Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- s -
- samplerSemantic
: CC3Texture
- saveAnimationToFile:
: CC3PODResource
- saveToFile:
: CC3Resource
, CC3PODResource
- scale
: CC3ScalableMeshParticle
, CC3FrozenNodeAnimation
, CC3NodeAnimationState
, CC3Node
- scale:by:
: CC3GLMatrixDeprecated
- scale:byX:
: CC3GLMatrixDeprecated
- scale:byY:
: CC3GLMatrixDeprecated
- scale:byZ:
: CC3GLMatrixDeprecated
- scale:uniformlyBy:
: CC3GLMatrixDeprecated
- scaleBy:
: CC3GLMatrixDeprecated
, CC3Matrix
, CC3NodeBoundingVolume
- scaleByX:
: CC3GLMatrixDeprecated
- scaleByY:
: CC3GLMatrixDeprecated
- scaleByZ:
: CC3GLMatrixDeprecated
- scaleUniformlyBy:
: CC3GLMatrixDeprecated
- scene
: CC3Node
, CC3NodeVisitor
, CC3NodeSequencerVisitor
, CC3Scene
- scheduleUpdate
: CCNode(CC3)
- scope
: CC3GLSLVariable
- selectShaderProgram
: CC3MeshNode
- selectShaders
: CC3Node
- semantic
: CC3GLSLVariableConfiguration
, CC3VertexArray
, CC3VertexAttr
, CC3GLSLVariable
- semanticDelegate
: <CC3ShaderMatcher>
, CC3ShaderProgram
- semanticDelegateClass
: CC3PFXResource
- semanticForPFXSemanticName:
: CC3PFXShaderSemantics
, CC3PVRShamanShaderSemantics
- semanticForPVRShamanSemanticName:
: CC3PVRShamanShaderSemantics
- semanticIndex
: CC3GLSLVariable
, CC3GLSLVariableConfiguration
- semanticsDelegate
: CC3ShaderSemanticsBase
- sequencer
: CC3NodeSequencer
- sequencerLocalContentOpaqueFirst
: CC3BTreeNodeSequencer
- sequencerLocalContentOpaqueFirstGroupMeshes
: CC3BTreeNodeSequencer
- sequencerLocalContentOpaqueFirstGroupTextures
: CC3BTreeNodeSequencer
- sequencers
: CC3BTreeNodeSequencer
- sequencerWithEvaluator:
: CC3NodeSequencer
- setAlphaFunc:reference:
: CC3OpenGL
- setAnimationBlendingWeight:onTrack:
: CC3Node(Animation)
, CC3Node
- setAutoOrthonormalizeCount:
: CC3MutableRotator
- setBlendFuncSrc:dst:
: CC3OpenGL
- setBlendFuncSrcRGB:dstRGB:srcAlpha:dstAlpha:
: CC3OpenGL
- setBoneIndex:forBoneInfluence:at:
: CC3VertexBoneIndices
- setBoneIndices:at:
: CC3VertexBoneIndices
- setBoneWeights:at:
: CC3VertexBoneWeights
- setBoolean:
: CC3GLSLUniform
- setBoolean:at:
: CC3GLSLUniform
- setBooleanVectorX:andY:
: CC3GLSLUniform
- setBooleanVectorX:andY:andZ:
: CC3GLSLUniform
- setBooleanVectorX:andY:andZ:andW:
: CC3GLSLUniform
- setBooleanVectorX:andY:andZ:andW:at:
: CC3GLSLUniform
- setBooleanVectorX:andY:andZ:at:
: CC3GLSLUniform
- setBooleanVectorX:andY:at:
: CC3GLSLUniform
- setClearColor:
: CC3OpenGL
- setClearDepth:
: CC3OpenGL
- setClearStencil:
: CC3OpenGL
- setCocos3dResourcesBundlePath:
: NSBundle(CC3)
- setColor4B:
: CC3GLSLUniform
- setColor4B:at:
: CC3VertexColors
, CC3GLSLUniform
- setColor4F:
: CC3GLSLUniform
- setColor4F:at:
: CC3VertexColors
, CC3GLSLUniform
- setColor:
: CC3OpenGL
- setColorMask:
: CC3OpenGL
- setCullFace:
: CC3OpenGL
- setDebugLabel:forBuffer:
: CC3OpenGL
- setDebugLabel:forFramebuffer:
: CC3OpenGL
- setDebugLabel:forObject:ofType:
: CC3OpenGL
- setDebugLabel:forRenderbuffer:
: CC3OpenGL
- setDebugLabel:forShader:
: CC3OpenGL
- setDebugLabel:forShaderProgram:
: CC3OpenGL
- setDebugLabel:forTexture:
: CC3OpenGL
- setDebugLabel:forVertexArray:
: CC3OpenGL
- setDefaultBlendFunc:
: CC3Material
- setDefaultExpectsVerticallyFlippedTextures:
: CC3VertexTextureCoordinates
, CC3NodesResource
, CC3Resource
- setDefaultScaleTolerance:
: CC3Node
- setDefaultSemanticDelegateClass:
: CC3PFXResource
- setDefaultShouldAllowDefaultVariableValues:
: CC3ShaderProgram
- setDefaultShouldFlipHorizontallyOnLoad:
: CC3Texture
, CC3Texture2D
, CC3TextureCube
- setDefaultShouldFlipVerticallyOnLoad:
: CC3Texture
, CC3Texture2D
, CC3TextureCube
- setDefaultShouldFreezeInanimateNodes:
: CC3NodesResource
- setDefaultShouldSwapYZ:
: CC3CAFResource
- setDefaultTextureParameters:
: CC3Texture
- setDefaultVisible:
: CC3ShadowVolumeMeshNode
- setDelegate:
: CC3OpenGL
- setDepthFunc:
: CC3OpenGL
- setDepthMask:
: CC3OpenGL
- setDescriptorFontSize:
: CC3Node
- setDirectionMarkerColor:
: CC3Node
- setDirectionMarkerMinimumLength:
: CC3DirectionMarkerNode
- setDirectionMarkerScale:
: CC3DirectionMarkerNode
- setFloat:
: CC3GLSLUniform
- setFloat:at:
: CC3GLSLUniform
- setFogColor:
: CC3OpenGL
- setFogDensity:
: CC3OpenGL
- setFogEnd:
: CC3OpenGL
- setFogHint:
: CC3OpenGL
- setFogMode:
: CC3OpenGL
- setFogStart:
: CC3OpenGL
- setFrontFace:
: CC3OpenGL
- setGenerateMipmapHint:
: CC3OpenGL
- setHomogeneousLocation:at:
: CC3VertexLocations
- setIndex:at:
: CC3VertexIndices
- setInteger:
: CC3GLSLUniform
- setInteger:at:
: CC3GLSLUniform
- setInterpolationEpsilon:
: CC3NodeAnimation
- setIntPoint:
: CC3GLSLUniform
- setIntPoint:at:
: CC3GLSLUniform
- setIntVector4:
: CC3GLSLUniform
- setIntVector4:at:
: CC3GLSLUniform
- setIntVector:
: CC3GLSLUniform
- setIntVector:at:
: CC3GLSLUniform
- setIsPreloading:
: CC3Texture
, CC3Resource
, CC3Shader
, CC3ShaderProgram
, CC3ShaderSourceCode
- setLightAmbientColor:at:
: CC3OpenGL
- setLightAttenuation:at:
: CC3OpenGL
- setLightDiffuseColor:at:
: CC3OpenGL
- setLightPoolStartIndex:
: CC3Light
- setLightPosition:at:
: CC3OpenGL
- setLightSpecularColor:at:
: CC3OpenGL
- setLineSmoothingHint:
: CC3OpenGL
- setLineWidth:
: CC3OpenGL
- setLocalContentWireframeBoxColor:
: CC3LocalContentNode
- setLocation:at:
: CC3VertexLocations
- setMaterialAmbientColor:
: CC3OpenGL
- setMaterialDiffuseColor:
: CC3OpenGL
- setMaterialEmissionColor:
: CC3OpenGL
- setMaterialShininess:
: CC3OpenGL
- setMaterialSpecularColor:
: CC3OpenGL
- setMatrix3x3:
: CC3GLSLUniform
- setMatrix3x3:at:
: CC3GLSLUniform
- setMatrix4x3:
: CC3GLSLUniform
- setMatrix4x3:at:
: CC3GLSLUniform
- setMatrix4x4:
: CC3GLSLUniform
- setMatrix4x4:at:
: CC3GLSLUniform
- setMatrixIndex:forVertexUnit:at:
: CC3VertexBoneIndices
- setMatrixIndices:at:
: CC3VertexBoneIndices
- setName:
: CCTexture(CC3)
- setNormal:at:
: CC3VertexNormals
- setOpOnStencilFail:onDepthFail:onDepthPass:
: CC3OpenGL
- setParticleSize:at:
: CC3PointParticleEmitter
, CC3PointParticleMesh
- setParticleTemplate:
: CC3MeshParticleEmitter
- setPerspectiveCorrectionHint:
: CC3OpenGL
- setPixelPackingAlignment:
: CC3OpenGL
- setPixelUnpackingAlignment:
: CC3OpenGL
- setPoint:
: CC3GLSLUniform
- setPoint:at:
: CC3GLSLUniform
- setPointSize:
: CC3OpenGL
- setPointSize:at:
: CC3VertexPointSizes
- setPointSizeAttenuation:
: CC3OpenGL
- setPointSizeFadeThreshold:
: CC3OpenGL
- setPointSizeMaximum:
: CC3OpenGL
- setPointSizeMinimum:
: CC3OpenGL
- setPointSmoothingHint:
: CC3OpenGL
- setPolygonOffsetFactor:units:
: CC3OpenGL
- setProgramMatcher:
: CC3ShaderProgram
- setQuaternion:
: CC3GLSLUniform
- setQuaternion:at:
: CC3GLSLUniform
- setSceneAmbientLightColor:
: CC3OpenGL
- setScissor:
: CC3OpenGL
- setShadeModel:
: CC3OpenGL
- setShaderMatcher:
: CC3ShaderProgram
- setShaderProgramUniformValue:
: CC3OpenGL
- setShininessExpansionFactor:
: CC3PODMaterial
- setShouldAutomaticallyPreloadMatchingPureColorPrograms:
: CC3ShaderProgram
- setShouldCacheAssociatedCCTextures:
: CC3Texture
- setShouldGenerateMipmaps:
: CC3Texture
- setSkeletalBoundingVolume:
: CC3Node(Skinning)
, CC3Node
- setSourceCodeSubsectionClass:
: CC3ShaderSourceCode
- setSpotlightCutoffAngle:at:
: CC3OpenGL
- setSpotlightDirection:at:
: CC3OpenGL
- setSpotlightFadeExponent:at:
: CC3OpenGL
- setStencilFunc:reference:mask:
: CC3OpenGL
- setStencilMask:
: CC3OpenGL
- setTangent:at:
: CC3VertexTangents
- setTexCoord2F:at:
: CC3VertexTextureCoordinates
- setTexture:forTextureUnit:
: CC3Material
, CC3MeshNode
- setTextureCoordinates:forTextureUnit:
: CC3Mesh
- setTextureEnvColor:at:
: CC3OpenGL
- setTextureEnvMode:at:
: CC3OpenGL
- setTextureHorizWrapFunc:inTarget:at:
: CC3OpenGL
- setTextureMagnifyFunc:inTarget:at:
: CC3OpenGL
- setTextureMinifyFunc:inTarget:at:
: CC3OpenGL
- setTextureRectangle:forTextureUnit:
: CC3Mesh
, CC3MeshNode
, CC3MeshParticle
- setTextureVertWrapFunc:inTarget:at:
: CC3OpenGL
- setValueFromUniform:
: CC3GLSLUniform
- setVector4:
: CC3GLSLUniform
- setVector4:at:
: CC3GLSLUniform
- setVector:
: CC3GLSLUniform
- setVector:at:
: CC3GLSLUniform
- setVertexBitangent:at:
: CC3Mesh
, CC3MeshNode
- setVertexBoneIndex:forBoneInfluence:at:
: CC3Mesh
, CC3MeshNode
- setVertexBoneIndices:at:
: CC3Mesh
, CC3MeshNode
- setVertexBoneWeights:at:
: CC3Mesh
, CC3MeshNode
- setVertexColor4B:at:
: CC3Mesh
, CC3MeshNode
, CC3MeshParticle
- setVertexColor4F:at:
: CC3Mesh
, CC3MeshNode
, CC3MeshParticle
- setVertexHomogeneousLocation:at:
: CC3Mesh
, CC3MeshNode
, CC3MeshParticle
- setVertexIndex:at:
: CC3Mesh
, CC3MeshNode
, CC3MeshParticle
- setVertexLocation:at:
: CC3Mesh
, CC3MeshNode
, CC3MeshParticle
- setVertexMatrixIndex:forVertexUnit:at:
: CC3Mesh
, CC3MeshNode
- setVertexMatrixIndices:at:
: CC3Mesh
, CC3MeshNode
- setVertexNormal:at:
: CC3Mesh
, CC3MeshNode
, CC3MeshParticle
- setVertexPointSize:at:
: CC3Mesh
- setVertexTangent:at:
: CC3Mesh
, CC3MeshNode
- setVertexTexCoord2F:at:
: CC3Mesh
, CC3MeshNode
, CC3MeshParticle
- setVertexTexCoord2F:at:forTextureUnit:
: CC3Mesh
, CC3MeshNode
- setVertexTexCoord2F:forTextureUnit:at:
: CC3MeshNode
, CC3MeshParticle
, CC3Mesh
- setVertexWeight:forBoneInfluence:at:
: CC3Mesh
, CC3MeshNode
- setVertexWeight:forVertexUnit:at:
: CC3Mesh
, CC3MeshNode
- setVertexWeights:at:
: CC3Mesh
, CC3MeshNode
- setViewport:
: CC3OpenGL
- setWeight:forBoneInfluence:at:
: CC3VertexBoneWeights
- setWeight:forVertexUnit:at:
: CC3VertexBoneWeights
- setWeights:at:
: CC3VertexBoneWeights
- setWireframeBoxColor:
: CC3Node
- shaderContext
: CC3MeshNode
, CC3Node
- shaderFromPFXShader:inPFXResource:
: CC3Shader
, CC3Shader(PFXEffects)
- shaderFromSourceCodeFile:
: CC3Shader
- shaderID
: CC3Shader
- shaderMatcher
: CC3ShaderProgram
- shaderNameFromFilePath:
: CC3Shader
- shaderPreamble
: CC3Shader
- shaderPreambleString
: CC3Shader
- shaderProgram
: CC3MeshNode
, CC3Node
, CC3PFXEffect
- shaderProgramPrewarmer
: CC3OpenGL
- shaderSourceCodeFromFile:
: CC3ShaderSourceCode
- shaderSourceCodeNameFromFilePath:
: CC3ShaderSourceCode
- shaderSourceCodeWithName:fromSourceCodeString:
: CC3ShaderSourceCode
- shaderType
: CC3Shader
- shaderWithName:fromSourceCode:
: CC3Shader
- shadowCastingVolume
: CC3Light
- shadowExpansionLimitFactor
: CC3Node(ShadowVolumes)
, CC3Node
- shadowIntensityFactor
: CC3Light
- shadowLagCount
: CC3Node(ShadowVolumes)
, CC3Node
- shadowLagFactor
: CC3Node(ShadowVolumes)
, CC3Node
- shadowOffsetFactor
: CC3Node(ShadowVolumes)
, CC3Node
- shadowOffsetUnits
: CC3Node(ShadowVolumes)
, CC3Node
- shadows
: CC3Light
- shadowVisitor
: CC3Scene
- shadowVolumes
: CC3Node(ShadowVolumes)
, CC3Node
- shadowVolumeVertexOffsetFactor
: CC3Node(ShadowVolumes)
, CC3Node
- sharedBackgrounder
: CC3Backgrounder
- sharedGL
: CC3OpenGL
- sharedViewSurfaceManager
: CC3ViewSurfaceManager
- shininess
: CC3Material
, CC3MeshNode
, CC3Node
- shininessExpansionFactor
: CC3PODMaterial
- shiny
: CC3Material
- shinyWhite
: CC3Material
- shouldAddShadowVolumeEndCapsOnlyWhenNeeded
: CC3Node
, CC3Node(ShadowVolumes)
- shouldAllowDefaultVariableValues
: CC3ShaderProgram
- shouldAllowTouchableWhenInvisible
: CC3Node
- shouldAllowVertexBuffering
: CC3VertexArray
- shouldAlwaysMeasureBillboardBoundingRect
: CC3Billboard
- shouldAlwaysMeasureParentBoundingBox
: CC3TouchBox
, CC3WireframeBoundingBoxNode
- shouldAlwaysUpdateViewport
: CC3Layer
- shouldApplyOpacityAndColorToMeshContent
: CC3Node
- shouldApplyOpacityToColor
: CC3Material
, CC3MeshNode
- shouldAutoBuild
: CC3PODResource
- shouldAutomaticallyPreloadMatchingPureColorPrograms
: CC3ShaderProgram
- shouldAutoremoveWhenEmpty
: CC3Node
- shouldAutotargetCamera
: CC3Rotator
, CC3Node
, CC3TargettingRotator
- shouldBindGLAttachments
: CC3GLFramebuffer
- shouldBlendAtFullOpacity
: CC3Material
, CC3Node
- shouldBuildFromMesh
: CC3NodeBoundingVolume
- shouldCacheAssociatedCCTextures
: CC3Texture
- shouldCacheFaces
: CC3Mesh
, CC3FaceArray
, CC3MeshNode
, CC3Node
- shouldCastShadows
: CC3Node
- shouldCastShadowsWhenInvisible
: CC3Node
, CC3Light
- shouldClearDepthBuffer
: CC3Scene
- shouldClipToViewport
: CC3Camera
- shouldCopyLightIndex
: CC3Light
- shouldCullBackFaces
: CC3Node
- shouldCullFrontFaces
: CC3Node
- shouldDecorateNode
: CC3NodeDrawingVisitor
- shouldDisableDepthMask
: CC3Node
- shouldDisableDepthTest
: CC3Node
- shouldDisplayPickingRender
: CC3Scene
- shouldDraw
: CC3NodeBoundingVolume
, CC3NodeNullBoundingVolume
, CC3NodeInfiniteBoundingVolume
- shouldDrawAllBoundingVolumes
: CC3Node
- shouldDrawAllDescriptors
: CC3Node
- shouldDrawAllLocalContentWireframeBoxes
: CC3Node
- shouldDrawAllWireframeBoxes
: CC3Node
- shouldDrawAs2DOverlay
: CC3Billboard
- shouldDrawBoundingVolume
: CC3Node
- shouldDrawDescriptor
: CC3Node
- shouldDrawInClipSpace
: CC3Node
- shouldDrawLocalContentWireframeBox
: CC3LocalContentNode
- shouldDrawLowAlpha
: CC3Material
, CC3MeshNode
- shouldDrawTerminator
: CC3ShadowVolumeMeshNode
- shouldDrawWireframeBox
: CC3Node
- shouldEnforceCustomOverrides
: CC3ShaderContext
- shouldEnforceVertexAttributes
: CC3ShaderContext
- shouldFlipHorizontallyOnLoad
: CC3Texture
, CC3PVRTexture
- shouldFlipVerticallyOnLoad
: CC3PVRTexture
, CC3Texture
- shouldFreezeInanimateNodes
: CC3NodesResource
- shouldGenerateMipmaps
: CC3Texture
- shouldIgnoreRayIntersection
: CC3BoundingVolume
, CC3Node
- shouldIncludeInDeepCopy
: CC3Identifiable
- shouldInheritTouchability
: CC3Node
- shouldInsertMeshNode:between:and:withVisitor:
: CC3MeshNodeArraySequencer
- shouldInsertNode:between:and:withVisitor:
: CC3NodeArraySequencer
- shouldInterleaveVertices
: CC3Mesh
- shouldInterpolate
: CC3NodeAnimation
- shouldLocalizeToStartingNode
: CC3NodeTransformingVisitor
- shouldLogIntersectionMisses
: CC3Node
, CC3BoundingVolume
- shouldLogIntersections
: CC3Node
, CC3BoundingVolume
- shouldMaximize
: CC3NodeBoundingVolume
- shouldMaximizeBillboardBoundingRect
: CC3Billboard
- shouldNormalize
: CC3VertexAttr
- shouldNormalizeContent
: CC3VertexArray
- shouldNormalizeParticleSizesToDevice
: CC3PointParticleEmitter
- shouldNormalizeScaleToDevice
: CC3Billboard
- shouldPrecalculateNozzleTangents
: CC3HoseParticleNavigator
, CC3PointParticleHoseEmitterDeprecated
- shouldPunctureFromInside
: CC3NodePuncturingVisitor
- shouldPunctureInvisibleNodes
: CC3NodePuncturingVisitor
- shouldReleaseRedundantContent
: CC3VertexArray
- shouldRemoveOnFinish
: CC3ParticleEmitter
- shouldRestoreTransforms
: CC3NodeTransformingVisitor
- shouldReverseForwardDirection
: CC3DirectionalRotator
- shouldRotateToTargetLocation
: CC3Rotator
, CC3TargettingRotator
- shouldRunTasksOnRequestingThread
: CC3Backgrounder
- shouldShadowBackFaces
: CC3Node(ShadowVolumes)
, CC3Node
- shouldShadowFrontFaces
: CC3Node
, CC3Node(ShadowVolumes)
- shouldSmoothLines
: CC3Node
- shouldSmoothPoints
: CC3PointParticleEmitter
- shouldStopActionsWhenRemoved
: CC3Node
- shouldSwapYZ
: CC3CAFResource
- shouldTrackTarget
: CC3TargettingRotator
, CC3Rotator
, CC3Node
- shouldTrackViewSize
: CC3Layer
- shouldTransformUnseenParticles
: CC3ParticleSystemBillboard
, CC3MeshParticleEmitter
- shouldUpdateParticlesAfterTransform
: CC3ParticleEmitter
- shouldUpdateParticlesBeforeTransform
: CC3ParticleEmitter
- shouldUpdateToTarget
: CC3TargettingRotator
, CC3Rotator
- shouldUpdateUnseenBillboard
: CC3Billboard
- shouldUseClockwiseFrontFaceWinding
: CC3Node
- shouldUseFixedBoundingVolume
: CC3Node
- shouldUseForFileExtension:
: CC3STBImage
- shouldUseLighting
: CC3MeshNode
, CC3Material
, CC3Node
- shouldUseLightProbes
: CC3Node
, CC3MeshNode
- shouldUseOnlyForwardDistance
: CC3NodeSequencer
- shouldUseSmoothShading
: CC3Node
- shouldUseStrongReferenceToTexture
: CC3TextureFramebufferAttachment
- shouldVisitChildren
: CC3NodeVisitor
- show
: CC3Node
- size
: CC3STBImage
, CC3Texture
, CC3PVRTextureContent
, CC3SurfaceManager
, <CC3UniformlyGrowingPointParticleProtocol>
, <CC3RenderSurfaceAttachment>
, CC3GLSLVariable
, <CC3RenderSurface>
, CC3GLRenderbuffer
, CC3SurfaceSection
, CC3Viewport
, CC3PointParticle
, CC3GLFramebuffer
- sizeVelocity
: <CC3UniformlyGrowingPointParticleProtocol>
- skeletalScale
: CC3Node
, CC3Node(Skinning)
- skeletalTransformMatrix
: CC3Bone
, CC3SkinMeshNode
- skeletalTransformMatrixInverted
: CC3SkinMeshNode
- skinMeshNodeClass
: CC3PODResource
- skinnedBoneWithSkin:onBone:
: CC3SkinnedBone
- skinNode
: CC3SkinnedBone
- skinSectionForFaceIndex:
: CC3SkinMeshNode
- skinSectionForNode:
: CC3SkinSection
- skinSectionForVertexIndexAt:
: CC3SkinMeshNode
- skinSectionFromBatchAtIndex:fromSPODMesh:forNode:
: CC3PODSkinSection
- skinSections
: CC3SkinMeshNode
- softBodyNode
: CC3Node
, CC3Node(Skinning)
- softBodyNodeClass
: CC3PODResource
- sourceBlend
: CC3Material
- sourceBlendAlpha
: CC3Material
- sourceBlendRGB
: CC3Material
- sourceCodeString
: CC3ShaderSourceCode
- sourceCodeSubsectionClass
: CC3ShaderSourceCode
- sourceCompilationStringCount
: CC3ShaderSourceCodeCompilationStringCountVisitor
- sourceCompilationStrings
: CC3ShaderSourceCodeCompilationStringVisitor
- sourceStringCount
: CC3ShaderSourceCode
- specularColor
: CC3MeshNode
, CC3Material
, CC3Light
, CC3Node
- sphere
: CC3NodeSphericalBoundingVolume
- sphericalBoundingVolume
: CC3NodeSphereThenBoxBoundingVolume
- sPODNodeDoesContainAnimation:
: CC3PODNodeAnimation
- spotCutoffAngle
: CC3Light
- spotExponent
: CC3Light
- sqGlobalPunctureDistance
: CC3NodePuncture
- startAnimation
: CC3ViewController
- startDistance
: CC3Fog
- startFrameIndex
: CC3NodeAnimationSegment
- startingNode
: CC3NodeVisitor
- startLocation
: CC3Ray
- startTime
: CC3NodeAnimationSegment
- statistics
: CC3PerformanceStatistics
- stencilAttachment
: CC3GLFramebuffer
, <CC3RenderSurface>
, CC3SurfaceSection
- stencilFormat
: CC3ViewSurfaceManager
- stencilledShadowPainter
: CC3Light
- stop
: CC3ParticleEmitter
- stopAction:
: CC3Node
- stopActionByTag:
: CC3Node
- stopAllActions
: CC3Node
- stopAnimation
: CC3ViewController
- storageElementCount
: CC3GLSLVariable
- stripCount
: CC3DrawableVertexArray
- stripLengths
: CC3DrawableVertexArray
- strongCacheForType:
: CC3Cache
- structuralNodeClass
: CC3PODResource
- structureDescription
: CC3Node
- subsections
: CC3ShaderSourceCode
- supportsExtension:
: CC3OpenGL
- surface
: CC3GLFramebuffer
- surfaceManager
: CC3NodeDrawingVisitor
, CC3Layer
, CC3SurfaceManager
- surfaceManagerClass
: CC3Layer
- surfaceOnSurface:
: CC3SurfaceSection
- surfaceWithFramebufferID:
: CC3GLFramebuffer