Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- d -
- d
: CC3Plane
- data
: CC3DataReader
- dataArrayWithElementSize:
: CC3DataArray
- deallocateCenters
: CC3FaceArray
- deallocateDeformedVertexLocations
: CC3DeformedFaceArray
- deallocateFrameTimes
: CC3ArrayNodeAnimation
- deallocateIndices
: CC3FaceArray
- deallocateLocations
: CC3ArrayNodeAnimation
- deallocateNeighbours
: CC3FaceArray
- deallocateNormals
: CC3FaceArray
- deallocatePlanes
: CC3FaceArray
- deallocateQuaternions
: CC3ArrayNodeAnimation
- deallocateScales
: CC3ArrayNodeAnimation
- deallocateStripLengths
: CC3DrawableVertexArray
- decalOffsetFactor
: CC3Node
- decalOffsetUnits
: CC3Node
- defaultBlendFunc
: CC3Material
- defaultBoundingVolume
: CC3Node
- defaultCamera
: CC3NodeVisitor
- defaultExpectsVerticallyFlippedTextures
: CC3VertexTextureCoordinates
, CC3NodesResource
, CC3Resource
- defaultFrameBuffer
: CCGLView(CC3)
- defaultRenderSurface
: CC3NodeDrawingVisitor
, CC3NodePickingVisitor
- defaultSemantic
: CC3VertexArray
- defaultSemanticDelegateClass
: CC3PFXResource
- defaultShaderPreamble
: CC3Shader
, CC3OpenGL
- defaultShaderPreambleString
: CC3Shader
- defaultShouldAllowDefaultVariableValues
: CC3ShaderProgram
- defaultShouldFlipHorizontallyOnLoad
: CC3Texture
, CC3Texture2D
, CC3TextureCube
- defaultShouldFlipVerticallyOnLoad
: CC3Texture
, CC3Texture2D
, CC3TextureCube
- defaultShouldFreezeInanimateNodes
: CC3NodesResource
- defaultShouldSwapYZ
: CC3CAFResource
- defaultTextureParameters
: CC3Texture
- defaultVisible
: CC3ShadowVolumeMeshNode
- deformedFaceAt:
: CC3MeshNode(Skinning)
, CC3MeshNode
- deformedFaceCenterAt:
: CC3MeshNode(Skinning)
, CC3MeshNode
- deformedFaceNormalAt:
: CC3MeshNode(Skinning)
, CC3MeshNode
- deformedFacePlaneAt:
: CC3MeshNode(Skinning)
, CC3MeshNode
- deformedVertexLocationAt:
: CC3SkinSection
- deformedVertexLocationAt:fromFaceAt:
: CC3DeformedFaceArray
, CC3MeshNode(Skinning)
, CC3MeshNode
- deformedVertexLocations
: CC3DeformedFaceArray
- delegate
: CC3OpenGL
- deleteBoundingVolumes
: CC3Node
- deleteBuffer:
: CC3OpenGL
- deleteFactory
: CC3ModelSampleFactory
- deleteFramebuffer:
: CC3OpenGL
- deleteGLBuffer
: CC3VertexArray
- deleteGLBuffers
: CC3Mesh
, CC3Node
- deleteImageData
: CCTexture(CC3)
, CC3Texture2DContent
- deleteRenderbuffer:
: CC3OpenGL
- deleteShader:
: CC3OpenGL
- deleteShaderProgram:
: CC3OpenGL
- deleteTexture:
: CC3OpenGL
- deletionDelay
: CC3OpenGL
- deltaFrameTime
: CC3Scene
- deltaTime
: CC3NodeUpdatingVisitor
, CC3NodeDrawingVisitor
- density
: CC3Fog
- depthAttachment
: <CC3RenderSurface>
, CC3SurfaceSection
, CC3GLFramebuffer
- depthBuffer
: CCGLView(CC3)
- depthFormat
: CC3ViewSurfaceManager
- depthFunction
: CC3Node
- depthTexelFormat
: CC3ViewSurfaceManager
- depthTexelType
: CC3ViewSurfaceManager
- depthTexture
: CC3GLFramebuffer
- deriveNameFrom:
: CC3Identifiable
- deriveNameFrom:usingSuffix:
: CC3Identifiable
- deriveNameFromFramebuffer:asAttachment:
: <CC3FramebufferAttachment>
- describeAnimationStateForFrames:
: CC3Node(Animation)
, CC3Node
- describeAnimationStateForFrames:fromTime:toTime:
: CC3Node(Animation)
, CC3Node
- describeCurrentAnimationState
: CC3Node(Animation)
, CC3Node
- describeCurrentState
: CC3NodeAnimationState
- describeElements:
: CC3VertexArray
- describeElements:startingAt:
: CC3VertexArray
- describeStateForFrames:
: CC3NodeAnimationState
- describeStateForFrames:fromTime:toTime:
: CC3NodeAnimationState
- describeVertices
: CC3VertexArray
- describeVertices:
: CC3VertexArray
- describeVertices:startingAt:
: CC3VertexArray
- descriptorFontSize
: CC3Node
- descriptorNode
: CC3Node
- destinationBlend
: CC3Material
- destinationBlendAlpha
: CC3Material
- destinationBlendRGB
: CC3Material
- detachShader:fromShaderProgram:
: CC3OpenGL
- deviceOrientation
: CCDirector(CC3)
- deviceScaleFactor
: CC3Billboard
- didTerminateOpenGL
: <CC3OpenGLDelegate>
- diffuseColor
: CC3Material
, CC3LightProbe
, CC3Light
, CC3MeshNode
, CC3Node
- direction
: CC3Ray
- directionMarkerColor
: CC3Node
- directionMarkerMinimumLength
: CC3DirectionMarkerNode
- directionMarkers
: CC3Node
- directionMarkerScale
: CC3DirectionMarkerNode
- directory
: CC3Resource
- disable
: CC3NodeAnimationState
- disableAllAnimation
: CC3Node(Animation)
, CC3Node
- disableAllAnimationOnTrack:
: CC3Node(Animation)
, CC3Node
- disableAllLocationAnimation
: CC3Node(Animation)
, CC3Node
- disableAllQuaternionAnimation
: CC3Node
, CC3Node(Animation)
- disableAllScaleAnimation
: CC3Node(Animation)
, CC3Node
- disableAnimation
: CC3Node(Animation)
, CC3Node
- disableAnimationOnTrack:
: CC3Node(Animation)
, CC3Node
- disableLocationAnimation
: CC3Node
, CC3Node(Animation)
- disableQuaternionAnimation
: CC3Node(Animation)
, CC3Node
- disableReservedLightsWithVisitor:
: CC3Light
- disableScaleAnimation
: CC3Node(Animation)
, CC3Node
- disableTexturingAt:
: CC3OpenGL
- disableTexturingFrom:
: CC3OpenGL
- disableUnusedTextureUnits
: CC3NodeDrawingVisitor
- discard:attachments:fromFramebuffer:
: CC3OpenGL
- dispatchPickedNode
: CC3TouchedNodePicker
- dispersionAngle
: CC3HoseParticleNavigator
, CC3PointParticleHoseEmitterDeprecated
- displayLinkTime
: CCDirector(CC3)
- displayNodeColor
: CC3NodeBoundingVolume
- displayNodeOpacity
: CC3NodeBoundingVolume
- distance
: CC3MeshIntersection
- doesContainShadows
: CC3Scene
- doesIntersect:
: CC3BoundingVolume
, CC3NodeSphericalBoundingVolume
, CC3NodeTighteningBoundingVolumeSequence
, CC3NodeInfiniteBoundingVolume
, CC3NodeNullBoundingVolume
, CC3NodeCenterOfGeometryBoundingVolume
- doesIntersectBoundingVolume:
: CC3Node
- doesIntersectBounds:
: CC3Billboard
, CC3NodeBoundingArea
- doesIntersectConvexHullOf:planes:
: CC3BoundingVolume
- doesIntersectConvexHullOf:planes:from:
: CC3NodeNullBoundingVolume
, CC3NodeTighteningBoundingVolumeSequence
, CC3BoundingVolume
, CC3NodeCenterOfGeometryBoundingVolume
, CC3NodeSphericalBoundingVolume
, CC3NodeInfiniteBoundingVolume
- doesIntersectFrustum:
: CC3Node
, CC3NodeBoundingVolume
- doesIntersectGlobalRay:
: CC3Node
- doesIntersectLocation:
: CC3NodeSphericalBoundingVolume
, CC3NodeTighteningBoundingVolumeSequence
, CC3NodeInfiniteBoundingVolume
, CC3NodeNullBoundingVolume
, CC3NodeCenterOfGeometryBoundingVolume
, CC3BoundingVolume
- doesIntersectNode:
: CC3Node
- doesIntersectPointAt:
: CC3Frustum
- doesIntersectRay:
: CC3NodeTighteningBoundingVolumeSequence
, CC3NodeNullBoundingVolume
, CC3NodeSphericalBoundingVolume
, CC3NodeCenterOfGeometryBoundingVolume
, CC3BoundingVolume
, CC3NodeInfiniteBoundingVolume
- doesIntersectSphere:
: CC3BoundingVolume
- doesIntersectSphere:from:
: CC3BoundingVolume
, CC3NodeInfiniteBoundingVolume
, CC3NodeNullBoundingVolume
, CC3NodeSphericalBoundingVolume
, CC3NodeTighteningBoundingVolumeSequence
, CC3NodeCenterOfGeometryBoundingVolume
- doesIntersectSphereAt:withRadius:
: CC3Frustum
- doNotBufferVertexBitangents
: CC3Node
, CC3Mesh
- doNotBufferVertexBoneIndices
: CC3Node
, CC3Mesh
- doNotBufferVertexBoneWeights
: CC3Node
, CC3Mesh
- doNotBufferVertexColors
: CC3Mesh
, CC3Node
- doNotBufferVertexContent
: CC3Node
, CC3Mesh
- doNotBufferVertexIndices
: CC3Mesh
, CC3Node
- doNotBufferVertexLocations
: CC3Mesh
, CC3Node
- doNotBufferVertexNormals
: CC3Node
, CC3Mesh
- doNotBufferVertexPointSizes
: CC3Mesh
, CC3PointParticleEmitter
, CC3Node
- doNotBufferVertexTangents
: CC3Mesh
, CC3Node
- doNotBufferVertexTextureCoordinates
: CC3Mesh
, CC3Node
- draw2dWithinBounds:withRenderer:withVisitor:
: CC3Billboard
- draw:
: CC3NodeDrawingVisitor
- drawBackdropWithVisitor:
: CC3Scene
- drawFrom:forCount:withVisitor:
: CC3DrawableVertexArray
, CC3Mesh
- drawIndicies:ofLength:andType:as:
: CC3OpenGL
- drawingCallsMade
: CC3PerformanceStatistics
- drawingMode
: CC3MeshNode
, CC3Mesh
, CC3DrawableVertexArray
- drawingSequencer
: CC3Scene
- drawingSequenceVisitor
: CC3Scene
- drawingVisitor
: CC3ShaderPrewarmer
- drawSceneContentForEnvironmentMapWithVisitor:
: CC3Scene
- drawSceneContentWithVisitor:
: CC3Scene
- drawSceneWithVisitor:
: CC3Scene
- drawShadowsWithVisitor:
: CC3Light
, CC3Scene
- drawToStencilWithVisitor:
: CC3ShadowVolumeMeshNode
- drawVerticesOfMesh:withVisitor:
: CC3SkinSection
- drawVerticiesAs:startingAt:withLength:
: CC3OpenGL
- drawWithVisitor:
: CC3Material
, CC3Mesh
, CC3DrawableVertexArray
, CC3Texture
, CC3MeshNode
, CC3Node
- dumpTextureBindings
: CC3OpenGL