Node
, CC3Node(Animation)
- freezeIfInanimateOnTrack:
: CC3Node(Animation)
, CC3Node
- fromTrackID
: CC3ActionAnimationCrossFade
- frustum
: CC3Frustum
, CC3Camera
- fullDescription
: CC3GLSLVariable
, CC3PerformanceStatistics
, <CC3ParticleProtocol>
, CC3ShaderContext
, <CC3Object>
, CC3SkinSection
, CC3NodeVisitor
, CC3Rotator
, CC3BoundingVolume
, CC3Identifiable
, CC3NodeSequencer
, CC3ShaderProgram