Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- t -
- tag
: CC3Identifiable
- tagColorShift
: CC3NodePickingVisitor
- tangentAt:
: CC3VertexTangents
- target
: CC3Node
, CC3Rotator
, CC3TargettingRotator
- targetCC3Node
: CCAction(CC3)
- targetDirection
: CC3ActionMoveDirectionallyBy
- targetLocation
: CC3Node
, CC3Rotator
, CC3TargettingRotator
- targettingConstraint
: CC3Node
, CC3Rotator
, CC3TargettingRotator
- templateMesh
: <CC3MeshParticleProtocol>
- terminatedLines
: NSString(CC3)
- terminateOpenGL
: CC3OpenGL
- tessellation
: CC3BitmapLabelNode
- texCoord
: CC3TexturedVertex
- texCoord2FAt:
: CC3VertexTextureCoordinates
- textAlignment
: CC3BitmapLabelNode
- texture
: CC3PFXEffectTexture
, CC3Material
, CC3Texture
, CC3TextureUnitTexture
, CC3EnvironmentNode
, CC3MeshNode
, CC3Node
, CC3TextureFramebufferAttachment
- texture2DCount
: CC3ShaderProgram
- texture2DStart
: CC3ShaderProgram
- textureAtIndex:
: CC3PODResource
- textureCoordinatesArrayCount
: CC3Mesh
- textureCoordinatesForTextureUnit:
: CC3Mesh
- textureCount
: CC3PODResource
, CC3Material
, CC3MeshNode
, CC3NodeVisitor
- textureCube
: CC3Material
- textureCubeColoredForAxes
: CC3Texture
- textureCubeCount
: CC3ShaderProgram
- textureCubeFromFilePattern:
: CC3Texture
- textureCubeFromFilesPosX:negX:posY:negY:posZ:negZ:
: CC3Texture
- textureCubeStart
: CC3ShaderProgram
- textureCubeWithColorPixelFormat:andColorPixelType:andDepthAttachment:
: CC3EnvironmentMapTexture
- textureCubeWithDepthAttachment:
: CC3EnvironmentMapTexture
- textureCubeWithPixelFormat:andPixelType:
: CC3Texture
- textureCubeWithPixelFormat:withPixelType:
: CC3Texture
- textureCubeWithSideLength:
: CC3EnvironmentMapTexture
- textureCubeWithSideLength:withColorPixelFormat:withColorPixelType:withDepthAttachment:
: CC3EnvironmentMapTexture
- textureCubeWithSideLength:withDepthAttachment:
: CC3EnvironmentMapTexture
- textureCubeWithSideLength:withDepthFormat:
: CC3EnvironmentMapTexture
- textureCubeWithSideLength:withPixelFormat:withPixelType:
: CC3Texture
- textureCubeWithSize:andPixelFormat:andPixelType:
: CC3Texture
- texturedTeapotMesh
: CC3ModelSampleFactory
- textureEnvironmentMode
: CC3TextureUnit
, CC3ConfigurableTextureUnit
- textureForTextureUnit:
: CC3Material
, CC3MeshNode
- textureFromCC3Texture:
: CC3Texture2DContent
- textureFromFile:
: CC3Texture
- textureID
: CC3PVRTextureContent
, CC3Texture
- textureLightProbeCount
: CC3ShaderProgram
- textureLightProbeStart
: CC3ShaderProgram
- textureNameFromFilePath:
: CC3Texture
- textureParameters
: CC3Texture
- texturePODStructAtIndex:
: CC3PODResource
- textureRectangle
: CC3Mesh
, CC3VertexTextureCoordinates
, CC3MeshNode
, CC3MeshParticle
- textureRectangleForTextureUnit:
: CC3Mesh
, CC3MeshNode
- textures
: CC3PFXEffect
, CC3PODResource
- texturesAreLoadedUpsideDown
: CCTexture(CC3)
- textureSize
: CC3BitmapFontConfiguration
- textureTarget
: CC3Texture
- textureUnit
: CC3Texture
, CC3TextureUnitTexture
, CC3TextureUnit
- textureUnitIndex
: CC3PFXEffectTexture
, CC3Billboard
- textureWithCCTexture:
: CC3Texture
- textureWithCGImage:
: CC3Texture
- textureWithPixelFormat:andPixelType:
: CC3Texture
- textureWithPixelFormat:withPixelType:
: CC3Texture
- textureWithSize:andPixelFormat:andPixelType:
: CC3Texture
- textureWithSize:withColor:
: CC3Texture2DContent
, CC3Texture
- textureWithSize:withPixelFormat:withPixelType:
: CC3Texture
- textureWithTexture:
: CC3TextureUnitTexture
- timeAtFrame:
: CC3NodeAnimation
- timeToLive
: <CC3MortalParticleProtocol>
- top
: CC3Frustum
- topLeft
: CC3CameraShadowVolume
- topPlane
: CC3Frustum
, CC3CameraShadowVolume
- topRight
: CC3CameraShadowVolume
- totalIllumination
: CC3Scene
- toTrackID
: CC3ActionAnimationCrossFade
- touchableNode
: CC3Node
- touchDisableAll
: CC3Node
- touchedNodePicker
: CC3Scene
- touchEnableAll
: CC3Node
- touchEnabled
: CCNode(CC3)
, CC3Node
- touchEvent:at:
: CC3Scene
- touchPoint
: CC3TouchedNodePicker
- trackID
: CC3ActionEnableAnimationTrack
, CC3ActionDisableAnimationTrack
, CC3ActionAnimate
, CC3ActionAnimationBlendingFadeTrackTo
, CC3ActionAnimationBlendingSetTrackTo
, CC3NodeAnimationState
- trackTargetWithVisitor:
: CC3Node
- transform:translateBy:rotateBy:scaleBy:
: CC3GLMatrixDeprecated
- transformAndDrawWithVisitor:
: CC3Node
- transformDirection:
: CC3Rotator
, CC3GLMatrixDeprecated
, CC3Matrix
- transformDirection:withMatrix:
: CC3GLMatrixDeprecated
- transformGlobalLocationToEyeSpace:
: CC3NodeDrawingVisitor
- transformGlobalLocationToModelSpace:
: CC3NodeDrawingVisitor
- transformHomogeneousVector:
: CC3GLMatrixDeprecated
, CC3Matrix
, CC3LinearMatrix
- transformHomogeneousVector:withMatrix:
: CC3GLMatrixDeprecated
- transformListeners
: CC3Node
, CC3NodeTransformListeners
- transformLocation:
: CC3LinearMatrix
, CC3GLMatrixDeprecated
, CC3Matrix
- transformLocation:withMatrix:
: CC3GLMatrixDeprecated
- transformMatrix
: CC3SkinnedBone
- transformMatrixForBoneAt:
: CC3SkinSection
- transformRay:
: CC3GLMatrixDeprecated
, CC3Matrix
- transformRay:withMatrix:
: CC3GLMatrixDeprecated
- transformVertexColors
: CC3MeshParticle
- transformVertices
: <CC3MeshParticleProtocol>
, CC3MeshParticle
- translate:by:
: CC3GLMatrixDeprecated
- translate:byX:
: CC3GLMatrixDeprecated
- translate:byY:
: CC3GLMatrixDeprecated
- translate:byZ:
: CC3GLMatrixDeprecated
- translateBy:
: CC3Matrix
, CC3Node
, CC3GLMatrixDeprecated
, CC3MeshParticle
- translateBy:rotateBy:scaleBy:
: CC3GLMatrixDeprecated
- translateByX:
: CC3GLMatrixDeprecated
- translateByY:
: CC3GLMatrixDeprecated
- translateByZ:
: CC3GLMatrixDeprecated
- transpose
: CC3AffineMatrix
, CC3GLMatrixDeprecated
, CC3Matrix
- transpose:
: CC3GLMatrixDeprecated
- turnOffWithVisitor:
: CC3Light
- turnOnWithVisitor:
: CC3Light
- type
: CC3GLSLUniform
, CC3GLSLVariable
, CC3GLSLAttribute
- typeName
: CC3Cache
- typeStorageElementCount
: CC3GLSLVariable